Eclipse autocomplete in xml editor - eclipse

How to configure eclipse to autocomplete at least class full path on Ctrl+Space in xml editor?
I am using springsource tool suite (its same eclipse), there IDE understands when it is beans config file and auto complete works. But elsewhere in just xml file, this doesn't work :(

You can try Rinzo XML editor if you like which does what you are asking for:
Best Regards!

perfect! But I wonder why eclipse Mars do not have "Other Java Proposals" in Java > Editor > Content Assit -> Advanced.


eclipse shortcut xml for jdeveloper

Can someone please provide the eclipse shortcut xml to load it in jdeveloper?
thanks in advance.
I have tried to load keyboard schemes from eclipse in jdeveloper. But it is not helping. In order to import the shortcuts by the import option, I need the shortcut xml.
There is already Eclipse key mapping in JDeveloper - no need to import. Do this:
Preferences->Shortcut Keys->More Actions->Load Keyboard Schema
Eclipse is one of the options there.

Mark occurrences for JSP and Scriptlets is not working in Eclipse

I am not able to highlight the matching variables in JSP and scriptlets. I have already tried
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Mark Occurrences
Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations.
These are not working.
Is there any way I can highlight the matching variables in JSP and scriplets?
I am using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Luna Release (4.4.0)
Thanks a lot in advance.
Thanks & Regards,
It appears that JSP files are opened in Eclipse using their own 'editor' distinct from the Java editor. Its settings are located under Window -> Preferences -> Web -> JSP Files -> Editor, but unfortunately it appears to lack the 'mark occurrences' feature found in the editors for Java and some other languages.
There's an answer to another question on here with information on how to implement 'mark occurrences' in an editor (pointing to Source viewers and annotations in the Eclipse developers guide), but I couldn't even find a bug in the Eclipse JSP 'product' requesting the feature. It's open-source, though, so of course anyone is welcome to contribute that functionality!
It doesn't accomplish quite the same thing (lacking the intelligence to restrict scope), but you can get a rough approximation of this functionality by selecting your variable/method/text and using the generic Source -> Occurrences in File feature.

issue with the code completion in Scala IDE for Eclipse

I'm using "Eclipse for Java Developers 7.2" and Scala IDE 2.1.0. The issue is "code completion"...
I have "Use Scala-compatible JDT" and "Enable JDT content assist" enabled under my Eclipse.
Are there any other options I shuold turn on?
re-enable all the following unchecked java content assist mechanism in the scala-ide preferences:
Preference window:
preferences to check in the 'default' content assist panel:
Java Proposals
also enable the Java Proposals in the content assist cycling panel thats in the lower part of the window
Finally I got luck to solve this.
The reason behind why this happens is because eclipse stores a .metadata file in , which acts as a cache to load auto-complete suggestions.
If you try Project->clean, and then try the auto-completion the required java class members can be found in auto complete suggestions.
go to your eclipse.ini, in case of mac located at:
and add "-clean" in the ini file just before "-project".
This has a down impact of that now your eclipse might take a minute or two longer to start for the first time. But for me , it was acceptable.

EL content assist in Eclipse Indigo 3.7?

I'm not able to use content assist (auto complete, etc.) for el in jsp files in eclipse indigo (wtp). I have create a new workspace and a new dynamic web project but no success.
Any idea how to enable it if possible at all (without installing myeclipse or jboss Tools)?
Make sure this isn't linked to bug 307240: Context Assistant for Expression Language does not work if no runtime is selected
Steps to Reproduce:
Open eclipse
File > New > Dynamic Web Project
Fill in everything, but do not select a target runtime
File > New > JSP file
Type ${pageContext. and hit CTRL-SPACE (mac)
Actual result:
You do not see any suggestions: No default Proposals

Format freemarker files in Eclipse

Actually we have freemarker files (ftl) under Eclipse + Freemarker plugin (from JBoss).
Do you know a way to format ftl files ?
For ftl files that represent HTML configuring eclipse to open the HTML Editor works nicely. The HTML Editor has formatting capability as asked for. Todo configure eclipse to open ftl files with the HTML Editor you can use "open with" and there you'll get offered to link the HTML Editor permanently to the ftl extension:
In the Content Types Preferences Page you can than actually add the *.ftl extension:
I looked for a formatting tool a few months ago and I was unable to find any such tools. To my knowledge there no such tools currently available, just the syntax highlighting you mentioned.
Associated the ftl file extension with your web page editor (assuming you have wtp already installed).
An old question. I had the same problem for some time now, the default html editor contains some irritating features when working on freemarker templates, especially when using the bracket syntax.
Aptana studio eclipse plugin solves most of the problems: