Associate Facebook Page likes with website - facebook

I have a Facebook page with 50K+ likes on it and a separate website, when analysed with Moz, that only has a few hundred likes (which I believe are coming from WordPress on the site's blog).
For a number of reasons, I would like to associate the two with each other, so is it possible to link my FB page likes to website?
At this stage I don't want a FB Like/Share/Recommend, and simply just want my Facebook page and its like to be representative of my website. I can understand why this might not be possible, but I just thought I would ask.
If it it's not possible (like this post Facebook Open Graph : Associate Website with Facebook Page indicates) to do with Facebook page's pageId, is there way I can associate a FB app (in the form of a website) with my existing facebook page without having to make a new FB page?

There is no way to combine/link Likes of an external Website with the Likes/Fans of a Facebook Page.
About associating an App with a Page: You can install an App on a Page, it is called "Page Tab" or "Page App". Of course you don't need to create a new Page for that, you can install an App on every Page you own. You can also use that exact same App for something else on your external website. Check out the "platforms" in the App settings.


Show website 'likes' on facebook page

About 1 week ago we launched a new website. We've setup a facebook app and integrated the facebook like button using that app ID.
The site has had a great amount of traffic and now the website has over 10,000 likes, which is great....
In hindsight though, we should have targeted the facebook like button to like a facebook page instead of the website, so that we can interact with the 'likers'.
We've created a facebook page now, and linked it with our app. Is there a way for the number of 'likes' on our facebook page to be the 10,000 likes we have showing on the website?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Every URL is counted separately. If you create a Facebook Page, this is another entity within the Graph API, so the likes cannot be shared.

How make my Facebook PAGE feed appear on my personal website?

I have a Facebook "fan page" for my acting career (I mean a page that I created within my personal FB account) I want to make the feed from this page appear on my personal website as a "news feed" for publicity reasons. My website developer tool has a "custom HTML" option that has allowed me to make my Twitter feed appear on the webpage, but I want to use my Facebook page instead.
What you are searching for is the Like Box which has option to display your Page's stream on your website. Features about the like box (Quoting from documentation)
See how many people like the Page, and which of their friends like it, too.
Read recent posts from the Page.
Like the Page with one click, without needing to visit the Page.
Like box is a widget shown in an iframe. For users who want a full fledged solution that works on any device -
Famax is a plugin that will pull out your page posts, what people are posting on your page, your page albums etc.

How does Facebook track Like or other activities on my site?

I am using's service to add facebook 'like' button onto my site.
Now I want to manually add some facebook social plugins to my site:
As I see, some plugins require to enter 'app_id', but I didn't specify my 'app_id' for's buttons, so I would like to ask how does facebook track those 'like' or other activities on my site??
For example, if a user clicked 'like' on's button on my site, would this user appear in the "Like Box" and "Facepile" plugins that I manually added to my site??
When using AddThis, the app itself, gets the current page that is liked or the specified Facebook page. When you are referring to the app_id for AddThis, it is their own id that allows you to log into and access their custom statistics page.
When using the Facebook like button or other plugins, Facebook records the number of times someone has pressed the button. It also includes shares and reposts in this number. Using the Facebook API you would be able to seperate the numbers (whether like or share) if desired.
Facebook API
In order to access the information recorded by Facebook you must register and app with them and that will give you a Facebook app_id. This can then be used in any of their plugins.
Since the AddThis app transfers the information to Facebook, Facebook will display your like and share count in any of its plugins.

Can a FB App "via appName" link to our Fan Page? - What do you do?

I created a FB App to facilitate FB Connect authentication on my website.
Users can share content from my site to Facebook via the same FB app.
We also created a FB Fan Page to grow our community reach.
However a FB App is a separate entity than a Fan Page, whatever content is shared via our website to FB the App link sends the users to an empty App page while all the fuzz is in our Fan page.
I did an extensive research for this issue and only came up with this useful post here in stackoverflow: "Fan page vs Application Page".
Ideally i'd want the App link ("... via appName") on every shared item to point to our fan page.
I need to know if this is an issue that FB needs to address, if i am missing something and what do you do to solve this situation
Some apps are able to do this :
I also would be interested to know how they do this.
I've checked all app settings...
No, the App attribution on posts made via the API returns the user to that app's profile page - you'd need to have information there directing them back to your brand page if that's where you want them to go after they end up there.
I think in most cases people would click the name of the page or one of the links in the post rather than that small link at the bottom, no?

Reaching users of facebook app

I have a web app that is connected to facebook graph, and thus have a corresponding facebook app. I'm looking for a means of communicating with the users of my app through their facebook feed.
So far I've asked the users to like the facebook application profile page for my app, so that when I post news on that wall, the users get it. This causes some confusion since the application profile page is a bit of a peripheral component in the webapp-facebook relationship.
Ideally I would be able to post on facebook either as the app, so that I reach all the registered users, or as the app url (www.myapp.url) so that users who like that url will get the posts. Alternatively somehow link the application profile page and the url/app, so that likers of the url or users of the app get the profile page posts.
Note that I'm not looking to post to users walls (just their feeds) and I'd prefer to post manually, using facebooks interface for posting.
The only ways you can publish into a user's news feed is to use a Facebook Page or a Facebook Open Graph Object. So, you did right by asking users to like your Facebook Application Page. If you've also got a webpage that people like, you can turn that webpage into an Open Graph object by adding an fb:app_id or fb:admins meta tag to the head of the page. Doing this grants you access to publish to your fans' news feeds, and you get access to a Facebook page-like interface (for administration purposes only). You can publish to the user's feed using this feed publisher (just like you would do if your Graph object were any other Facebook Page).
To get to the admin page you just have to make sure your Facebook User ID is in the fb:admins meta tag. Once it is, visit a like button social widget for that object, and you'll get the a link that lets you go to the admin page for the object.
I hope that's clear. You should probably give the Open Graph Protocol Documentation a good read.