Sum of MATLAB Gaussian distribution of an image is greater than 1 - matlab

I am using the below code to calculate the probabilities of pixel intensities for the image given below. However, the total sum of probabilities sum(sum(probOfPixelIntensities)) is greater than 1.
I'm not sure where the mistake may be. Any help in figuring this out would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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I = imread('Images/cameraman.jpg');
I = rgb2gray(I);
muHist = 134;
sigmaHist = 54;
Iprob = normpdf(double(I), muHist, sigmaHist);

What you are doing is computing the PDF values for every pixel in the image. Iprob is not a normal distribution but you are simply using the image pixels to sample from the distribution of a known mean and standard deviation.
Essentially, you are just performing a data transformation where the image pixel intensities get mapped to values on a normal PDF with a known mean and standard deviation. This is not the same as a PDF and that's why the sum is not 1. On top of this, the image pixel intensities don't even follow a normal distribution itself so there wouldn't be any way that the sum of the distribution is 1.
Not much more to say other than the output of normpdf is not what you are expecting it to be. You should opt to read the documentation of normpdf more carefully:
If it is your desire to determine the actual PDF of the image, what you need to do is find the histogram of the image, and not do a data transformation. You can do that with imhist. Once you do that, assuming that encountering the intensities is equiprobable, you would divide each histogram entry by the total size of the image and then sum along all bins. You should get the sum to be 1 in this case.
Just to verify, let's use the image you provided in your post. We'll read this in from StackOverflow. Once we do that, compute the PDF and then sum over all bins:
%// Load in image
im = rgb2gray(imread(''));
%// Compute PDF
h = imhist(im) / numel(im);
%// Sum over all bins
fprintf('Total sum over all bins is: %f\n', sum(h));
We get:
Total sum over all bins is: 1.000000
Just to be absolutely sure you understand, this is the PDF of the image. What you did before was perform a data transformation where you transformed all image pixel intensities that conforms to a Gaussian distribution with a known mean and standard deviation. This will not give you a sum of 1 as you expect.

Remember that PDF is only the probability density function $p(x)$. Function which is restricted to range $[0, 1]$ is the integral over all domain of that function $\int_D p(x)dx$.

Refer to the Matlab manual, Y = normpdf(X,mu,sigma) computes the pdf at each of the values in X using the normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.
The sum of the pdf is equal to 1.
The sum of the output is not.


Lognormal curve fitting equation

I have run into a very peculiar problem. It might seem silly to a lot of you. But I am in dire need of a way out. I am analyzing sets of high-speed images with MATLAB. The image of interest ( is an average of 3000 images (background subtracted). As shown in the picture, I am reading the pixel intensities/values along columns. As this is a laser beam, the shape or beam profile away from the wall has the shape of a Gaussian distribution. As I approach to the wall (the brightest part at the right of the image) because of some effect the shape is turning into one like a log-normal distribution. In this spreadsheet ( I have pasted the raw intensities as I read thru from point A to point B. The column D has the raw intensities and the column E has the values achieved with a 'sgolay' fit of the column D values. If I plot these it pretty much has the shape of a lognormal distribution. I can get the mu and sigma with the 'lognfit' or 'fitdist' functions. Now the question is what is the equation [expressed as a function of pixel location (x) or the pixel intensity (y)] of the fitted 'lognormal curve' that could be used to recreate the fitted curve? Your help is highly appreciated.
The lognfit extracts the mu and the sigma of the lognormal distribution. The mu is the mean of logarithmic values and sigma the standard deviation of logarithmic values. You can refer to for the shape of the function given mu and sigma.
With logrnd(mu,sigma) you can generate samples from the same distribution:

How to calculate image histogram without normalizing data in Matlab

I have an image I which pixel intensities fall within the range of 0-1. I can calculate the image histogram by normalizing it but I found the curves is not exactly the same as the histogram of raw data. This will cause some issue for the later peaks finding process(See attached two images).
My question is in Matlab, is there any way I can plot the image histogram without normalization the data so that I can keep the curve shape unchanged? This will benefit for those raw images when their pixel intensities are not within 0-1 ranges. Currently, I cannot calculate their histogram if I don't normalize the data.
The Matlab code for normalization and histogram calculation is attached. Any suggestion will be appreciated!
h = imhist(mat2gray(I));
Documentation of imhist tells us that the function checks the data type of the input and scale the values accordingly. Therefore, without testing with your attached data, this may work:
h = imhist(uint8(I));
An alternatively you may scale the integer-representation to floating-representation, by either using argument of mat2gray
h = imhist(mat2gray(I, [0,255]));
or just divide it.
h = imhist(I/255);
The imhist answer in this thread describing normalizing or casting is completely correctly. Alternatively, you could use the histogram function in MATLAB which will work with unnormalized floating point data:
A = 255*rand(500,500);

