Adding poisson noise does nothing to an image - matlab

I'm trying to add poisson noise to a very simple image in MATLAB.
im = ones(256, 256);
noisy = imnoise(im, 'poisson');
After reading this answer, I tried this as well.
im = ones(256, 256);
noisy = imnoise(im2double(im), 'poisson');
to no avail.
I've also tried it with im = zeros(256, 256) but that did nothing as well.

From the documentation of imnoise:
If I is double precision, then input pixel values are interpreted as means of Poisson distributions scaled up by 1e12. For example, if an input pixel has the value 5.5e-12, then the corresponding output pixel will be generated from a Poisson distribution with mean of 5.5 and then scaled back down by 1e12.
This scaling does not happen when the input is uint8:
im = ones(256, 256, 'uint8');
noisy = imnoise(im, 'poisson');
In the case of double-precision, there are two issues:
The scaling of 1e12 seems excessive. This means that the output is taken from a Poisson distribution with a mean of 1e12, then divided by 1e12. The mean will be 1, and the standard deviation will be sqrt(1e-12)=1e-6. That is, the standard deviation will be tiny and the change in intensity will not be visible. If you use format long, MATLAB will show you these values:
>> format long
>> min(noisy(:))
ans =
>> max(noisy(:))
ans =
This last result (max is 1) indicates that MATLAB clips the results to the [0,1] range, because double-precision images are expected to be in that range. Thus, the distribution returned by your code is not Poisson, it is Poisson clipped at its mean.
So, for floating-point images, scale them appropriately first:
noisy = imnoise(im * 1e-12, 'poisson') * 1e12;
(or use a different factor if that suits you better).

I tried it with an image I took off the internet from here.
I = imread('stick.jpg');
J = imnoise(I,'poisson');
If I take your's and change it to Gaussian you will see a difference.
I = ones(256,256);
J = imnoise(I,'gaussian');
I haven't read enough on this but my belief would be because the image has homogeneous intensity throughout.


Matlab Image Processing - increasing contrast using histogram

I have to import a greyscale image into matlab, convert the pixels it is composed off from unsigned 8 bit ints into doubles, plot a histogram, and finally improve the image quality using the transformation:
v'(x,y) = a(v(x,y)) + b
where v(x,y) is the value of the pixel at point x,y and v'(x,y) is the new value of the pixel.
My primary issue is the value of the two constants, a and b that we have to choose for the transformation. My understanding is that an equalized histogram is desirable for a good image. Other code found on the Internet deals either with using the built-in MATLAB histeq function or calculating probability densities. I've found no reference anywhere to choosing constants for the transformation given above.
I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas on how to go about choosing these constants. I think the rest of my code does what it's supposed to:
image = imread('image.png');
image_of_doubles = double(image);
for i=1:1024
for j=1:806
pixel = image_of_doubles(i,j);
pixel = 0.95*pixel + 5;
image_of_doubles(i,j) = pixel;
[n_elements,centers] = hist(image_of_doubles(:),20);
xlim([0 255]);
Edit: I also played a bit with different values of constants. The a constant when changed seems to be the one that stretches the histogram; however this only works for a values that are between 0.8 - 1.2 (and it doesn't stretch it enough - it equalizes the histogram only on the range 150 - 290). If you apply an a of let's say 0.5, the histogram is split into two blobs, with a lot of pixels at about 4 or 5 different intensities; again, not equalized in the least.
The operation that you are interested in is known as linear contrast stretching. Basically, you want to multiply each of the intensities by some gain and then shift the intensities by some number so you can manipulate the dynamic range of the histogram. This is not the same as histeq or using the probability density function of the image (a precursor to histogram equalization) to enhance the image. Histogram equalization seeks to flatten the image histogram so that the intensities are more or less equiprobable in being encountered in the image. If you'd like a more authoritative explanation on the topic, please see my answer on how histogram equalization works:
Explanation of the Histogram Equalization function in MATLAB
In any case, choosing the values of a and b is highly image dependent. However, one thing I can suggest if you want this to be adaptive is to use min-max normalization. Basically, you take your histogram and linearly map the intensities so that the lowest input intensity gets mapped to 0, and the highest input intensity gets mapped to the highest value of the associated data type for the image. For example, if your image was uint8, this means that the highest value gets mapped to 255.
Performing min/max normalization is very easy. It is simply the following transformation:
out(x,y) = max_type*(in(x,y) - min(in)) / (max(in) - min(in));
in and out are the input and output images. min(in) and max(in) are the overall minimum and maximum of the input image. max_type is the maximum value associated for the input image type.
For each location (x,y) of the input image, you substitute an input image intensity and run through the above equation to get your output. You can convince yourself that substituting min(in) and max(in) for in(x,y) will give you 0 and max_type respectively, and everything else is linearly scaled in between.
Now, with some algebraic manipulation, you can get this to be of the form out(x,y) = a*in(x,y) + b as mentioned in your problem statement. Concretely:
out(x,y) = max_type*(in(x,y) - min(in)) / (max(in) - min(in));
out(x,y) = (max_type*in(x,y)/(max(in) - min(in)) - (max_type*min(in)) / (max(in) - min(in)) // Distributing max_type in the summation
out(x,y) = (max_type/(max(in) - min(in)))*in(x,y) - (max_type*min(in))/(max(in) - min(in)) // Re-arranging first term
out(x,y) = a*in(x,y) + b
a is simply (max_type/(max(in) - min(in)) and b is -(max_type*min(in))/(max(in) - min(in)).
You would make these a and b and run through your code. BTW, if I may suggest something, please consider vectorizing your code. You can very easily use the equation and operate on the entire image data at once, rather than looping over each value in the image.
Simply put, your code would now look like this:
image = imread('image.png');
image_of_doubles = 0.95*double(image) + 5; %// New
[n_elements,centers] = hist(image_of_doubles(:),20);
.... isn't it much simpler?
Now, modify your code so that the new constants a and b are calculated in the way we discussed:
image = imread('image.png');
%// New - get maximum value for image type
max_type = double(intmax(class(image)));
%// Calculate a and b
min_val = double(min(image(:)));
max_val = double(max(image(:)));
a = max_type / (max_val - min_val);
b = -(max_type*min_val) / (max_val - min_val);
%// Compute transformation
image_of_doubles = a*double(image) + b;
%// Plot the histogram - before and after
[n_elements1,centers1] = hist(double(image(:)),20);
%// Change
xlim([0 max_type]);
[n_elements2,centers2] = hist(image_of_doubles(:),20);
%// Change
xlim([0 max_type]);
%// New - show both images
figure; subplot(1,2,1);
It's very important that you cast the maximum integer to double because what is returned is not only the integer, but the integer cast to that data type. I've also taken the liberty to change your code so that we can display the histogram before and after the transformation, as well as what the image looks like before and after you transform it.
As an example of seeing this work, let's use the pout.tif image that's part of the image processing toolbox. It looks like this:
You can definitely see that this requires some image contrast enhancement operation because the dynamic range of intensities is quite limited.
This had the appearance of looking washed out.
Using this as the image, this is what the histogram looks like before and after.
We can certainly see the histogram being stretched. Now this is what the images look like:
You can definitely see more detail, even though it's more dark. This tells you that a simple linear scaling isn't enough. You may want to actually use histogram equalization, or use a gamma-law or power law transformation.
Hopefully this will be enough to get you started though. Good luck!

