Paypal Reference Transaction Billing address blank - paypal

I have been playing with the reference transactions facility on paypal and I have run into a bit of an issue.
Everything works fine right up until I try to retrieve the latest billing address from the customers account.
If I don't do this, everything works as it should and payment is taken.
Based on I have made the call to retrieve the billing address but it comes back with all the fields as null. The name is correct but the address is empty.
Any ideas on this. I can't integrate this into our site if I can't retrieve the billing address.

As with most things related to PayPal and their APIs, they simply hadn't bothered to document the fact that you have to liase with them and contact them for various parts of the system to be enabled.
Initially when using reference transactions I tried to setup a "Billing Agreement" and the API response alerted me to the fact that reference transactions needed to be enabled on sandbox and live accounts in order to function and that they had to do this themselves, not the owner of the sandbox / live account.
Brilliant, undocumented issue no1.
Once that was working, I moved onto testing the use of a "Billing Agreement" to take payment and as part of that you make a request to PayPal for the details of the agreement so as to ensure its still active and to get the customers delivery address.
I do that and everything comes back as expected apart from the delivery address...
After much head scratching I contact their technical support who informs me that again, this needs to be enabled on the sandbox / merchant account before it will return the address.
Seriously, I know that PayPals documentation is quite poor but this just takes the biscuit. So if anyone has any issues with reference transactions, just contact them and ask them to enable EVERYTHING related to it and explain what they have done.


Unexpected error 10548 with Pypal sandbox and NVP API. All recomendations are passed

I read this
But I meet all recommedations and my sanbox merchant account does not accept payments anyway.
I enabled Business Pro for the account, the merchant's country is US, the phone is also presents but I get the error.
Please see attached screens: there are account settings, the data that I send and the data that I get.
account settings:
the values that I send:
the response that I get:
I am having the same problem. It appears to be a known issue on Paypals side. Here is what their support told me:
I was able to confirm your account is encountering the issue being
reported by several other merchants. We already have a case filed with
the development team to have this resolved as soon as possible. I have
added your account to this case so that as soon as an update or
resolution is provided, you will be automatically notified.
You may want to contact them (if you havent already), so you can be added to their notification:

Get data on PayPal subscription profile without access to original IPN

One of my customers had a website hosted on FusionHQ with subscription profiles through PayPal. When migrating the payments, I guessed I could just change the IPN and would get the new messages. But it seems that Fusion has manually set nofify_url parameters for their subscription profiles and there seems to be no way to change the notify_url.
Though slightly annoying, I guessed I could still use the classic payments API to get information and do something stupid like checking the subscribers' status on the assumed expiration date. But, it turned out that PayPal doesn't allow it because the specific API FusionHQ has used, with the following error message:
Subscription Profiles not supported by Recurring Payment APIs.
The thing is that there is no way I can get access to the old IPN server since it is on FusionHQ's domain. After searching through StackOverflow, I've really lost all hope of doing this in a decent way, and I'm about to redirect my customer's PayPal emails to some SMTP bot to parse them and give me the transactions update. But this is obviously a very crappy and unreliable way. So, does anyone have any idea of what to do?

Paypal Merchant account for multiple websites

My client having single paypal merchant account. IPN Notify Url sets to one website. But we are using same account for two websites. The problem is after payment process completed, paypal redirects to IPN Notify Url. But, I want to redirect to My website. Means Paypal redirects to their respected websites without considering the IPN. Is it possible? If Yes please suggest me.
thanks in advance
I am in the middle of getting the exact same thing setup currently. PayPal calls this a "Parent/Child Account". Basically what happens is the following:
You setup 1 main account on PayPal which has your bank information stored
You setup a secondary account (with no bank account, however both are business accounts)
Call PayPal and inform them you want the secondary account linked to the main PayPal account so that they both share the same financial information (Parent/Child Accounts). They will make the change in their system so that both of the PayPal accounts look like 100% separate businesses with no information leaking from one to the other, it's as if neither of the two checkout pages know each other.
On the back-end, what happens is you get paid on the 2nd account and the money is transferred to the main account at the end of the day, which you can then transfer to your bank account.
I believe this is a U.S. only feature, however feel free to call them and ask for help in getting it setup. If they give you the run-around, telling you that this is impossible, tell them you need to speak to someone else. I was on the phone with 7, yes SEVEN, different people in one call, and I had to call back and went through 4, yes FOUR, for a total of ELEVEN people, before I finally got to the one person who set it up like I wanted it setup. It is possible. Be persistent and don't let them tell you it isn't (unless their reasoning is you not being in the US).
Good luck!