matlab code for perceptual hashing

I need a matlab code for a perceptual hashing algorithm descried here:
Basically I want this to remove deatails in an image and only leave the major structure components information.
To do so, I think I need the following steps:
1. Reduce the DCT. Suppose the DCT is 32x32 (), just keep the top-left 8x8. Those represent the lowest frequencies in the picture.
Compute the average value. Like the Average Hash, compute the mean DCT value (using only the 8x8 DCT low-frequency values and excluding the first term since the DC coefficient can be significantly different from the other values and will throw off the average).
Further reduce the DCT. Set the 64 hash bits to 0 or 1 depending on whether each of the 64 DCT values is above or below the average value. The result doesn't tell us the actual low frequencies; it just tells us the very-rough relative scale of the frequencies to the mean. The result will not vary as long as the overall structure of the image remains the same; this can survive gamma and color histogram adjustments without a problem.
reconstruct image after the processing.
Anyone can help on any one of above steps?
I have tried some code that gives some results (in the below link), it is not yet perfect:
Try this:
% read image
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
% cosine transform and reduction
d = dct2(I);
d = d(1:8,1:8);
% compute average
a = mean(mean(d));
% set bits, here unclear whether > or >= shall be used
b = d > a;
% maybe convert to string:
string = num2str(b(:)');

how to find standard deviation of noise in an image using matlab?

As a part of my project, initially find low resolution of the input image. Then as a second step i need find the noise in the low-resolution image. How to find noise in an image and its standard deviation using matlab?
You can use the std matlab function which returns the standard deviation of a matrix.
std_deviation = std(image);
This will give you the standard deviation of the whole image. However you cannot calculate the noise std since you don't have the original filtered image.
Possible solution: (Not accurate) : This suppose thaht your noise is gaussian
Well, you can render several Noise matrices and test them:
(choose your mean_vector and std_vector)
for i = 1 : length(mean_vector) % or length(std_vector)
Noise(:,:,i) = mean_vector(i) + std_vector(i).*randn(size(your_image))
% extracting the possibly filtered image
filtered_img(:,:,i) = your_image - Noise(:,:,i);
Then display every filtered_img and choose the one that looks the less noisy.
You can denoise the image, compute the difference between the raw image and the denoised version, and then compute the standard deviation of the difference.
For instance:
b=imsharpen(a); %you may need to tune the parameters
You can find the variance of noise in the image assuming that you know the distribution. You will know this if you have read some of the great works in image denoising field by Donoho & John.
To find the noise std. dev. of noise in an image with Gaussian contamination (additive), you can use the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) estimator on the derivative of the image using the following kernel:
I am writing the python code for this, you can easily write it in Matlab:
def find_stddevs(img):
k = np.asmatrix([[-1.0/9, -1.0/9 ,-1.0/9],
[-1.0/9, 8.0/9 , -1.0/9],
[-1.0/9, -1.0/9 ,-1.0/9]])
filtered = convolve(img,k,mode='reflect')
median_a = np.median(filtered)
stddev = np.median(np.absolute(filtered - median_a))/0.67449 #Gaussian noise assumption
return stddev
You can see the derivation and the logic Here on Wikipedia.
Again, most people think it can be done. This is true iff you do not have any prior about the type of contamination in the image.

How to find standard deviation of image in MATLAB

I have an image and I want to find the standard deviation for each row of the image and I will use the SD value for each row to calculate average SD of the image. I know the function to find SD (std) but I have no idea how to start/to do.
Images in MATLAB are still just matrices. Since you want to take the standard deviation for the rows, you can use std(A,0,2) to take the standard deviations along rows. Then you can use std once more on the resulting vector to get what I think you are looking for.
If you have a greyscale image, use
If you have a color image (i.e., ndims(img) == 3), you'll have to repeat the above on each page of the array:
squeeze( mean(std(img,0,2)) )
which will result in the mean standard deviation of each row of each colour layer.
Instead of calculating the std of each row and then taking the mean, isn't it more accurate (and simpler) to just calculated the std of the entire image (all pixel values)? that is:
Taking the std of each row and then taking the mean is not exactly the std of all the pixel value of the image...
For example:
>> a=peaks(100);
>> mean(std(a.'))
ans =
>> std(a(:))
ans =