Color correcting images in MATLAB

I have 2 images im1 and im2 shown below. Theim2 picture is the same as im1, but the only difference between them is the colors. im1 has RGB ranges of (0-255, 0-255, 0-255) for each color channel while im2 has RGB ranges of (201-255, 126-255, 140-255). My exercise is to reverse the added effects so I can restore im2 to im1 as closely as I can. I have 2 thoughts in mind. The first is to match their histograms so they both have the same colors. I tried it using histeq but it restores only a portion of the image. Is there any way to change im2's histogram to be exactly the same as im1? The second approach was just to copy each pixel value from im1 to im2 but this is wrong since it doesn't restore the original image state. Are there any suggestions to restore the image?
#sepdek below pretty much suggested the method that #NKN alluded to, but I will provide another approach. One more alternative I can suggest is to perform a colour correction based on a least mean squared solution. What this alludes to is that we can assume that transforming a pixel from im2 to im1 requires a linear combination of weights. In other words, given a RGB pixel where its red, green and blue components are shaped into a 3 x 1 vector from the corrupted image (im2), there exists some linear transformation to get its equivalent pixel in the clean image (im1). In other words, we have this relationship:
[R_im1] [R_im2]
[G_im1] = A * [G_im2]
[B_im1] [B_im2]
Y = A * X
A in this case would be a 3 x 3 matrix. This is essentially performing a matrix multiplication to get your output corrected pixel. The input RGB pixel from im2 would be X and the output RGB pixel from im1 would be Y. We can extend this to as many pixels as we want, where pairs of pixels from im1 and im2 would establish columns along Y and X. In general, this would further extend X and Y to 3 x N matrices. To find the matrix A, you would find the least mean squared error solution. I won't get into it, but to find the optimal matrix of A, this requires finding the pseudo-inverse. In our case here, A would thus equal to:
Once you find this matrix A, you would need to take each pixel in your image, shape it so that it becomes a 3 x 1 vector, then multiply A with this vector like the approach above. One thing you're probably asking yourself is what kinds of pixels do I need to grab from both images to make the above approach work? One guideline you must adhere to is that you need to make sure that you're sampling from the same spatial location between the two images. As such, if we were to grab a pixel at... say... row 4, column 9, you need to make sure that both pixels from im1 and im2 come from this same row and same column, and they are placed in the same corresponding columns in X and Y.
Another small caveat with this approach is that you need to be sure that you sample a lot of pixels in the image to get a good solution, and you also need to make sure the spread of your sampling is over the entire image. If we localize the sampling to be within a small area, then you're not getting a good enough distribution of the colours and so the output will not look very nice. It's up to you on how many pixels you choose for the problem, but from experience, you get to a point where the output starts to plateau and you don't see any difference. For demonstration purposes, I chose 2000 pixels in random positions throughout the image.
As such, this is what the code would look like. I use randperm to generate a random permutation from 1 to M where M is the total number of pixels in the image. These generate linear indices so that we can sample from the images and construct our matrices. We then apply the above equation to find A, then take each pixel and apply a matrix multiplication with A to get the output. Without further ado:
close all;
clear all;
im1 = imread('');
im2 = imread('');
rng(123); %// Set seed for reproducibility
num_colours = 2000;
ind = randperm(numel(im1) / size(im1,3), num_colours);
%// Grab colours from original image
red_out = im1(:,:,1);
green_out = im1(:,:,2);
blue_out = im1(:,:,3);
%// Grab colours from corrupted image
red_in = im2(:,:,1);
green_in = im2(:,:,2);
blue_in = im2(:,:,3);
%// Create 3 x N matrices
X = double([red_in(ind); green_in(ind); blue_in(ind)]);
Y = double([red_out(ind); green_out(ind); blue_out(ind)]);
%// Find A
A = Y*(X.')/(X*X.');
%// Cast im2 to double for precision
im2_double = double(im2);
%// Apply matrix multiplication
out = cast(reshape((A*reshape(permute(im2_double, [3 1 2]), 3, [])).', ...
[size(im2_double,1) size(im2_double,2), 3]), class(im2));
Let's go through this code slowly. I am reading your images directly from StackOverflow. After, I use rng to set the seed so that you can reproduce the same results on your end. Setting the seed is useful because it allows you to reproduce the random pixel selection that I did. We generate those linear indices, then create our 3 x N matrices for both im1 and im2. Finding A is exactly how I described, but you're probably not used to the rdivide / / operator. rdivide finds the inverse on the right side of the operator, then multiplies it with whatever is on the left side. This is a more efficient way of doing the calculation, rather than calculating the inverse of the right side separately, then multiplying with the left when you're done. In fact, MATLAB will give you a warning stating to avoid calculating the inverse separately and that you should the divide operators instead. Next, I cast im2 to double to ensure precision as A will most likely be floating point valued, then go through the multiplication of each pixel with A to compute the result. That last line of code looks pretty intimidating, but if you want to figure out how I derived this, I used this to create vintage style photos which also require a matrix multiplication much like this approach and you can read up about it here: How do I create vintage images in MATLAB? . out stores our final image. After running this code and showing what out looks like, this is what we get:
