Custom palette import in Tableau - tableau-api

I'm trying to import custom diverging palette using reference guide to Tableau 9.1. Here is my Preferences.tps file:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<color-palette name=“Red-Blue-Green Diverging2“ type="ordered-diverging" >
After doing this and restarting Tableau I can't find the palette in the list. Is there anythyng I'm doing wrong? Thank you

You're using curly, non-ASCII quotation marks to quote name=“Red-Blue-Green Diverging2“. Instead, use ".
<color-palette name="Red-Blue-Green Diverging2" type="ordered-diverging" >


Automatically create i18n directory for VSCode extension

I am trying to understand the workflow presented in for localizing Visual Studio Code extensions.
I cannot figure out how the i18n directory gets created to begin with, as well as how the set of string keys in that directory get maintained over time.
There is one line in the which says "You could have created this folder by hand, or you could have used the vscode-nls-dev tool to extract it." would one use vscode-nls-dev tool to extract it?
What I Understand
I understand that you can use vscode-nls, and wrap strings like this: localize("some.key", "My String") to pick up the localized version of that string at runtime.
I am pretty sure I understand that vscode-nls-dev is used at build time to substitute the content of files in the i18n directory into the transpiled JavaScript code, as well as creating files like out/extension.nls.ja.json
What is missing
Surely it is not expected that: for every file.ts file in your project you create an i18n/lang/out/file.i18n.json for every lang you support...and then keep the set of keys in that file up to date manually with every string change.
I am assuming that there is some process which automatically goes "are there any localize("key", "String") calls in file.ts for new keys not yet in file.i18n.json? If so, add those keys with some untranslated values". What is that process?
I have figured this out, referencing
This is built to work if you use Transifex for your translator. At the bare minimum you need to use .xlf files as your translation file format.
I think that this is best illustrated with an example, so lets say you wanted to get the sample project working after you had deleted the i18n folder
Step 1: Clone that project, and delete the i18n directory
Step 2: Modify the gulp file so that the compile function also generates nls metadata files in the out directory. Something like:
function compile(buildNls) {
var r = tsProject.src()
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.rewriteLocalizeCalls() : es.through())
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.createAdditionalLanguageFiles(languages, 'i18n', 'out') : es.through())
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.bundleMetaDataFiles('ms-vscode.node-debug2', 'out') : es.through())
.pipe(buildNls ? nls.bundleLanguageFiles() : es.through())
Step 3: Run the gulp build command. This will generate several necessary metadata files in the out/ directory
Step 4: Create and run a new gulp function to export the necessarry translations to the xlf file. Something like:
gulp.task('export-i18n', function() {
return gulp.src(['package.nls.json', 'out/nls.metadata.header.json', 'out/nls.metadata.json'])
.pipe(nls.createXlfFiles("vscode-extensions", "node-js-debug2"))
Step 5: Get the resulting xlf file translated. Or, add some dummy values. I cant find if/where there is documentation for the file format needed, but this worked for me (for the extension):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file original="package" source-language="en" target-language="ja" datatype="plaintext"><body>
<trans-unit id="extension.sayHello.title">
<source xml:lang="en">Hello</source>
<trans-unit id="extension.sayBye.title">
<source xml:lang="en">Bye</source>
<file original="out/extension" source-language="en" target-language="ja" datatype="plaintext"><body>
<trans-unit id="sayHello.text">
<source xml:lang="en">Hello</source>
<file original="out/command/sayBye" source-language="en" target-language="ja" datatype="plaintext"><body>
<trans-unit id="sayBye.text">
<source xml:lang="en">Bye</source>
Step 6: Stick that file in some known location, let's say /path/to/translation.xlf. Then add/run another new gulp task to import the translation. Something like:
gulp.task('i18n-import', () => {
return es.merge( => {
return gulp.src(["/path/to/translation.xlf"])
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join('./i18n', language.folderName)));
Step 7: Run the gulp build again.
The i18n/ directory should now be recreated correctly! Running the same build/export/translate/import/build steps will pick up any new changes to the localize() calls in your TypeScript code
Obviously this is not perfect, there are a lot of hardcoded paths and such, but hopefully it helps out anyone else who hits this issue.

Set the name of an input control in a jrxml file. Is it possible?

