This could not get weirder I was trying to run this snippet when it gives an error at following line
IStructuredSelection selection = viewer.getStructuredSelection();
gives suggestion to change but does not help anyone knows how to resolve this issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Seems like I should trust eclipse a little more
IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) v.getSelection();
resolved it looks like it is working fine but I wont know unless I completely implement it
I have an extremely frustrating issue, where somehow vscode is adding a "/" to the top bar and then when I go to open a WSL window, it throws errors and isn't usable...
I know for sure that this is causing the issue because at one point I had it solved it, but I don't know how I did it (the ultimate frustration) and again, not sure what I did but the problem is back.
EDIT: I found one way to reliably get past it, which was using the WSL terminal in the directory I want to open and running code .
Would appreciate anyone chiming in who has more insight, though..
How do I edit this default on the top bar?
(see highlighted image below)
I have tried reinstalling vscode
Thanks in advance
As commented by #rioV8 the solution seems to be searching for window title
I have tried almost everything which includes cmd+shift+p and on squiggles and all sort of that but still my underline errors are not getting on. Squiggles is not found in the cmd of vs code itself.
How to solve it?
Maybe you can check this issue answer. Might be helpful for you :) If it is or not please let me know, so I can look for other ways to solve it. I'd be pleased to help
sorry that I don't know how to refer to it. Pls see the image. When I type in vscode, this annoying popup keeps blocking my view to see the code above. I am new in this so I need to refer to the previous lines. maybe when I am more experienced, I don't need to do this anymore. But right now, I want to disable it! Could anyone tell me what it is and how to disable it? Thanks!
I want to open a pop up (panel) using ADD button but I am getting time out even with setting- settimeout-30000/600000/1200000 and also using waitforpagetoload function with the same time as I mentioned for settimeout.
Anyone help ?
Change configuration in Selenium IDE. Click on menu, Options->options->In general Tab give 60,000 or above in Default Timeout Textbox.
As you said waitforpagetoload is not working for you.
Try using pause command, that might help you.
I think the problem you are having is that the script doesn't recognize the popup and also the ide get stuck. if that is the case,
This happened to me several times. This is happening because a popup can't be located by the script. You have to use a locate the frame of the popup and get it's id.
try using:- WebElement frame = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"));
(iframe should be the id of the frame you take from the ide)
hope this would help.
Slow down the speed of your test to run. Probably Selenium doesn't have enough time to catch the element
I was investigating Eclipse's Preferences windows, and I came upon the Formatter options. I decided to have a look, and eventually to create my own format options. Upon clicking the "New" button and selecting a base to work from, It came up with this:
Does anyone know why this is happening? Or how I can possibly fix this? Thanks in advance.
Not sure, but it looks like a GTK-theme.
If so, have you tried a default-theme?