Paypal accounts funded by credit cards = 10417 error

I've come here in a bid to try and solve what seems like a blackhole that nobody in paypal can help us with.
We've a business account. Paypal Express (digital goods). Verified, restrictions lifted etc...
We've got paypal express integrated fine as our sole payment method. But there's a problem. ANY paypal account funded by a credit card will just flat out fail and give a 10417 error.
Customer A has an existing paypal balance of $10
Customer B has an existing paypal balance of $0 but has their account
funded by credit card.
Customer A has no problems on our site with any transaction below $10.
Customer B gets an error upon payment. More specifically, a 10417 error.
Now before anyone says it, we have checked with card issuers etc... so we're 100% sure this is not an error with cards or banks (as the 10417 error tends to suggest). We've literally tested this with a dozen verified / clean paypal accounts in different countries with different card types & different issuing banks. All of them fail and sandbox gives us no clues either...
Can anyone throw us a bone here or think of any possible reason this could be happening? It would be much appreciated...
Update: Resolved: Turns out it was a problem with our account and more specifically our category of industry. It would have helped of course had someone told me that the half a dozen or so times I called over the past week - yesterday on the phone i asked an agent if she was 100% certain this was a problem with a customers card, bank or billing address. I knew it wasn't so i wanted just to see if she'd commit to it. Her response - "yes sir, i'm 100% certain". Sums it all up. Hopefully this will help someone else out there... if you're getting 10417 errors, try changing the business category or subcategory in a bid to stop you going insane...
Ran into the exact same issue, paypal support was not very helpful
Turns out the problem was the business URL was set to http instead of https
Our business website redirects from http -> https, but this redirect seems to cause a problem at checkout for paypal
Once we changed the business url, customers were able to proceed with payments
Log in to paypal
Navigate to
Edit the business profile and make sure "Business URL" is set to https://

PayPal Partial Authorizations Always Declined

Problem: I've implemented "partial authorizations" (pg 72) but whenever I try to run a transaction that could use it, the result is a decline.
Setup: I'm handling transactions with the API with PayPal Payment Pro Payflow Edition (aka, PayFlow Pro Gateway & PayPal Merchant Account).
Cards use in Transaction: Visa Gift Card & American Express Gift Card. This feature was made for gift cards and other prepaid products. Gift Cards are specifically cited in PayPal's documentation example.
Transaction Logs:
Here is the log for a declined partial authorization. The original amount requested is $25.00, even though this visa gift card only had $2.00 on it. I should have received a response with an approved amount for $2.00. Instead I got a decline.
<- RESULT:12 CARDTYPE:0 PROCAVS:G IAVS:N PROCCVV2:I EXPDATE:0618 RESPMSG:Declined: 15005-This transaction cannot be processed. LASTNAME:NotProvided ACCT:**** AMT:25.00 PNREF:************ AVSZIP:X AVSADDR:X HOSTCODE:15005 TRANSTIME:2012-12-14 12:43:04 CVV2MATCH:X
For comparison, when I run the same card for an amount that is less than what's on the card, it goes through no problem:
<- AMT:0.11 AVSZIP:X PPREF:***************** ACCT:**** AUTHCODE:111111 TRANSTIME:2012-12-14 12:41:46 LASTNAME:NotProvided IAVS:N PROCAVS:G RESPMSG:Approved PNREF:************ RESULT:0 EXPDATE:0618 PROCCVV2:I CARDTYPE:0 AVSADDR:X CVV2MATCH:X CORRELATIONID:*************
<- RESULT:0 PENDINGREASON:completed PNREF:************ FEEAMT:0.11 PAYMENTTYPE:instant RESPMSG:Approved PPREF:************ CORRELATIONID:*************
I believe the API calls should be and in fact are the same in both cases. The point of Partial Authorizations is that you don't know when you need it, so if you want it, it should be enabled for all transactions -- meaning you always append the two extra parameters of VERBOSITY=HIGH and and PARTIALAUTH=Y.
Any ideas why this isn't working. The feature is very important to my application and is one of the main reasons I'm using PayPal.
I hope I'm missing something simple, like a setting in
From what I can see you're doing everything correctly. When something like this happens the only thing you can do is contact PayPal directly.
You can do so via or if you login to your PayPal account and go into the contact by phone section you should see a separate phone number for tech support directly.
I would recommend submitting a ticket to MTS and then also calling, but when you call, refer them to your ticket. They're going to want you to post one anyway, but if that's all you do it probably won't get answered for awhile, unfortunately. I've had good luck catching them on the phone, though, and can get things done much more quickly that way.
The only thing I can think of that might be an issue here is that you're using the PayFlow gateway with PayPal as your merchant. While the PayFlow gateway supports this, PayPal may not. It may only work if you're using a 3rd party merchant account on the PayFlow gateway.
That's something they will need to confirm or deny as I haven't specifically tested this myself, but again, I don't see that you're doing anything incorrectly.