How is this line in JS? - plugins

((PlayGamesPlatform) Social.Active).SignOut();
It's part of the Google Play Games plugin for Unity

assuming that's a typecast, unityscript version would be something like
(Social.Active as PlayGamesPlatform).SignOut();


Can I use ThreeJS to make 3D game in Facebook Instant Games?

I want to develop a 3D game using ThreeJS. Does facebook support this library?
Yes. it does support pure javascript code which means you can have access to webgl and install threejs npm library

Unity Bing Speech sample

i would like to use Bing speech services to my unity project.
I am already using LUIS and windows.speech for TextToSpeech and SpeechToText.
But i found no sample and i tried to integrate BibnSpeech to my project but i always have namescape or c# version issues.
Does someone have a simple sample of Bing speech in unity or just how to integrate this project
to unity pls ?
thx for any advice =) (currently using unity 5.5.2f1)

Javascript in Unity for Oculus Rift

I just want to know, can I use Javascript to program items and a virtual reality world in Unity so I can implement it into the Oculus Rift? I need to do it for a research project. I would try C++, but I am better with Javascript.
If you feel confident in JavaScript then you should have very little trouble moving to C# for Unity3D scripting. There is a plugin for Unity to use the Oculus Rift. #jahroy is correct in stating that C# documentation is expansive and most of it applies very well to Unity scripting.
Here is a link to a tutorial. One caveat, it requires Unity Pro (I don't have a DEV kit, so I haven't tried it personally).
Good luck!
A-Frame is a JavaScript Virtual Reality Framework built on three.js, and has been gaining in popularity:
I've not tried it yet, but it sounds like it integrates well with Oculus.

Unity3d and iPhone Objective-c?

Hi I am very new to Unity3d and I have been writing in Objective-c for a year now. Is it possible to write Unity3d apps in Objective-c, and if so, how do I get started?
Unity uses Mono and it languages are C#, JavaScript, Boo and C++
On iOS you can link Unity with native libs and frameworks. So you can use Objective-C in Unity code.
But it relates more to reusing Ad Network banner libs.
Game code is more convenient to write in C#, JavaScript
If you wish to develop Unity games then you have to use C#, JavaScript but you can still reuse some Objective-C code.
This is not possible I guess.
Unity 3D works with Java and C++.
BUT you can write Unity 3D apps for iOS, compile for iOS :)

Game development using Unity for iPhone

I have decided to use the game engine Unity to develop my game for iPhone. But I need to use some functions built into the iOS SDK.
If I choose to develop using Unity, can I still use functions from the standard iOS SDK? Like functions to access a url, etc...
When you compile a Unity project for iOS it takes your C# or JavaScript code and AOT compiles it to a native dll. It then creates an xcode project which loads that dll. You can add native objectiveC, or C/C++ functions to this project and expose them for calling from the Unity engine.
Unity also has built-in methods for accessing URLs.
I don't know how the Unity SDK is built, but if it's a static Objective-C library then you can access iOS SDK functions without any problems. If its a script engine where you develop your scripts outside the IDE then you may not access iOS function.
Have you checked other engines/sdk's for your game development? I know that Cocos2D is well documented and I know for sure that you can call iOS methods.
Good luck!
I used both unity3d and corona which are very good at their field, and yes you can use all standart SDK over them, sometimes you need to do tricks though (which is quite a pain). If you are developing a 3d game and familiar with NVIDIA PhysX engine go for unity, it gives you nice features. But if you are clueless about collasions/rigidbodies/ragdolls etc you would have a hard time for sure.
As for 2d application development since I don't like Objective-C I prefer corona which you code in lua (easy to learn and use). You can use most of the IOS SDK in it without any problem.
I really reccomend you starting with Unity, it is the best engine I have ever used (I have used a ton of bad engines).
Unity is the best place to start and to stay. Coding, graphics and everything is simple to manage in this engine.
Unity is specially 3d but you can also build 2d games, some examples are Zombieville and OMG Pirates (very succesfull games on the appstore).