PayPal Partial Authorizations Always Declined - paypal

Problem: I've implemented "partial authorizations" (pg 72) but whenever I try to run a transaction that could use it, the result is a decline.
Setup: I'm handling transactions with the API with PayPal Payment Pro Payflow Edition (aka, PayFlow Pro Gateway & PayPal Merchant Account).
Cards use in Transaction: Visa Gift Card & American Express Gift Card. This feature was made for gift cards and other prepaid products. Gift Cards are specifically cited in PayPal's documentation example.
Transaction Logs:
Here is the log for a declined partial authorization. The original amount requested is $25.00, even though this visa gift card only had $2.00 on it. I should have received a response with an approved amount for $2.00. Instead I got a decline.
<- RESULT:12 CARDTYPE:0 PROCAVS:G IAVS:N PROCCVV2:I EXPDATE:0618 RESPMSG:Declined: 15005-This transaction cannot be processed. LASTNAME:NotProvided ACCT:**** AMT:25.00 PNREF:************ AVSZIP:X AVSADDR:X HOSTCODE:15005 TRANSTIME:2012-12-14 12:43:04 CVV2MATCH:X
For comparison, when I run the same card for an amount that is less than what's on the card, it goes through no problem:
<- AMT:0.11 AVSZIP:X PPREF:***************** ACCT:**** AUTHCODE:111111 TRANSTIME:2012-12-14 12:41:46 LASTNAME:NotProvided IAVS:N PROCAVS:G RESPMSG:Approved PNREF:************ RESULT:0 EXPDATE:0618 PROCCVV2:I CARDTYPE:0 AVSADDR:X CVV2MATCH:X CORRELATIONID:*************
<- RESULT:0 PENDINGREASON:completed PNREF:************ FEEAMT:0.11 PAYMENTTYPE:instant RESPMSG:Approved PPREF:************ CORRELATIONID:*************
I believe the API calls should be and in fact are the same in both cases. The point of Partial Authorizations is that you don't know when you need it, so if you want it, it should be enabled for all transactions -- meaning you always append the two extra parameters of VERBOSITY=HIGH and and PARTIALAUTH=Y.
Any ideas why this isn't working. The feature is very important to my application and is one of the main reasons I'm using PayPal.
I hope I'm missing something simple, like a setting in

From what I can see you're doing everything correctly. When something like this happens the only thing you can do is contact PayPal directly.
You can do so via or if you login to your PayPal account and go into the contact by phone section you should see a separate phone number for tech support directly.
I would recommend submitting a ticket to MTS and then also calling, but when you call, refer them to your ticket. They're going to want you to post one anyway, but if that's all you do it probably won't get answered for awhile, unfortunately. I've had good luck catching them on the phone, though, and can get things done much more quickly that way.
The only thing I can think of that might be an issue here is that you're using the PayFlow gateway with PayPal as your merchant. While the PayFlow gateway supports this, PayPal may not. It may only work if you're using a 3rd party merchant account on the PayFlow gateway.
That's something they will need to confirm or deny as I haven't specifically tested this myself, but again, I don't see that you're doing anything incorrectly.


How can I save user card details and make payment later in PayPal?

In Paypal, I m trying to implemen t a Auto payment system using paypal. Where user can save their card details then whenever the invoice is generated using card details invoice can be paid automatically.
I read the document of paypal but not found regarding that.
Please let me know how can I implement Auto payment system using PayPal.
There's quite a bit of information on the Subscriptions page, but most of that is a generic overview. However, there is link to the Integrate Subscriptions page that gives more links to specific API and SDK instructions.
Follow through the step-by-step information to get all this set up. It'll take a while to get everything correct, so definitely use their testing APIs so you aren't doing a bunch of tests on their production APIs and spending your own money doing it.
Once you get the subscriptions created and someone subscribed, PayPal does the rest. You just need to create the subscription and allow people to subscribe.
Also, PayPal keeps track of credit cards and other payment forms for you, so you don't have to go through all the PCI security procedures for storing that information yourself. That gets real involved and can cause you to get in serious trouble with fines and lawsuits if you aren't certified. It's much easier to use a payment processing gateway such as PayPal for this than create your own, especially since you are going to be using PayPal for processing the payments anyway.

If I'm using PayPal on my web store, do I need to worry about user's credit card?

I'm trying to find an answer of a general question.
I'm developing a webstore using Paypal (Express checkout) and Sagepay.
So, if in the report paypal confirms that the payment is actually done, e.g.:
Do I need to worry if the user's card is valid, stolen, 3Dsecurity, etc., or PayPal takes care of all this?
Essentially yes. Although I'm not exactly sure about that specific attribute you have given an example of.
If you send the item to the address given on the PayPal transaction and the transaction is not under review or pending, then you have what they call 'seller protection'.
This protects against hacked accounts or stolen card details etc.
It's a little difficult to find out on the PayPal website.
Edit: If in doubt, contact PayPal.
Although it is sometimes very difficult to get providers like this to admit liability, it's a little more black and white with PayPal.

