Normalized Image Histogram - matlab

I have an RGB image m in MATLAB
I normalized it using the formula
im = mean(m,3);
im = (im-min(im(:))) / (max(im(:))-min(im(:)));
I read that the normalized module stretches the image pixel values to cover the entire pixel value range (0-1) but I still have some steps between 0 and 1 in the histogram of my normalized image.
Can anyone help me out here by explaining the reason of these grey values.
Thank You

I assume you use the mean of the three components instead of the function rgb2gray because it has some advantages in your case. (rgb2gray does something similar: it uses a weighted sum).
Subtracting the minimum and dividing by the maximum doesn't convert your image to binary. It will only scale all values to the range (0,1), which is the case in your example. This only means that all values are between 0 and 1, not exactly 0 or 1. If you want a binary image, i.e. only 0 and 1, you will need to use a threshold to convert the grayscale image to binary.
A method which is often used, is to calculate a threshold using Otsu's method:
threshold = graythresh(im); % calculate threshold
binaryImage = im2bw(im,threshold); % convert image to binary
If your image is saved as uint8 then normalizing the image should convert your image to binary, as uint8 only can handle integer numbers and any numbers between are rounded. That means you assume the optimal threshold to be at 0.5.


Adding poisson noise does nothing to an image

I'm trying to add poisson noise to a very simple image in MATLAB.
im = ones(256, 256);
noisy = imnoise(im, 'poisson');
After reading this answer, I tried this as well.
im = ones(256, 256);
noisy = imnoise(im2double(im), 'poisson');
to no avail.
I've also tried it with im = zeros(256, 256) but that did nothing as well.
From the documentation of imnoise:
If I is double precision, then input pixel values are interpreted as means of Poisson distributions scaled up by 1e12. For example, if an input pixel has the value 5.5e-12, then the corresponding output pixel will be generated from a Poisson distribution with mean of 5.5 and then scaled back down by 1e12.
This scaling does not happen when the input is uint8:
im = ones(256, 256, 'uint8');
noisy = imnoise(im, 'poisson');
In the case of double-precision, there are two issues:
The scaling of 1e12 seems excessive. This means that the output is taken from a Poisson distribution with a mean of 1e12, then divided by 1e12. The mean will be 1, and the standard deviation will be sqrt(1e-12)=1e-6. That is, the standard deviation will be tiny and the change in intensity will not be visible. If you use format long, MATLAB will show you these values:
>> format long
>> min(noisy(:))
ans =
>> max(noisy(:))
ans =
This last result (max is 1) indicates that MATLAB clips the results to the [0,1] range, because double-precision images are expected to be in that range. Thus, the distribution returned by your code is not Poisson, it is Poisson clipped at its mean.
So, for floating-point images, scale them appropriately first:
noisy = imnoise(im * 1e-12, 'poisson') * 1e12;
(or use a different factor if that suits you better).
I tried it with an image I took off the internet from here.
I = imread('stick.jpg');
J = imnoise(I,'poisson');
If I take your's and change it to Gaussian you will see a difference.
I = ones(256,256);
J = imnoise(I,'gaussian');
I haven't read enough on this but my belief would be because the image has homogeneous intensity throughout.

How to calculate image histogram without normalizing data in Matlab

I have an image I which pixel intensities fall within the range of 0-1. I can calculate the image histogram by normalizing it but I found the curves is not exactly the same as the histogram of raw data. This will cause some issue for the later peaks finding process(See attached two images).
My question is in Matlab, is there any way I can plot the image histogram without normalization the data so that I can keep the curve shape unchanged? This will benefit for those raw images when their pixel intensities are not within 0-1 ranges. Currently, I cannot calculate their histogram if I don't normalize the data.
The Matlab code for normalization and histogram calculation is attached. Any suggestion will be appreciated!
h = imhist(mat2gray(I));
Documentation of imhist tells us that the function checks the data type of the input and scale the values accordingly. Therefore, without testing with your attached data, this may work:
h = imhist(uint8(I));
An alternatively you may scale the integer-representation to floating-representation, by either using argument of mat2gray
h = imhist(mat2gray(I, [0,255]));
or just divide it.
h = imhist(I/255);
The imhist answer in this thread describing normalizing or casting is completely correctly. Alternatively, you could use the histogram function in MATLAB which will work with unnormalized floating point data:
A = 255*rand(500,500);

