Simple WoW Interface Addon doesn't work (Lua) - interface

I'm trying to build a simple Hello World interface addon for World of Warcraft. But it won't work :/ Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Here is the HelloWorld.toc file:
## Interface: 60000
## Title: HelloWorld
## Notes: HelloWorld Addon
## Version: 1.0
Here is the HelloWorld.xml file:
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
<Script file= “HelloWorld.lua”/> <!-- wrong quotation here -->
<Frame name= “HelloWorldFrame”> <!-- and here (see answer)-->
And here is the HelloWorld.lua file:
function HelloWorld_OnLoad()
print("Hello World!");
If I start the game then I can see the "HelloWorld" addon in the list. But after I login with a character nothing happens.

Make sure you check all scripts for "wrong" quotation marks. Compilers or interpreters expect either " or ' (" in the case of Lua and files).
Many word processors or internet sites use different quotation marks because they "look better". But compilers aren't in it for the looks, they will not understand those better looking characters.


ERROR in There is a placeholder name mismatch with the translation provided

We use #angular/localize (Version 9.1.12) and have a problem with the placeholders in localized text.
E. g. we have:
$localize`:##form.hint:Some text ${name} in service.`;
$localize`:##form.hint:Some text ${name}:name: in service.`;
Because the localize text strings in typescript files aren't extracted we put these into a component template.
E. g.:
<p i18n="##form.hint">Some text {{ name }} in service.</p>
After execution of xi18n we get the messages.xlf (and files which contain the following:
<trans-unit id="form.hint" datatype="html">
<source>Some text <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ name }}"/> in service.</source>
<target state="new">Some text <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ name }}"/> in service.</target>
<context-group purpose="location">
<context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/translation/translation.component.html</context>
<context context-type="linenumber">207</context>
When we start the application with ng serve we get the following error:
ERROR in There is a placeholder name mismatch with the translation provided for the message "form.hint" ("Some text {$PH} in service.").
The translation contains a placeholder with name INTERPOLATION, which does not exist in the message.
The application does not work. After a restart the error does not occur and the application works. Nothing was changed before the restart.
We can work with a local restart but after each change of the messages.xlf files the error occurs again and we need two ci-builds on our build server to get a working installation on our test machine.
Any ideas what can be the cause of the placeholder mismatch?
For the current angular version (10.1.3) you need to opt in to extraction of translation tokens via ivy:
ng xi18n --ivy
The result will include texts from $localize.

Automatically create i18n directory for VSCode extension

I am trying to understand the workflow presented in for localizing Visual Studio Code extensions.
I cannot figure out how the i18n directory gets created to begin with, as well as how the set of string keys in that directory get maintained over time.
There is one line in the which says "You could have created this folder by hand, or you could have used the vscode-nls-dev tool to extract it." would one use vscode-nls-dev tool to extract it?
What I Understand
I understand that you can use vscode-nls, and wrap strings like this: localize("some.key", "My String") to pick up the localized version of that string at runtime.
I am pretty sure I understand that vscode-nls-dev is used at build time to substitute the content of files in the i18n directory into the transpiled JavaScript code, as well as creating files like out/extension.nls.ja.json
What is missing
Surely it is not expected that: for every file.ts file in your project you create an i18n/lang/out/file.i18n.json for every lang you support...and then keep the set of keys in that file up to date manually with every string change.
I am assuming that there is some process which automatically goes "are there any localize("key", "String") calls in file.ts for new keys not yet in file.i18n.json? If so, add those keys with some untranslated values". What is that process?
I have figured this out, referencing
This is built to work if you use Transifex for your translator. At the bare minimum you need to use .xlf files as your translation file format.
I think that this is best illustrated with an example, so lets say you wanted to get the sample project working after you had deleted the i18n folder
Step 1: Clone that project, and delete the i18n directory
Step 2: Modify the gulp file so that the compile function also generates nls metadata files in the out directory. Something like:
function compile(buildNls) {
var r = tsProject.src()
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.rewriteLocalizeCalls() : es.through())
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.createAdditionalLanguageFiles(languages, 'i18n', 'out') : es.through())
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.bundleMetaDataFiles('ms-vscode.node-debug2', 'out') : es.through())
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.bundleLanguageFiles() : es.through())
Step 3: Run the gulp build command. This will generate several necessary metadata files in the out/ directory
Step 4: Create and run a new gulp function to export the necessarry translations to the xlf file. Something like:
gulp.task('export-i18n', function() {
return gulp.src(['package.nls.json', 'out/nls.metadata.header.json', 'out/nls.metadata.json'])
.pipe(nls.createXlfFiles("vscode-extensions", "node-js-debug2"))
Step 5: Get the resulting xlf file translated. Or, add some dummy values. I cant find if/where there is documentation for the file format needed, but this worked for me (for the extension):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file original="package" source-language="en" target-language="ja" datatype="plaintext"><body>
<trans-unit id="extension.sayHello.title">
<source xml:lang="en">Hello</source>
<trans-unit id="extension.sayBye.title">
<source xml:lang="en">Bye</source>
<file original="out/extension" source-language="en" target-language="ja" datatype="plaintext"><body>
<trans-unit id="sayHello.text">
<source xml:lang="en">Hello</source>
<file original="out/command/sayBye" source-language="en" target-language="ja" datatype="plaintext"><body>
<trans-unit id="sayBye.text">
<source xml:lang="en">Bye</source>
Step 6: Stick that file in some known location, let's say /path/to/translation.xlf. Then add/run another new gulp task to import the translation. Something like:
gulp.task('i18n-import', () => {
return es.merge( => {
return gulp.src(["/path/to/translation.xlf"])
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join('./i18n', language.folderName)));
Step 7: Run the gulp build again.
The i18n/ directory should now be recreated correctly! Running the same build/export/translate/import/build steps will pick up any new changes to the localize() calls in your TypeScript code
Obviously this is not perfect, there are a lot of hardcoded paths and such, but hopefully it helps out anyone else who hits this issue.

