How to turn off copy with syntax highlighting? - visual-studio-code

In Visual Studio Code version 1.10 Copy with syntax highlighting has been introduced.
I don't want to use it most of the time but I can't find a way to turn it off.
Even though I have no keybinding set for editor.action.clipboardCopyWithSyntaxHighlightingAction VSCode always copies with Syntax highlighting.
How can I turn it off so that I copy plain text only?

Go to settings.json file and add

Using Visual Studio 2019, go to Tools/Options/Text Editor/Advanced then 'Copy rich text on copy/cut' to save color when cutting code from VS and pasting into Word.


Is there Partial Formatting for Flutter&Dart in Visual Studio Code?

I tend to CTRL+S my code quite often so Dart SDK formatter automatically formats the .dart file completely, from top to bottom. I know it is easy to turn this off by simply going to settings.json file of VSCode and adding "editor.formatOnSave": false,
When using Android Studio, I tend to turn this feature off and do partial formatting where I choose which part of the code I want formatted and hit the keys, telling IDE to format it which isCTRL+ALT+L by default.
Now I wonder if I can do partial formatting in Visual Studio Code. I don't want to auto-format my dart code and I don't want to format the whole dart file in VS Code, what do I do, can I do it?
No, there is no partial formatting as of right now.

Is there any way in VS Code to get IntelliJ's line deletion behaviour?

In IntelliJ (and all the other Jetbrains products sharing the editor component), pressing the Delete Line keybinding without any selection will delete the entire line, and not just the text to the left of the cursor.
Is there any way to get this behaviour in VS Code too?
As per Cut line shortcut in Visual Studio Code (Ctrl+L in VS) (not delete line!) ...
The editor.action.clipboardCutAction keybinding (default in windows Ctrl+x) has this behavior. I just verified that this works in the latest release (1.60).

How can I get rid of visual studio code's auto formatting?

How can I block visual studio code from auto formatting on save?
It causes chaos to the git commit!
The blanks which are auto generated by this software, which have nothing to do with the function improvements, are messed up with the real useful code.
How can I get rid of this auto formatting?
Go to Settings and search 'format'. There's an option there called "Editor: Format On Save". Turn this off, and it should disable the auto-formatting.

VSCODE inserting spaces via format on save

VSCODE seems to be inserting spaces everywhere in my html code. I checked the settings and it's the following which is causing it: "editor.formatOnSave": true
How do I configure this to stop inserting spaces?
I have the following set :
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"editor.insertSpaces": false
Now it is not inserting spaces. Hope it helps
Mine was caused by an extension JS/ CSS formatter, after i uninstalled and restart vscode works great.
After spending hours wondering why my django static links are broken smh
When saving, Visual Studio inserted a lot of spaces. This happened after an update of Visual Studio. This problem was because of an extension called Bracket Pair Colorizer. What I did was, uninstall and reinstall, and that solved the problem. I suggest to check all your extensions. It could be one of them.
I disabled the option of HTML formatting and no more space when saving files.
Settings > Extensions > HTML > Format: Enable
Enable/disable default HTML formatter.
What was the case with me is that I had the option Editor: Format on save mode to be set to file, this in combination with format on save would mean VS Code will try to format the entire file, resulting in spaces as defined in the formatter.
Change this to be modifictions, and VS Code will only save the lines you have made changes in.

Using Vaadin visual editor disables custom syntax highlighting

I have found that after using the Vaadin visual editor in eclipse Kepler (haven't tried others).. if I make any changes with the visual editor - it disables almost all the syntax highlighting I use.
To be more exact, all custom coloring except for keywords, comments and strings is reverted to a default color - since by default only these 3 elements have different colors, there is an obvious connection.. I use a high contrast theme and I find it useful to use a lot of colors in my code, it helps me get more information out of it with less reading/searching.
The editor does not change the settings of the syntax highlighting - only that one tab that is opened with the visual editor changes, after I made changes using Vaadin visual editor.
A workaround is to simply close the tab and reopen it in a Java editor, then reopening it in the visual editor will revert back to the highlighting I've set, but if I do any changes in the visual editor I have to do this again.
Does anyone know what causes this or better - how to 'fix' it - ie so the visual editor doesnt change my syntax highlighting - it's not cataclysmic, but it is really annoying.