Eclipse RCP - Support for external plugins (without adding dependencies in main application) - eclipse

I have an Eclipse RCP Application with a bunch of plugins. I need to distribute it and let people make plugins for it.
Currently, I create new plugin projects with fragments that are integrated into the main application by adding them to the dependencies list of the main application's product file.
What should I do to make the application load plugins which are developed separately?


Eclipse RCP Automation

I am building a RCP Application which is having 5-6 features and I am using tycho to build this application.
Another team develops and deploy 25+ plugins to p2 repository(i.e. URL = http:\\RCP-Application\plugins).
So when tycho builds my application I need to download the application and after launch I need to install these plugins manually from the given p2 repo URL.
So here I am looking for a solution in which I can automatically install these 25+ plugins by providing URL during tycho build of the RCP application. anyone can please help me on this.

Web App in Eclipse using Mave

I want to develop a Web App in Eclipse using Maven build tool. Where can I find a good tutorial to develop such kind of app?
Thank you.
For your Kind Information There is no big difference between Normal And Maven application. Generally
1.In normal web application we add jars in lib folder in maven in pom.xml
we add maven dependency instead of adding libs
2.The Projects structure is also changed

How to create a Webproject and have GWT dependant project and run the webproject in development mode in eclipse or RAD?

I have my web project MyWebProject and I have my GWT project as a dependent project.. I need to run the web project in development mode, but its not listing any entry point modules to do the same.. Is there any workaround for this?

Developing Eclipse RCP (Indigo) Application

Developing RCP application for the first time and followed the steps for creating a simple RCP application with a View. First, create a new plug-in project New > Other > Plug-in Project, set the target platform to Eclipse 3.8, let the Wizard generate an Activator, tick the checkboxes "This plug-in will make contributions to the UI" and "Would you like to create a rich client application: Yes", and template i'm using is RCP application with a view.
Now, tutorials say the project will contain some generated classes like,, etc. However, only one class appears in my project Have i missed a step or two while creating the application?

what's the difference between "dynamic web project" with JSF facet and "JSF project"?

When I install "web tools platform" plugins in Eclipse I have a new type of project I can create, called "dynamic web project". In such project I can add JSF facet and then use it to make JSF application.
But when I install "jboss tools" plugins I have a project type called just "JSF project".
What's the difference between both types of projects? Why have jboss tools people created their own type of JSF project?
Eclipse plugins are created to achieve some commonly used/desired configurations at much ease. As you said, you can create a Dynamic Web Prject and then perform couple of steps to convert/support JSF. JSF project is created with those required configuration already done for you.
Same example you can apply even between, a simple project(created though New -> General->Project option) and Dynamic Web Project i.e. you may create a simple project, create files/folders, update the class path etc manually and achieve the same which is directly available through Dynamic Web Project option. These plug-ins/options help you avoid several manual steps to reach a commonly desired functionality. JSF project is no exception.