Eclipse RCP Automation - eclipse

I am building a RCP Application which is having 5-6 features and I am using tycho to build this application.
Another team develops and deploy 25+ plugins to p2 repository(i.e. URL = http:\\RCP-Application\plugins).
So when tycho builds my application I need to download the application and after launch I need to install these plugins manually from the given p2 repo URL.
So here I am looking for a solution in which I can automatically install these 25+ plugins by providing URL during tycho build of the RCP application. anyone can please help me on this.


Not able to create Liferay Plugin Project in Eclipse

I am new to liferay and i am trying to create a new Liferay Plugin Project.
I did a right click on package explorer and clicked on 'New Liferay Plugin Project'.
After that i entered the Project and Display name then i selected the Liferay MVC as my portlet framework and i clicked finish.
As soon i click on finish, it shows "Error creating Liferay Plugin Project: Please see eclipse error log for the details".
After this i changed ivy.jar.url in file from " 2.3.0.jar"
to "=C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins.ivy\ivy-2.3.0.jar".
I did and still i am getting the same error.
Maybe it's not exact answer to your question, but for Liferay 6.2 development I recommend using Apache Maven 3 as build tool.
Download Maven separately and install.
Then at command line run command (
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
and choose desired plugin through wizard.
After that import that project as an Maven project to Eclipse IDE.
As you mentioned that you are new to Liferay development I recommend offical Liferay documentation but instead of Liferay MVC I recommend Spring MVC Portlet due to bigger community and documentation. Resources related to Spring development in Liferay couldn't be found at official Liferay documentation so it's better to Google for blog articles etc. I develop at Liferay 6.2, Spring, Spring Webflow, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, Maven stack and I have few articles related to problems which I came across at my blog
Office Network not allowed(Blocking) to create new liferay workspace Project
We are facing some issues while trying to create new workspace in Liferay, When we are in Office network it fails. It's not accepting to auto download eclipse liferay projects's plugins. These repository sites are giving errors on eclipse connection time out.
Note: when we are in Citrix VM or open networks it works perfectly. Browser able to reach, If you hit below mentioned URL in browser.. But Its failing to reach at Eclipse level.
Eclipse Version:Eclipse neon
Liferay Version:7.1

Web App in Eclipse using Mave

I want to develop a Web App in Eclipse using Maven build tool. Where can I find a good tutorial to develop such kind of app?
Thank you.
For your Kind Information There is no big difference between Normal And Maven application. Generally
1.In normal web application we add jars in lib folder in maven in pom.xml
we add maven dependency instead of adding libs
2.The Projects structure is also changed

Eclipse RCP - Support for external plugins (without adding dependencies in main application)

I have an Eclipse RCP Application with a bunch of plugins. I need to distribute it and let people make plugins for it.
Currently, I create new plugin projects with fragments that are integrated into the main application by adding them to the dependencies list of the main application's product file.
What should I do to make the application load plugins which are developed separately?

Integrate War-Plugin for m2eclipse into Eclipse Project

I set up a small web project with JSF and Maven. Now I want to deploy on a Tomcat server. Is there a possibility to automate that like a button in Eclipse that automatically deploys the project to Tomcat?
I read about a the Maven War Plugin but I couldn't find a tutorial how to integrate that into my process (eclipse/m2eclipse).
Can you link me to help or try to explain it. Thanks.
I set up a small web project with JSF and maven. Now I want to deploy on a Tomcat Server.
During development I recommend to use Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP). M2Eclipse provides support for it (assuming you have Maven Integration for WTP installed) and your project should be recognized as a Dynamic Web Project runnable on a Server.
So, declare Tomcat as a Server (show the Servers view and right-click in it to add a Server via New > Server). And deploy your project to it (right-click on your project then Run > Run on Server).
There are other options like using the Tomcat Maven Plugin or the generic Cargo Maven Plugin but I wouldn't use them for development and, since you are a Maven beginner, I don't recommend them at all. Use your IDE.
I read about a the Maven War Plugin but I couldn't find a tutorial how to integrate that into my process.
Actually, the Maven War Plugin is only responsible of the packaging of your webapp project (it is bound automatically on the package phase when using a <packaging>war<packaging> for your project). It isn't used for deployment. But as I said, use your IDE to deploy your application during development.
The war plugin is for generating war files, not for deploying them. What you are asking for may be provided by the Cargo Plugin. Another interesting candidate for you could be the jetty-maven-plugin.

P2 repository for org.eclipse.test bundle

Where can I find a p2 repository containing org.eclipse.test?
The test bundles and framework are included in our repos as of 3.7M2 (Sept 2010). See for more details.
I don't think there is a p2 update site for ETF (Eclipse Testing Framework)
ETF itself doesn't recognize test bundles in p2 repo: "JUnit4 and the Eclipse Test Framework: Success!":
ETF was created before p2. So you just dropped your test bundles into the "plugins" folder of the SDK, launched the SDK specifying the ETF application and test bundle / test class, and off you go.
And ETF looks quite old, with plan to move to JUnit4 only recently achieved.
It doesn't seem to benefit from the same p2 compliant packaging than the other Eclipse projects.
You can create p2 repositories from features and plugins yourself. See the section "Features and Bundles Publisher" in this link.