Lispworks editor color coding - lisp

Does anyone know how to maintain the color coding in the Lispworks editor?
(LispWorks Personal Edition v6.1)
It works great when entering new code. But after saving and loading again, everything is monochrome black.
There is a checkbox under:
Tools > Preferences
> Environment
> Styles
> Color parenthesis
But it does not affect it.
There's a workaround by loading and then copy/pasting the code into a fresh editor window and using save-as... but there's no way that should be required.

Almost certainly you are saving your files with an extension which the LW editor does not know means they are Lisp files. Call them <something>.lisp in the standard way and all will be fine.


Using Vaadin visual editor disables custom syntax highlighting

I have found that after using the Vaadin visual editor in eclipse Kepler (haven't tried others).. if I make any changes with the visual editor - it disables almost all the syntax highlighting I use.
To be more exact, all custom coloring except for keywords, comments and strings is reverted to a default color - since by default only these 3 elements have different colors, there is an obvious connection.. I use a high contrast theme and I find it useful to use a lot of colors in my code, it helps me get more information out of it with less reading/searching.
The editor does not change the settings of the syntax highlighting - only that one tab that is opened with the visual editor changes, after I made changes using Vaadin visual editor.
A workaround is to simply close the tab and reopen it in a Java editor, then reopening it in the visual editor will revert back to the highlighting I've set, but if I do any changes in the visual editor I have to do this again.
Does anyone know what causes this or better - how to 'fix' it - ie so the visual editor doesnt change my syntax highlighting - it's not cataclysmic, but it is really annoying.

Change Eclipse window color

I've been using Eclipse for a while now, as we need it in class to work with xml files.
I'm rather a fan of using dark backgrounds, as I find it easyer for the eyes.
I've found this topic on how to change the theme in Eclipse, but this only changes the color scheme in the coding window.
Is there a way to change the entire color scheme for the whole program (sidebars, background color, foreground color, ...) in Eclipse like you have in Visual Studio?
offtopic: I want to do the same in NetBeans
EDIT: finally got it to work, but my color scheme s*cks.
Does anyone have a good scheme I can use or some CSS file I may import?
It would be perfect if it fits with any dark Color Theme (Monokai, NightLion Aptana Theme, Oblivion, Obsidian, Pastel, RecognEyes, Sublime Text 2, Sunburst, Wombat or zenburn). Looking at this list, I notice a lot of themes are dark. Too bad the program itself hasn't got themes (unless the Chrome Theme to change everything ourselves)
If you are using Eclipse 4, you can use the Eclipse 4 Chrome Theme to style everything in the program using CSS (or properties for the most used UI elements).
Many of the colors can be adjusted via Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts. For things that are not configurable there, they're controlled by tour operating system color settings.

Eclipse - Using different colors for printing

I am using the Obsidian theme with the Eclipse Color Theme plugin.
When coding I am very happy with how everything looks:
However, printed code is rather hard to read:
Is there any way to make Eclipse print with different colors than it displays?
2 1/2 yrs later, for others besides OP :) Right click your file in Project Explorer and choose 'Open with'; choose Text editor instead of Java/etc editor and print from there. Or alternatively, System Editor (if yours lets you check/uncheck 'print syntax highlighting'). Unless you can force your printer to use black & white instead of grayscale. I couldn't.
There is a quick and dirty answer... change theme prior to printing.

Indentation guide for the eclipse editor

Is there a setting or plugin for eclipse that can show indentation guides in the editor? Something like the Codekana plugin for visual studio (not so fancy is also OK). Important that it works with PyDev.
EditBox since v0.0.20 is fixed for support Pydev. Thanks for reporting this. Some default preferences for Python included now, but you are welcomed to share yours here.
This can be achieved this is EditBox.
With some customization through it's preferences you can get to some nice code blocks highlighting of python code (or any other where blocks are signified with whitespace).
It is highly customizable and can achieve the vertical rules codekana style, and various other layouts.
The problem is it doesn't work on PyDev editor from what I see (at least for now). I've opened a feature request for it.
If it's any good, you can still view it's layout when opening a python file with right click "Open With/Text editor". From version 0.20, EditBox fully supports PyDev.
I also tried AnyEdit which has some whitespace highlighting amongst other features, but was not too happy with the results. For example, I had to press they're "show whitespace" button after each change to show the background, and it's not very visually pleasing (it uses eclipse's annotations to highlight whitespace).
IndentGuide is a plugin that does this for Eclipse. I am not sure whether it works for PyDev though.
The closest approximation would be to combine:
showing the whitespace characters (which shows tabs and spaces, but not just tabs)
code folding (available with PyDev)

Eclipse syntax colors for HTML files

I'm using eclipse for a few months, I realy like gvim better but eclipse makes my life easier with pydev and phpeclipse. Everything is pretty nice, I have a black fluxbox and black GTK themes, I've changed the syntax colors for py and php and now everything is dark background, light foreground (including the eclipse menu/borders/etc), very nice.
But.. I can't find a way to change the syntax colors for html files. It's really bad, occasionally I will want to open a html file in eclipse and standard text is black (same as my background). I've changed every background-related color setting I could find but the html editor's colors don't change. Am I missing something? Does anyone know how to change this?
You need to install the WTP plugin to add all that HTML/JS/CSS support.
I would also recommend using the PDT plugin for all your PHP needs.
After installing these plugins.. you should be able to access their properties in Window>Preferences...
Hope this helps :)
For others who may not be as familiar with the Preferences for Eclipse you can find most of these color settings (once you have the plugins mentioned here installed) at:
Preferences > Text editors > Appearance color options
Preferences > Appearance > Colors and Fonts
Don't forget to use the search features built into the Eclipse preference panes to find the exact element you are trying to modify.