Convert Matlab disparity image from single precision to uint8

I need to save the disparity image to my disk. The data type of the disparity image is single precision and the disparity range is [0 128].
While using imwrite(disparityMap,file_name), the saved image appears to be binary.
When you use imwrite with floating point precision, matlab consider that your data is in the range [0 1]. So any value above 1 will be considered as 1. That is why you have a black and white image.
From matlab doc :
If A is a grayscale or RGB color image of data type double or single, then imwrite assumes the dynamic range is [0,1] and automatically scales the data by 255 before writing it to the file as 8-bit values.
Then, you have two solution. I'm considering that 128 is the maximum in your data, and that you want a colormap that goes from black to white. I will
First solution, normalize your data so that matlab do the right conversion:
% Normalize your data between 0 and 1
disparityMap = disparityMap/128;
% write the image
Second solution, do the conversion yourself and write the image directly as uint8:
% Normalize your data between 0 and 255 and convert to uint8
disparityMapU8 = uint8(disparityMap*255/128);
% write the image as uint8

Sum of MATLAB Gaussian distribution of an image is greater than 1

I am using the below code to calculate the probabilities of pixel intensities for the image given below. However, the total sum of probabilities sum(sum(probOfPixelIntensities)) is greater than 1.
I'm not sure where the mistake may be. Any help in figuring this out would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
clear all
close all
I = imread('Images/cameraman.jpg');
I = rgb2gray(I);
muHist = 134;
sigmaHist = 54;
Iprob = normpdf(double(I), muHist, sigmaHist);
What you are doing is computing the PDF values for every pixel in the image. Iprob is not a normal distribution but you are simply using the image pixels to sample from the distribution of a known mean and standard deviation.
Essentially, you are just performing a data transformation where the image pixel intensities get mapped to values on a normal PDF with a known mean and standard deviation. This is not the same as a PDF and that's why the sum is not 1. On top of this, the image pixel intensities don't even follow a normal distribution itself so there wouldn't be any way that the sum of the distribution is 1.
Not much more to say other than the output of normpdf is not what you are expecting it to be. You should opt to read the documentation of normpdf more carefully:
If it is your desire to determine the actual PDF of the image, what you need to do is find the histogram of the image, and not do a data transformation. You can do that with imhist. Once you do that, assuming that encountering the intensities is equiprobable, you would divide each histogram entry by the total size of the image and then sum along all bins. You should get the sum to be 1 in this case.
Just to verify, let's use the image you provided in your post. We'll read this in from StackOverflow. Once we do that, compute the PDF and then sum over all bins:
%// Load in image
im = rgb2gray(imread(''));
%// Compute PDF
h = imhist(im) / numel(im);
%// Sum over all bins
fprintf('Total sum over all bins is: %f\n', sum(h));
We get:
Total sum over all bins is: 1.000000
Just to be absolutely sure you understand, this is the PDF of the image. What you did before was perform a data transformation where you transformed all image pixel intensities that conforms to a Gaussian distribution with a known mean and standard deviation. This will not give you a sum of 1 as you expect.
Remember that PDF is only the probability density function $p(x)$. Function which is restricted to range $[0, 1]$ is the integral over all domain of that function $\int_D p(x)dx$.
Refer to the Matlab manual, Y = normpdf(X,mu,sigma) computes the pdf at each of the values in X using the normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.
The sum of the pdf is equal to 1.
The sum of the output is not.

