stunnel entry in /etc/shadow file - stunnel

I have an unknown entry in my /etc/shadow file
(11111) are numbers that I removed.
Can somebody explain me what application will add this entry under ubuntu 14.04? This entry is not added if I install ubuntu on a new laptop.

When you install the stunnel or stunnel4 package, or a package that depends on it, this user is created. It's used for "privilegue separation", that means, the stunnel service uses it to run tasks that do not need superuser privilegues.
stunnel is a program to handle the client or server side of an SSL/TLS connection as "add-on" for existing programs, or as a quick and easy way to do SSL/TLS.


why are wekan calls to mongodb unable to connect?

I recently installed Manjaro and followed this tutorial: to install wekan. Everything went slicker than snot. I registered an account no issues, open the weken webgui at port 8080 without issue, create new lists and cards fine, but when I go to open the cards I create the connection to is refused. Although it doesn't specify a port, I assume this is a call to the mongodb at the default port 27017, but I also opened up 28017 in the firewall.
Although mongo definitely seems to have been installed since I can see it is running, I can't find a mongod*.conf file on the system to verify the default ports.
This is the first time I used “snap” to install anything, and because it all went so seamlessly I have no clue where to start looking to find the issue. Is there a utility in snap where I can find out exactly what was installed to support wekan (webserver, database, etc.) that I can start checking into as potentials sources of issue. Thks.

Cannot Add PgAdmin New Connection on Ubuntu 15.10

After install pgAdmin III from Ubuntu Software Center, I opened it and it required to add a connection to a server. So I filled in information as below:
Upon clicking on Ok Button, it showed the error message
Error connecting to the server: could not translate host name
"" to address: Name or service not known
As message indicated, I thought the postgres service was not started. Therefore, I went on go terminal console and start service by entering sudo service postgresql start, but it returned Failed to start postgresql.service: Unit postgresql.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
. What's wrong or missing for my pgAdmin III? I'm just using Ubuntu earlier and I have never this problem on windows. Thanks. is more a URL, that field is looking for a host so simply remove the http:// to leave the localhost's IP address or type localhost if that resolves to the correct address (it should, usually, via /etc/hosts or the like)
Also, Debian/Ubuntu tend to ship the database servers separately. For Ubuntu, the postgresql package (which requires postgresql-common) package should include /lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service therefore you should be able to sudo systemctl start postgresql
Do you have postgresql (as opposed to postgresql-client) installed?

What is veewee waiting for when it's waiting for ssh login?

When veewee is displaying the following message, Waiting for ssh login on with user veewee to sshd on port => 7222 to work, timeout=10000 sec what exactly is it waiting on?
As far as I can tell there is a ssh server on port 7222 on the host that veewee has put up and it's waiting on that. This means that something in the guest is going to connect back to it. However, I can't figure out what that thing might be - and thus I can't debug further.
Further details
I'm trying to build a virtualbox image for vagrant with the CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal template. My steps:
bundle exec veewee vbox define 'ejs-centos6.3-1' 'CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal'
bundle exec veewee vbox build 'ejs-centos6.3-1'
The CentOS install appeared to run without error but it's stuck waiting for the ssh login.
You're right, there's a Ssh server on listening on port 7222, but it's on the guest (VM), not the host.
The host (Veewee) is waiting to connect to it. This SSH service is supposed to become available when the VM install process finishes, that's one of the steps used by Veewee to assume that the setup went fine and that the VM is ready.
If Veewee blocks and never gets this SSH connection, I think there could be multiple reasons:
VM setup went wrong and something prevents it from finishing successfully. Check Veewee output and the Virtualbox VM graphical console that should have opened when launching vewee box build.
There's something preventing your host computer to connect to the VM at the network level.
The VM image doesn't have Sshd installed, and/or the veewee box configuration files (in veewee/definitions/ejs-centos6.3-1/) miss instructions to install the ssh package
You should try to login to the VM using Virtuabox console window and check if there's an ssh package installed (rpm -qa | grep openssh-server) and a process named sshd running.
I've run Veewee against Centos 7 built with GUI on and it stuck on anaconda asking for source of packages. I've checked the ks.cfg and it was pointing to dead resource (404). After pointing to valid url it went through.

verifying cookbooks for windows using opscode's hosted chef

I have few cookbooks which have to be verified only for Windows.Basically running the recipes and see
I am using opscode's hosted chef.
For doing this, which combination shall I use :
a) windows workstation(for uploading recipes to server), ubuntu chef client node.
b) windows workstation , windows chef client node.
I am actually very new to the chef.Please suggest me...
In your case for simply verifying Windows recipes/cookbooks work, I highly recommend using chef-solo. You don't need to set up an entire chef server to prove everything works (unless that requirement is being forced on you):
Running is as simple as:
chef-solo -c C:/chef/solo.rb -j C:/chef/solo.json
Where solo.rb is your configuration file and solo.json contains your run list and attributes.
If you do need a chef server... it doesn't really matter if you run it on Windows or Linux, just choose whatever is going to be easiest for you. Regardless the client will need to be installed on your Windows workstation.

Connect Eclipse RSE with remote Linux server using public key attained from Amazon ec2

I want a easy way to save, copy and edit files on a remote server. I'm using Eclipse as an IDE, what could be better for these tasks than RSE(Remote System Exlporer) plugin for Eclipse. The thing is that I dont know how to make a connection using a public key. I have file that I downloaded from my Amazon account, *.pem. But I don't see any forms or inputs for this, when I try to connect to my remote Linux server. It is just User-id and password. I also tried to open the public key using the system's text editor and copy everything to my password field, but it didn't worked. Pls help me
this was baking my noodle for a while too. you put the keys in a folder not in the RSE config but in the whole of eclipse
check this:
Not mentioned (at least in explicitly) is the fact that RSE (and for what I've seen, Eclipse in general) only seems to work with 1024 bit keys
I also had issues, because my privatekey was 2048, but I added a new key to authorized hosts and then I could connect.
I added my local computer's ~/.ssh/ to the remote /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Then just set the user to connect in RSE to ec2-user when connecting.
Someone asked for root login. It works too: update /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow root login:
#PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Then reload the sshd daemon: service sshd restart