DOXYGEN: Insert special characters in English output file - doxygen

I'm generating a Doxygen file in English ( OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English), but sometimes I need to include special characters of other languages (i.e. 'ñ', 'ö', etc. ). The problem is when using these characters, the generated file replaces these characters by unknown characters: �
So, how can include special characters in an English output Doxygen document?
Any suggestion? Thanks in advance

Thanks for your help
Changing INPUT_ENCODING to ISO-8859-1 fixes the problem.
Hope this helps


Read turkish characters from txt file

I am trying to read string data from txt file which has special turkish characters in it.
I want to store content in a string. I tried some methods like textscan , fileread but, instead of special turkish characters like ş,ç,ı,ö,ğ, there are some weird symbols. Are there any way to do that?
I created a file called turkish.txt with the characters you mentioned (ş,ç,ı,ö,ğ). Trying to read it gave me the following:
fid = fopen('turkish.txt','r','n','UTF-8');
ans =
ÿþ_, ç , 1, ö ,
As you can see, ş,ı,ğ are not rendered correctly. If you type
help slCharacterEncoding
You can see a list of most commonly supported encodings by platforms. I played with the encodings a little, some which I have checked were:
The last one is related to japanese characters. They contain some of the turkish characters, which were rendered correctly such as ç and ö, but not all of them.
If you skim through the docs it says:
If you want to use a different character encoding, you need to start MATLAB with the appropriate locale settings for your operating system. Consult your operating system manual to change the locale setting.
The instructions for setting the locale on windows platforms, which I haven't tried, can be found here.
Hope it helps.

How to fix this doxygen warning

the warning is as below,
"failed to translate characters from US-ASCII to UTF-8: check INPUT_ENCODING"
I am running doxygen over a c++project
New to doxygen and do not know how to proceed.
Help. Thanks.
Somewhere in your code you're using a special character that is not converting correctly. Are there any non-English words or other likely sources of special characters?

Find non-ASCII characters in a text file and convert them to their Unicode equivalent

I am importing .txt file from a remote server and saving it to a database. I use a .Net script for this purpose. I sometimes notice a garbled word/characters (Ullerهkersvنgen) inside the files, which makes a problem while saving to the database.
I want to filter all such characters and convert them to unicode before saving to the database.
Note: I have been through many similar posts but had no luck.
Your help in this context will be highly appreciated.
Assuming your script does know the correct encoding of your text snippet than that should be the regular expression to find all Non-ASCII charactres:
see here: and
Also, the base-R tools package provides two functions to detect non-ASCII characters:
You need to know or at least guess the character encoding of the data in order to be able to convert it properly. So you should try and find information about the origin and format of the text file and make sure that you read the file properly in your software.
For example, “Ullerهkersvنgen” looks like a Scandinavian name, with Scandinavian letters in it, misinterpreted according to a wrong character encoding assumption or as munged by an incorrect character code conversion. The first Arabic letter in it, “ه”, is U+0647 ARABIC LETTER HEH. In the ISO-8859-6 encoding, it is E7 (hex.); in windows-1256, it is E5. Since Scandinavian text are normally represented in ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (when Unicode encodings are not used), it is natural to check what E7 and E5 mean in them: “ç” and “å”. For linguistic reasons, the latter is much more probable here. The second Arabic letter is “ن” U+0646 ARABIC LETTER NOON, which is E4 in windows-1256. And in ISO-8859-1, E4 is “ä”. This makes perfect sense: the word is “Ulleråkersvägen”, a real Swedish street name (in Uppsala, at least).
Thus, the data is probably ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (Windows Latin 1) encoded text, incorrectly interpreted as windows-1256 (Windows Arabic). No conversion is needed; you just need to read the data as windows-1252 encoded. (After reading, it can of course be converted to another encoding.)

Should I use hex ascii accented character code in HTML or use the actual character?

I have several huge CSVs with lots of accented characters in html hex code: é for é and lots of others, even – for –, etc.
My site is a wiki for people to update listings. So when they are presented a textarea for update, the existing content is filled in, and obviously those hex codes will be shown.
Should I be bothered replacing those codes with actual accented characters, or just leave it as it is? I wrote a script to replace the characters, but somehow the output are weird characters. Probably the format saved in Ruby isn't in UTF-8 format.
By default my site is in UTF-8, and the accented characters are displayed properly with some html coding in the view.
Please advise. Thanks.
Could you clarify what the problem is?
If your data (CSV) is in UTF-8, and the default encoding of your site is UTF-8, then all you would need to do is make sure that when users are editing content, that content is properly treated as UTF-8.
You may not need to display the markup to the users. Perhaps you could leverage a WYSIWIG editor package like TinyMCE?

Working out file encoding: I know the string, know the character, what is the encoding?

I'm adding data from a csv file into a database. If I open the CSV file, some of the entries contain bullet points - I can see them. file says it is encoded as ISO-8859.
$ file data_clean.csv
data_clean.csv: ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines, with CRLF, LF line terminators
I read it in as follows and convert it from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8, which my database requires.
row = [unicode(x.decode("ISO-8859-1").strip()) for x in row]
print row[4]
description = row[4].encode("UTF-8")
print description
This gives me the following:
'\xa5 Research and insight \n\xa5 Media and communications'
¥ Research and insight
¥ Media and communications
Why is the \xa5 bullet character converting as a yen symbol?
I assume because I'm reading it in as the wrong encoding, but what is the right encoding in this case? It isn't cp1252 either.
More generally, is there a tool where you can specify (i) string (ii) known character, and find out the encoding?
I don't know of any general tool, but this Wikipedia page (linked from the page on codepage 1252) shows that A5 is a bullet point in the Mac OS Roman codepage.
More generally, is there a tool where
you can specify (i) string (ii) known
character, and find out the encoding?
You can easily write one in Python.
(Examples use 3.x syntax.)
import encodings
ENCODINGS = set(encodings._aliases.values()) - {'mbcs', 'tactis'}
def _decode(data, encoding):
return data.decode(encoding)
except UnicodeError:
return None
def possible_encodings(encoded, decoded):
return {enc for enc in ENCODINGS if _decode(encoded, enc) == decoded}
So if you know that your bullet point is U+2022, then
>>> possible_encodings(b'\xA5', '\u2022')
{'mac_iceland', 'mac_roman', 'mac_turkish', 'mac_latin2', 'mac_cyrillic'}
You could try
iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 data_clean.csv
if you know it is indeed iso-latin-1
Although in iso-latin-1 \xA5 is indeed a ¥
Edit: Actually this seems to be a problem on Mac, using Word or similar and Arial (?) and printing or converting to PDF. Some issues about fonts and what not. Maybe you need to explicitly massage the file first. Sounds familiar?