Now, the output looks completely scrambled, but the colour distribution more or less mimics what the input original image looks like. I have a few explanations on why this is the case:
There is quantization noise. If you take a look at the final image, there is various white spotting all over. This is probably due to the quantization error that is introduced when compressing your image. Pixels that should map to the same colours between the images will have slight variations due to quantization which gives us that spotting
There is more than one colour from im2 that maps to im1. If there is more than one colour from im2 that maps to im1, it is impossible for a linear multiplication with the matrix A to be able to generate more than one kind of colour for im1 given a single pixel in im2. Instead, the least mean-squared solution will try and generate a colour that minimizes the error and give you the best colour possible instead. This is probably way the face and other fine details of the image are obscured because of this exact reason.
The image is noisy. Your im2 is not completely clean. I can also see various spots of salt and pepper noise across all of the channels. One bad thing about this method is that if your image is subject to noise, then this method will not faithfully reconstruct the original image properly. Your image can only be corrupted by a wrong mapping of colours. Should there be any other type of image noise introduced, then this method will definitely not work as you are trying to reconstruct the original image based on a noisy image. There are pixels in the noisy image that were never present in the original image, so you'll have no luck getting it back to the way it was before!
If you want to take a look at the histograms of each channel between the original image and the output image, this is what we get:
The code I used to generate the above figure was:
names = {'Red', 'Green', 'Blue'};
for idx = 1 : 3
subplot(3,2,2*idx - 1);
title([names{idx} ': Image 1']);
for idx = 1 : 3
title([names{idx} ': Output']);
The left side shows the red, green and blue histograms for the original image while the right side shows the same histograms for the reconstructed image. You can see that the general shape more or less mimics the original image, but there are some spikes throughout - most likely attributed to quantization noise and the non-unique mapping between colours of both images.
All in all, this is the best that I could do, but I think that was the whole point of the exercise.... to show that it isn't possible.
For more information on how to perform colour correction, check out Richard Alan Peters' II Digital Image Processing slides on colour correction. This was what I started with, and the derivation of how to calculate A can be found in his slides. Perhaps you can use some of what he talks about in your future work.
Good luck!
It seems that you need a scaling function to map the values of im2 to the values of im1.
This is fairly simple and you could write a scaling function to have it available for any such case.
A basic scaling mapping would work as follows:
out_value = min_output + (in_value - min_input) * (outrange / inrange)
given that there is an input value in_value that is within a range of values inrange=max_input-min_input and the mapping results an output value out_value within a range outrange=max_output-min_output. We also need to take into account the minimum input and output range bounds (min_input and min_output) to have a correct mapping.
See for example the following code for a scaling function:
% scale the values of a matrix using a set of limits
% possible ways to use:
% y = scale( x, in_range, out_range) --> ex. y = scale( x, [8 230], [0 255])
% y = scale( x, out_range) --> ex. y = scale( x, [0 1])
function y = scale( x, varargin );
if nargin<2,
error([upper(mfilename),':: Syntax: y=',mfilename,'(x[,in_range],out_range)']);
if nargin==2,
inrange=[min(x(:)) max(x(:))]; % compute the limits of the input variable
outrange=varargin{1}; % get the output limits from the arguments
inrange=varargin{1}; % get the input limits from the arguments
outrange=varargin{2}; % get the output limits from the arguments
if diff(inrange)==0, % row or column vector matrix or scalar
% just do a clipping...
if x>=outrange(2),
elseif x<=outrange(1),
% actually scale the data
% using: out = min_output + (x-min_input) * (outrange / inrange)
y = outrange(1) + (x-inrange(1))*abs(diff(outrange))/abs(diff(inrange));
This function gets a matrix of values and scales them to a desired range.
In your case it could be used as following (variable img is the scaled im2):
for i=1:size(im1,3), % for each of the input/output image channels
output_range = [min(min(im1(:,:,i))) max(max(im1(:,:,i)))];
img(:,:,i) = scale( im2(:,:,i), output_range);
This way im2 is scaled to the range of values of im1 one channel at a time. Output variable img should be the desired one.