Custom palette import in Tableau

I'm trying to import custom diverging palette using reference guide to Tableau 9.1. Here is my Preferences.tps file:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<color-palette name=“Red-Blue-Green Diverging2“ type="ordered-diverging" >
After doing this and restarting Tableau I can't find the palette in the list. Is there anythyng I'm doing wrong? Thank you
You're using curly, non-ASCII quotation marks to quote name=“Red-Blue-Green Diverging2“. Instead, use ".
<color-palette name="Red-Blue-Green Diverging2" type="ordered-diverging" >

Is there an MSBuild macro for build date/time?

Suppose I have a build script with a Target section like the following:
<Target Name="AssemblyVersionMAIN" Inputs="#(AssemblyVersionFiles)" Outputs="UpdatedAssemblyVersionFiles">
<Attrib Files="%(AssemblyVersionFiles.FullPath)" Normal="true"/>
AssemblyCopyright="© $(CompanyName) 2014" <!-- THIS LINE -->
<Output TaskParameter="OutputFile" ItemName="UpdatedAssemblyVersionFiles"/>
At the moment, the year is static and has to be changed manually. Is there a simple way of replacing "2014" with something like $(Year)? I've checked the MSBuild reference but nothing jumps out at me.
Since you are using MsBuild 4 you could also use a property function for this, like e.g.:
Just format the recieved date as you need it. There are also plenty of other functions available, see also
Since I'm using MSBuild Community Tasks and MSBuild 4, I can substitute the following:
AssemblyCopyright="© $(CompanyName) $([System.DateTime]::Now.ToString(`yyyy`))"
which seems to work.

Mule ESB execute script from Groovy with unicode params

I have this little chain of components in my Mule ESB project:
<set-payload value="Получена заявка ##[sessionVars['ticketID']]" doc:name="Set SMS Text"/>
<scripting:transformer doc:name="Send SMS" ignoreBadInput="true">
<scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[
def command = ["/tmp/", message.payload]
def proc = command.execute()
And /tmp/ listing:
echo $# > /tmp/call.out
When message passes Mule chain in /tmp/call.out I can see "Џолучена заЯвка #4041" instead of expected "Получена заявка #4041" ("Получена заявка" - Russian words), i.e. there is a problem with unicode chars output and there are no problems with ASCII chars.
When I check /tmp/groovy.out with HEX editor I see that all Russain chars has 1-byte lenght (in unicode that must be 2-bytes length), i.e. output of my Groovy component is not unicode.
There is no problem with unicode output to Mule log when I user Echo and Logger components. Also in SMTP component everything is perfect: I successfully receive letters in unicode from Mule.
Can you help me with unicode arguments in Mule ESB with Groovy command call?
Solved by selecting UTF-8 ecoding in Run configuration options (menu Run -> Run configurations...). By default it was MacCyrilic encoding.