I'd like to set the name of an input control in the jrxml file where it is defined; is that possible?
I know how to set the name of the input control via the Repository Explorer in Jaspersoft Studio, and I know how to set the name of an input control via the Jaspersoft Server.
However, I'd like to set the name of an input control in the jrxml file so that it will be set automatically upon being published to the server. Is there a property to use, similar to the following:
<parameter name="status_date_minimum" class="java.sql.Date">
<property name="" vhalue="Minimum Status Date"/>
As noted by #Siddharth in comments and suggested to me by a co-worker, there is a way to specify the label for the control outside of the user interface.
JasperReports Server associates each report with an XML file that it appears to create around the time it publishes your report to the server. The XML file contains, among other information, the labels for any input controls.
For an example of the XML file, first publish your report to a location on JasperReports Server. For the purpose of this example, the report file name is report.jrxml and the location is path/to/your; JasperReports Server appears to publish your report to path/to/your/report/Main jrxml (per JasperSoft Studio Repository Explorer) or path/to/your/report (per JasperReports Server Web UI).
Second, export your report from JasperReports Server (via the Web UI or via the command line); JasperReports Server will produce a zip file with the following content:
/resources/path/to/your/report_files/ contains the data from report.jrxml; report.xml contains the labels for any input controls. The content of report.xml may be similar to the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<reportUnit exportedWithPermissions="true">
exportedWithPermissions="false" dataFile="" xsi:type="fileResource">
<label>Main jrxml</label>
exportedWithPermissions="false" xsi:type="inputControl">
<localResource exportedWithPermissions="false" xsi:type="dataType">
exportedWithPermissions="false" xsi:type="inputControl">
<localResource exportedWithPermissions="false" xsi:type="dataType">
You may edit the content of the reportUnit/inputControl/localResource/label element to change the name of the label.
Once edited, you may import the data into the JasperReports Server. If you import through the command line, I recommend importing the directory, not the zip file - it appears that the command line import is picky about the zip format. Also, if you import through the command line, you must restart the JasperReports Server before you may run your changed report.

zeppelin-0.7.3 Interpreter pyspark not found

I get the below error when I use pyspark via Zeppelin.
The python & spark interpreters work and all environment variables are set correctly.
print os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
/x01/spark_u/spark/python:/x01/spark_u/spark/python/lib/ is set with the below vars
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2
export PYTHONPATH=${SPARK_HOME}/python:${SPARK_HOME}/python/lib/${PYTHONPATH}
See the below log file
INFO [2017-11-01 12:30:42,972] ({pool-2-thread-4}[init]:221) - Create remote interpreter
paragraph_1509038605940_-1717438251's Interpreter pyspark not
Thank you in advance
I found a workaround for the above issue.The interpreter not found issue does not happen when I create note inside a directory.The issue only happens when I use notes at toplevel.Addionally I foud out that this issue does not happen in 0.7.2 version
Ex :
enter image description here

Simple WoW Interface Addon doesn't work (Lua)

I'm trying to build a simple Hello World interface addon for World of Warcraft. But it won't work :/ Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Here is the HelloWorld.toc file:
## Interface: 60000
## Title: HelloWorld
## Notes: HelloWorld Addon
## Version: 1.0
Here is the HelloWorld.xml file:
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
<Script file= “HelloWorld.lua”/> <!-- wrong quotation here -->
<Frame name= “HelloWorldFrame”> <!-- and here (see answer)-->
And here is the HelloWorld.lua file:
function HelloWorld_OnLoad()
print("Hello World!");
If I start the game then I can see the "HelloWorld" addon in the list. But after I login with a character nothing happens.
Make sure you check all scripts for "wrong" quotation marks. Compilers or interpreters expect either " or ' (" in the case of Lua and files).
Many word processors or internet sites use different quotation marks because they "look better". But compilers aren't in it for the looks, they will not understand those better looking characters.

Unity Container not Resolving my Type

I am working in a project that is using unity. The first element was already in the web.config and is resolving correctly. The second one (IEventRepository) was added by me. It will not resolve the type and throws an error ("Resolution of the dependency failed..")
I have 2 questions on this:
1) What is the issue?
2) Why does the first one have commas in it?
<unity xmlns="">
<register type="Demo.IPerson, Demo.Shared.Facilities" mapTo="Person, Demo.Shared.Facilities" />
<register type="Web.Repositories.IEventRepository" mapTo="Web.Repositories.MockEventRepository" />
The purpose of the commas is to separate the Type and Assembly. For example, in the first line Demo.IPerson is the Type and this type is in the Demo.Shared.Facilities assembly. In the second line you haven't specified both the Type and Assembly which could be the reason for the error.
The way you have configured the registration in line 2 could work if you have defined a type alias. Have a look at The Unity Configuration Schema