Freemarker not showing syntax highlights in Spring tool suite - eclipse

I installed Freemarker ide from eclipse market place for Spring tool suite. I installed Freemarker from "Jboss tools for Luna" in eclipse market place. After installing it only highlights the Freemarker experssion ${}. Other html elmements are not highlighting. Why this happen?

HTML was never highlighted by the JBoss FreeMarker IDE, only FreeMarker tags (like <#if ...>). (Contributions are highly welcome...)

This is my temporary solution: edit 'File Association' to open FTL with SublimeText. The FreeMarker plugin in Sublime is really good. And as long as you keep the FTL file opened in Eclipse/STS, any change made in Sublime will trigger the FileSync immediately.
I did also cope with this problem by changing 'Content Types' and 'File Associations' in 'Preference'. But either using JSP or HTML editor the FTL code won't be highlighted.


Eclipse Recognizes Todo in FreeMarker Template File

When editing Java code in Eclipse IDE, I can put // TODO in the code and Eclipse IDE will add the comment text into my Eclipse IDE Tasks window.
When editing XML files in Eclipse IDE, I can put <!-- TODO...--> in the file and Eclipse IDE will add the comment text into my Eclipse IDE Tasks window.
I am editing a FreeMarker FTL file in Eclipse IDE. I have installed the FreeMarker plugin. I am using the FreeMarker editor that comes with the plugin. The FTL file has HTML and FreeMarker tags. What can I put in the file to have the text show up in my Eclipse IDE Tasks window? Is there a configuration change I can make to Eclipse IDE to cause it to recognize the TODO?
If you are just using the plain text editor then there is nothing you can type.
However you can use 'Edit > Add Task...' to add a task (you can also right click on the left hand vertical ruler and select 'Add Task...').
A Task marker will be added in the left hand vertical ruler, the tooltip for this will show your text. The marker will also appear in the Tasks view.

How to disable Eclipse HTML validation via M2E

I have this project that contains some HTML templates in src/webapp. Those templates have freemarker placeholders like
<# something %>
which make Eclipse complain about unclosed tags.
Is there anything that I could configure in M2E plugin to instruct Eclipse to skip validation of those files?
Try to uncheck some html validations in eclipse using this:
Window > Preferences > Validation

Handlebars js editor.

Lately I have started to explore Ember.js, from their site I understood that there is a good synergy between Ember and Handlebars language.
I wondered if there is any editor (plugin) that can help me with handlebars auto-completion and coloring.
If you are using handlebars as .hbs files (no script tag) you can enable syntax highlight by configuring 2 settings: the editor and content types:
Eclipse -> Preferences -> General -> Content_Types
add *.hbs under html
Eclipse -> Preferences -> General -> Editor -> File Associations
Add *.hbs to html editor.
Close the editor and re-open it
[optional] If still not highlight (old eclipse versions) restart eclipse.
This works for aptana and zend studio as well
If you use Sublime Text 2, there is a great Handlebars package for syntax highlighting, etc.
TextMate version:
It can be installed manually or with the Sublime Text 2 package manager.
IntelliJ IDEA (an alternative to Eclipse) has a handlebars plug-in. For Emblem, a Haml-like version of Handlebars, the nearest plug-in would be Slim.

Eclipse autocomplete in xml editor

How to configure eclipse to autocomplete at least class full path on Ctrl+Space in xml editor?
I am using springsource tool suite (its same eclipse), there IDE understands when it is beans config file and auto complete works. But elsewhere in just xml file, this doesn't work :(
You can try Rinzo XML editor if you like which does what you are asking for:
Best Regards!
perfect! But I wonder why eclipse Mars do not have "Other Java Proposals" in Java > Editor > Content Assit -> Advanced.

Format freemarker files in Eclipse

Actually we have freemarker files (ftl) under Eclipse + Freemarker plugin (from JBoss).
Do you know a way to format ftl files ?
For ftl files that represent HTML configuring eclipse to open the HTML Editor works nicely. The HTML Editor has formatting capability as asked for. Todo configure eclipse to open ftl files with the HTML Editor you can use "open with" and there you'll get offered to link the HTML Editor permanently to the ftl extension:
In the Content Types Preferences Page you can than actually add the *.ftl extension:
I looked for a formatting tool a few months ago and I was unable to find any such tools. To my knowledge there no such tools currently available, just the syntax highlighting you mentioned.
Associated the ftl file extension with your web page editor (assuming you have wtp already installed).
An old question. I had the same problem for some time now, the default html editor contains some irritating features when working on freemarker templates, especially when using the bracket syntax.
Aptana studio eclipse plugin solves most of the problems: