Using Vaadin visual editor disables custom syntax highlighting - eclipse

I have found that after using the Vaadin visual editor in eclipse Kepler (haven't tried others).. if I make any changes with the visual editor - it disables almost all the syntax highlighting I use.
To be more exact, all custom coloring except for keywords, comments and strings is reverted to a default color - since by default only these 3 elements have different colors, there is an obvious connection.. I use a high contrast theme and I find it useful to use a lot of colors in my code, it helps me get more information out of it with less reading/searching.
The editor does not change the settings of the syntax highlighting - only that one tab that is opened with the visual editor changes, after I made changes using Vaadin visual editor.
A workaround is to simply close the tab and reopen it in a Java editor, then reopening it in the visual editor will revert back to the highlighting I've set, but if I do any changes in the visual editor I have to do this again.
Does anyone know what causes this or better - how to 'fix' it - ie so the visual editor doesnt change my syntax highlighting - it's not cataclysmic, but it is really annoying.


How can I easily toggle display of problem underlining in VS Code editor panels?

I'm using VS Code with a number of different programming languages, which all have some form of problem validation provided via an extension. While these problem underlines are generally useful, I find them very annoying while I'm writing a particular piece of code, and only useful once I'm mostly done typing. I often think while writing code and I also tend to hit Ctrl+S very often, so there is no way that my IDE can "debounce" properly, as it wouldn't be able to tell if I'm done writing code or not.
How can I disable all lints from being displayed, regardless of the programming language used, until I re-enable them (or restart Code or whatever)?
I'm not looking for a always-hidden solution that permanently changes my settings. More for something that I can toggle with a keyboard shortcut or similar.
While I am most interested in a solution that works regardless of where the lints come from, the two extensions that'd be responsible for most of my lints are rust-analyzer and Kotlin, but I also have clangd and TexLab installed and also use TypeScript whenever I can't avoid it but currently I don't have any extension for it installed.
I don't think the exact thing you are looking for exists at the time of this writing.
I am not aware of any "global" (programming-language-agnostic) setting that toggles showing underlines for problems in the editor view. There is a setting that toggles showing decorations for problems in the files/folders view (problems.decorations.enabled), but that's not what you're looking for.
As shown by the answers to How to disable error highlighting in VS Code?, there are settings on a per-language basis to disable validation (such as css.validate, php.validate.enable, html.validate.*, json.validate.enable, etc. Note that language extensions may not follow that pattern of naming their settings fields)
In terms of getting a keyboard shortcut to toggle such a setting (whether the currently-non-existent-(I-think) programming-language-agnostic setting, or an individual programming-language-specific setting), see this Q&A: VSCode: Keyboard shortcuts for modifying user settings, where #matt-bierner points to the rebornix.toggle extension, which allows configuring keyboard shortcuts to toggle individual bi-state settings fields.
As for feature-requests and possible future features to VS Code, see this issue on the VS Code GitHub repo: Toggle problem visibility in Editor #166797. You can show your support for the feature reuqest by giving a thumbs up reaction to the issue. But please don't make a "me too" comment. "me too" comments generally come off as annoying to repo maintainers because they clutter up discussion and don't contribute anything of significant value.
Override theme colors in settings.json
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Visual Studio Light]": {
"editorError.foreground": "#00000000"
"editorError.foreground": "#00ff00"
will make errors transparent while using "Visual Studio Light" theme
and lightgreen while using any other theme, for example
with the extension When File you can make the squiggles transparent when the file is dirty.
Add this to your settings.json file (global or workspace/folder)
"whenFile.change": {
"whenDirty": {
"editorError.foreground": "#ff000020",
"editorWarning.foreground": "#ff000020",
"editorInfo.foreground": "#ff000020"
File add a new line css. Lint dot empty rules and assign the value of ignore.

How to highlight cells in vscode?

I have been using vscode (Visual Studio Code) text editor for couple of days. I have come from Spyder IDE for python. I am developing a great likeness towards vscode. It encompasses all of my needs to python programming with also being lightweight.
However, one thing that I am missing and wish it were here in vscode is cell highlighting. Though the editor has feature to segment the code into several cells by typing # %% before a block, it lacks the feature to highlight the cell where mouse pointer is hovered on.
Maybe, there is an option there in settings.json but i don't know where it is in particular. Though it is not a great lack or causes major issues but i like to enable this feature in my vscode editor.
Below pictures illustrate my point.
Previous image is the visual studio code editor and the below one is for Spyder IDE.
It seems it is supported now.
Bellow there's a screenshot for the current version of VSCode using Microsoft's Python extension.
If this answers the question, please, inform as answer.

Lispworks editor color coding

Does anyone know how to maintain the color coding in the Lispworks editor?
(LispWorks Personal Edition v6.1)
It works great when entering new code. But after saving and loading again, everything is monochrome black.
There is a checkbox under:
Tools > Preferences
> Environment
> Styles
> Color parenthesis
But it does not affect it.
There's a workaround by loading and then copy/pasting the code into a fresh editor window and using save-as... but there's no way that should be required.
Almost certainly you are saving your files with an extension which the LW editor does not know means they are Lisp files. Call them <something>.lisp in the standard way and all will be fine.

How to turn off copy with syntax highlighting?

In Visual Studio Code version 1.10 Copy with syntax highlighting has been introduced.
I don't want to use it most of the time but I can't find a way to turn it off.
Even though I have no keybinding set for editor.action.clipboardCopyWithSyntaxHighlightingAction VSCode always copies with Syntax highlighting.
How can I turn it off so that I copy plain text only?
Go to settings.json file and add
Using Visual Studio 2019, go to Tools/Options/Text Editor/Advanced then 'Copy rich text on copy/cut' to save color when cutting code from VS and pasting into Word.

Indentation guide for the eclipse editor

Is there a setting or plugin for eclipse that can show indentation guides in the editor? Something like the Codekana plugin for visual studio (not so fancy is also OK). Important that it works with PyDev.
EditBox since v0.0.20 is fixed for support Pydev. Thanks for reporting this. Some default preferences for Python included now, but you are welcomed to share yours here.
This can be achieved this is EditBox.
With some customization through it's preferences you can get to some nice code blocks highlighting of python code (or any other where blocks are signified with whitespace).
It is highly customizable and can achieve the vertical rules codekana style, and various other layouts.
The problem is it doesn't work on PyDev editor from what I see (at least for now). I've opened a feature request for it.
If it's any good, you can still view it's layout when opening a python file with right click "Open With/Text editor". From version 0.20, EditBox fully supports PyDev.
I also tried AnyEdit which has some whitespace highlighting amongst other features, but was not too happy with the results. For example, I had to press they're "show whitespace" button after each change to show the background, and it's not very visually pleasing (it uses eclipse's annotations to highlight whitespace).
IndentGuide is a plugin that does this for Eclipse. I am not sure whether it works for PyDev though.
The closest approximation would be to combine:
showing the whitespace characters (which shows tabs and spaces, but not just tabs)
code folding (available with PyDev)