Paypal ExpressCheckout + chained Payment

I developed a Web Application that accepts payments via the ExpressCheckout API, for users to become a members.
Everything works fine.
I now want to extend my Web Application Services and offer my users with the possibility to buy items which are sold by third parties (my members).
The principle I would like to implement is quite simple: for each order, let the user pay for the item they choose and then transfer a part of the amount I received to the item provider, and keep some money for me. I would like to automate this process so that once I received the payment notification, I compute the amount of money to transfer to the item provider who might or not have a Paypal account (in other words, this means that I could maybe need to transfer the money to a bank account, using the IBAN/SWIFT data) and then proceed with the money transfer.
I tried to find a solution reading your documentation and came across the "chained payment" but the latter does not seem to be used within the ExpressCheckout workflow.
Also, since my implementation of the ExpressCheckout flow works, I would not like to have to find a totally different solution but rather extend it... if possible.
Could you please tell me which is the best solution for me?
In advance, many thanks for your help.
You could do 1 of 2 things. You could use Express Checkout with parallel payments. This means you could split the transaction up between different accounts at the time of purchase. The other option would be to just receive all of the funds into your account, and then when you are wanting to send money to the other accounts you could either use the Adaptive Payments (Pay) API or the MassPayments API to send money to the other accounts. Keep in mind you would have to send it to their PayPal accounts, you would not be able to send it directly to a bank account with either one of these API's.
I had the same issue and I got an answer from PayPal that it is not allowed to use Express Checkout to transfer money to your PayPal account and - at a later point in time - transfer the amount minus your service fee (which stays on your PayPal account) via Adapative Payments API to the seller's PayPal account. PayPal suggested to use Chained Payments API instead. All works fine in the sandbox, but once you need a Live APP ID from PayPal they will review your business case and deny it. At least that what happened to me.
I know that is old question, but anyway, I tried to find solution and was enable to perform the simillar thing like described in question. So, then I asked paypal about this, and they gave me advice to use SellerDetailsType Fields that 's called PayPalAccountID, description for this field is Unique identifier for the merchant. For parallel payments, this field is required and must contain the Payer Id or the email address of the merchant. It wasn't clear for me to use this field for solving my problem. Here is link I described field for soap request, for NVP it's called PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID, but the idea is the same. I hope it will help someone.

Reasons for PayPal error 10544: Please use a different credit card

NOTE: I've already looked at reasons for paypal 10544 Gateway Decline error. This is happening in production for us.
We use DoDirectPayment and DoReferenceTransaction with our customers to set up a regular payment transactions and when we get failures, the vast majority of them are for this error code. I've asked for details for specific transactions before and was instructed to get our client to contact PayPal directly for security reasons, which is understandable.
But I was wondering if there was something more to this particular error than the rather vague description implies. E.g. is there some setting in the account settings that causes it to occur more often than it needs to? Is it because we are a Canadian merchant accepting credit cards from other currencies?
We don't really like asking our customers to contact PayPal about this because it feels like we're passing the buck.
This is a catch-all for a variety of messages that unfortunately aren't spelled out in the Payflow Gateway Developers Guide but do appear here Classic API Error Codes with a vague explanation of:
The transaction was declined by PayPal. Contact PayPal for more information.
We recently switched to Paypal from Paymentech (but still using Payflow Gateway). About 15 of our customers with monthly service billings began getting declined. These were all customers whose credit cards were approved for years on Paymentech.
Paypal told us that (for security reasons) the customer had to call Paypal directly for more information. One of our customers did that and reported that Paypal couldn't tell them what was up so they lifted the "ban" on that card. Another customer reported that Paypal support couldn't understand that this was a problem with a Merchant account, not a Personal. Yet another left us for the competition.
In the end, I wrote code to trap for this error and print the following message on our commerce site and email notification:
Our payment processor, PayPal, was unable to process your credit card. Please try a different card, or contact PayPal Support at 888.221.1161 to determine why your credit card wasn't accepted.
Furthermore, I've ask that this be escalated within Paypal because this is bit of a hack.
There is not a lot more specific reason for this error, it is vague due to the number of reasons that can cause this. Usually this is due to an issue with the buyers account or card, in which case the buyer would need to contact PayPal to resolve the issue.

How to test buyer side of a Credit Card transaction on PayPal Website Payments Pro?

We are running an e-commerce web site on Ruby on Rails and for the processing of Credit Cards we use the ActiveMerchant plugin to interface to our PayPal Website Payments Pro account using our API credentials.
As part of the checkout process we first call the authorize function on our gateway object and then, after some further checks, we perform the capture part.
We have lately been experiencing a bug where an amount gets reserved twice on a customer's account: one charge being only the authorization and the second being the final purchase. So to the client it looks like we are billing him twice (once for authorization, once for final purchase) while we are actually receiving the money only once and the "second charge" on his account is simply an authorization that we don't clear for some reason. (This seems to happen particularly when PayPal FMF rejects our transaction and we re-process.)
I am trying to troubleshoot this by creating PayPal Sandbox Accounts for Buyer and for Seller. I am running through the code line by line via Rails Console and simulating different conditions to try and replicate the error. However, my successful Credit Card transactions only appear in my "seller"/"merchant" account and not in the "buyer" account on the PayPal Sandbox so I cannot see what the effect of my code sequence is having on a customer's card. This post seems to indicate that that is just the way things are and that it is indeed not possible to test the effect on Buyer Credit Card side. This post suggests using PayPal Express Checkout but that is not what we need on our site as we're specifically looking at Credit Card transactions here that are integrated to our site.
How can I test the effect of my code on a client's Credit Card? Is there perhaps something I missed in PayPal or is there maybe some mode/log/monitor in ActiveMerchant that I can use to see this? I need to find the line of code that is causing us to authorize twice.
If the initial transaction is being rejected by FMF, and then you reattempt another transaction this would cause a second hold on the buyers card as this would be a completely different transaction attempt. The bank may have approved the first transaction, but then the FMF filters declined it based on your settings. As far as the bank is concerned, it is still a valid charge that was approved. So when you run your second attempt, this will cause a second hold on the card for the same amount but for a different transaction.