Matlab : 256 binary matrices to one 256 levels grayscale image

a process of mine produces 256 binary (logical) matrices, one for each level of a grayscale source image.
Here is the code :
so = imread('bio_sd.bmp');
co = rgb2gray(so);
for l = 1:256
bw = (co == l); % Binary image from level l of original image
be = ordfilt2(bw, 1, ones(3, 3)); % Convolution filter
bl(int16(l)) = {bwlabel(be, 8)}; % Component labelling
I obtain a cell array of 256 binary images. Such a binary image contains 1s if the source-image pixel at that location has the same level as the index of the binary image.
ie. the binary image bl{12} contains 1s where the source image has pixels with the level 12.
I'd like to create new image by combining the 256 binary matrices back to a grayscale image.
But i'm very new to Matlab and i wonder if someone can help me to code it :)
ps : i'm using matlab R2010a student edition.
this whole answer only applies to the original form of the question.
Lets assume you can get all your binary matrices together into a big n-by-m-by-256 matrix binaryimage(x,y,greyvalue). Then you can calculate your final image as
The magic here is done by bsxfun, which multiplies the 3D (n x m x 256) binaryimage with the 1 x 1 x 256 vector containing the grey values 0...255. This produces a 3D image where for fixed x and y, the vector (y,x,:) contains many zeros and (for the one grey value G where the binary image contained a 1) it contains the value G. So now you only need to sum over this third dimension to get a n x m image.
To test that this works correctly, lets go the other way first:
figure;imshow(fullimage,[0 255]);
is a random greyscale image. You can calculate the 256 binary matrices like this:
binaryimage=false([size(fullimage) 256]);
for i=1:size(fullimage,1)
for j=1:size(fullimage,2)
We can now apply the solution I gave above
and verify that I returns the original image:
which gives 1 (true) :-).
Update 2
You now mention that your binary images are in a cell array, I assume binimg{1:256}, with each cell containing an n x m binary array. If you can it probably makes sense to change the code that produces this data to create the 3D binary array I use above - cells are mostly usefull if different cells contain data of different types, shapes or sizes.
If there are good reasons to stick with a cell array, you can convert it to a 3D array using
binaryimage = reshape(cell2mat(reshape(binimg,1,256)),n,m,256);
with n and m as used above. The inner reshape is not necessary if you already have size(binimg)==[1 256]. So to sum it up, you need to use your cell array binimg to calculate the 3D matrix binaryimage, which you can then use to calculate the newimage that you are interested in using the code at the very beginning of my answer.
Hope this helps...
What your code does...
I thought it may be best to first go through what the code you posted is actually doing, since there are a couple of inconsistencies. I'll go through each line in your loop:
bw = (co == l);
This simply creates a binary matrix bw with ones where your grayscale image co has a pixel intensity equal to the loop value l. I notice that you loop from 1 to 256, and this strikes me as odd. Typically, images loaded into MATLAB will be an unsigned 8-bit integer type, meaning that the grayscale values will span the range 0 to 255. In such a case, the last binary matrix bw that you compute when l = 256 will always contain all zeroes. Also, you don't do any processing for pixels with a grayscale level of 0. From your subsequent processing, I'm guessing you purposefully want to ignore grayscale values of 0, in which case you probably only need to loop from 1 to 255.
be = ordfilt2(bw, 1, ones(3, 3));
What you are essentially doing here with ORDFILT2 is performing a binary erosion operation. Any values of 1 in bw that have a 0 as one of their 8 neighbors will be set to 0, causing islands of ones to erode (i.e. shrink in size). Small islands of ones will disappear, leaving only the larger clusters of contiguous pixels with the same grayscale level.
bl(int16(l)) = {bwlabel(be, 8)};
Here's where you may be having some misunderstandings. Firstly, the matrices in bl are not logical matrices. In your example, the function BWLABEL will find clusters of 8-connected ones. The first cluster found will have its elements labeled as 1 in the output image, the second cluster found will have its elements labeled as 2, etc. The matrices will therefore contain positive integer values, with 0 representing the background.
Secondly, are you going to use these labeled clusters for anything? There may be further processing you do for which you need to identify separate clusters at a given grayscale intensity level, but with regard to creating a grayscale image from the elements in bl, the specific label value is unnecessary. You only need to identify zero versus non-zero values, so if you aren't using bl for anything else I would suggest that you just save the individual values of be in a cell array and use them to recreate a grayscale image.
Now, onto the answer...
A very simple solution is to concatenate your cell array of images into a 3-D matrix using the function CAT, then use the function MAX to find the indices where the non-zero values occur along the third dimension (which corresponds to the grayscale value from the original image). For a given pixel, if there is no non-zero value found along the third dimension (i.e. it is all zeroes) then we can assume the pixel value should be 0. However, the index for that pixel returned by MAX will default to 1, so you have to use the maximum value as a logical index to set the pixel to 0:
[maxValue,grayImage] = max(cat(3,bl{:}),[],3);
grayImage(~maxValue) = 0;
Note that for the purposes of displaying or saving the image you may want to change the type of the resulting image grayImage to an unsigned 8-bit integer type, like so:
grayImage = uint8(grayImage);
The simplest solution would be to iterate through each of your logical matrices in turn, multiply it by its corresponding weight, and accumulate into an output matrix which will represent your final image.