matlab code for perceptual hashing

I need a matlab code for a perceptual hashing algorithm descried here:
Basically I want this to remove deatails in an image and only leave the major structure components information.
To do so, I think I need the following steps:
1. Reduce the DCT. Suppose the DCT is 32x32 (), just keep the top-left 8x8. Those represent the lowest frequencies in the picture.
Compute the average value. Like the Average Hash, compute the mean DCT value (using only the 8x8 DCT low-frequency values and excluding the first term since the DC coefficient can be significantly different from the other values and will throw off the average).
Further reduce the DCT. Set the 64 hash bits to 0 or 1 depending on whether each of the 64 DCT values is above or below the average value. The result doesn't tell us the actual low frequencies; it just tells us the very-rough relative scale of the frequencies to the mean. The result will not vary as long as the overall structure of the image remains the same; this can survive gamma and color histogram adjustments without a problem.
reconstruct image after the processing.
Anyone can help on any one of above steps?
I have tried some code that gives some results (in the below link), it is not yet perfect:
Try this:
% read image
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
% cosine transform and reduction
d = dct2(I);
d = d(1:8,1:8);
% compute average
a = mean(mean(d));
% set bits, here unclear whether > or >= shall be used
b = d > a;
% maybe convert to string:
string = num2str(b(:)');

image processing - enlarging an image using FFT (Matlab code)

I'm trying to write a simple matlab code which enlarges an image using fft. I tried the known algorithm for image expansion, which computes the Fourier transform of the image, pads it with zeros and computes the inverse Fourier of the padded image.
However, the inverse Fourier transform returns an image which contains complex numbers.
Therefore, when I'm trying to show the result using imshow, I'm getting the following error:
Warning: Displaying real part of complex input.
Do you have an idea what am I doing wrong?
my code:
im = imread('fruit.jpg');
imFFT = fft2(im);
bigger = padarray(imFFT,[10,10]);
imEnlarged = ifft2(bigger);
That's because the FFT returns values corresponding to the discrete (spatial) frequencies from 0 through Fs, where Fs is the (spatial) sampling rate. You need to insert zeros at high frequencies, which are located at the center of the returned FFT, not in its end.
You can use fftshift to shift the high frequencies to the end, pad with zeros, and then shift back with ifftshift (thanks to #Shai for the correction):
bigger = ifftshift(padarray(fftshift(imFFT),[10,10]));
Also, note that padding with zeros decreases the values in the enlarged image. You can correct that using a suitable amplification factor amp, which in this case would be equal to (1+2*10/length(im))^2:
bigger = ifftshift(padarray(fftshift(amp*imFFT),[10,10]));
You can pad at the higher frequencies directly (without fftshift suggested by Luis Mendo)
>> BIG = padarray( amp*imFFT, [20 20], 0, 'post' );
>> big = ifft2( BIG );
If you want a strictly real result, then before you do the IFFT you need to make sure the zero-padded array is exactly conjugate symmetric. Adding the zeros off-center could prevent this required symmetry.
Due to finite numerical precision, you may still end up with a complex IFFT result, but the imaginary components will all be tiny values that are essentially equivalent to zero.
Your FFT library may contain a half-to-real (quarter-size input for 2D) version that enforces symmetry and throws away the almost-zero numerical noise for you.

Generating random noise in matlab

When I add Gaussian noise to an array shouldnt the histogram be Gaussian? Although the noise is random, the distribution should be gaussian right? That is not what I get.
Two things could be going on:
You don't have enough of a sample size, or
The default mean of imnoise with gaussian distribution is 0, meaning you're only seeing the right half of the bell curve.
imhist(imnoise(zeros(1000), 'gaussian', 0.5));
This is what your code is doing:
A = zeros(10);
mu = 0; sd = 0.1; %# mean, std dev
B = A + randn(size(A))*sd + mu; %# add gaussian noise
B = max(0,min(B,1)); %# make sure that 0 <= B <= 1
imhist(B) %# intensities histogram
can you see where the problem is? (Hint: RANDN returns number ~N(0,1), thus the resulting added noise is ~N(mu,sd))
Perhaps what you are trying to do is:
hist( randn(1000,1) )
imnoise() is a function that can be applied to images, not plain arrays.
Maybe you can look into the randn() function, instead.
You might not see a bell-curve with a sampling frame of only 10.
See the central limit theorem.
I would try increasing the sampling frame to something much larger.
Law of Large Numbers