Developing Eclipse RCP (Indigo) Application - eclipse

Developing RCP application for the first time and followed the steps for creating a simple RCP application with a View. First, create a new plug-in project New > Other > Plug-in Project, set the target platform to Eclipse 3.8, let the Wizard generate an Activator, tick the checkboxes "This plug-in will make contributions to the UI" and "Would you like to create a rich client application: Yes", and template i'm using is RCP application with a view.
Now, tutorials say the project will contain some generated classes like,, etc. However, only one class appears in my project Have i missed a step or two while creating the application?


Live debugging a Spring boot project in eclipse

I am trying to create a Spring boot based MVC application using eclipse.
I created a starter template from spring's starter website and i have imported the maven package into eclipse.
I created a controller and a view and I am able to run the application by going to "debug as" or "run as" and selecting Java Application and then selecting the spring boot application main method from the list.
However with this approach, Eclipse does not seem to auto build my changes in my java classes nor the changes in my template views. (I use Thymeleaf btw) on the fly even though "auto build" is switched on in eclipse.
This forces me to stop the application in eclipse and re run the application for every small change i make and its very difficult.
Is this the only way on eclipse or is there a better way for eclipse would auto build the java and template files on the way so that I can code and debug simultaneously.
Eclipse is most likely compiling because that's what Eclipse does, but maybe you need to install the dev tools so that you get live reloading enabled.

Eclipse RCP - Support for external plugins (without adding dependencies in main application)

I have an Eclipse RCP Application with a bunch of plugins. I need to distribute it and let people make plugins for it.
Currently, I create new plugin projects with fragments that are integrated into the main application by adding them to the dependencies list of the main application's product file.
What should I do to make the application load plugins which are developed separately?

No "RAP application with a view" template when create RAP project

I just began with RAP few weeks ago. I want to create a RAP project with custom view but that template is not show when I try create project. You can see in image below:
As I know. It's must be there with RAP Hello and RAP Mail template. Could anyone tell me why and how to fix it?
No, In Eclipse LUNA have no template to create RAP Workbench Application with a View.
But you can create a RCP Workbench Application Template with a View, and change Required Bundlers to RAP Bundlers
org.eclipse.ui ==> org.eclipse.rap.ui
Or you must create RAP Application from scratch.
I found tutorial HERE, hope help you:

How to make my spray project into a standalone eclipse rcp application?

I created an emf model and also a spray project. I am able to start the spray project over "Run as.." as an eclipse application and i will get an editor that depends on my emf model.
Now i would like to integrate this editor into a part of an eclipse rcp application. How can i achieve that? I tried adding the spray and emf project to my feature project as a plug in but i do not know which class the part should refer to. Is this even the right way?
How can i make my spray editor be a part of my rcp application?

what's the difference between "dynamic web project" with JSF facet and "JSF project"?

When I install "web tools platform" plugins in Eclipse I have a new type of project I can create, called "dynamic web project". In such project I can add JSF facet and then use it to make JSF application.
But when I install "jboss tools" plugins I have a project type called just "JSF project".
What's the difference between both types of projects? Why have jboss tools people created their own type of JSF project?
Eclipse plugins are created to achieve some commonly used/desired configurations at much ease. As you said, you can create a Dynamic Web Prject and then perform couple of steps to convert/support JSF. JSF project is created with those required configuration already done for you.
Same example you can apply even between, a simple project(created though New -> General->Project option) and Dynamic Web Project i.e. you may create a simple project, create files/folders, update the class path etc manually and achieve the same which is directly available through Dynamic Web Project option. These plug-ins/options help you avoid several manual steps to reach a commonly desired functionality. JSF project is no exception.