Read turkish characters from txt file - matlab

I am trying to read string data from txt file which has special turkish characters in it.
I want to store content in a string. I tried some methods like textscan , fileread but, instead of special turkish characters like ş,ç,ı,ö,ğ, there are some weird symbols. Are there any way to do that?

I created a file called turkish.txt with the characters you mentioned (ş,ç,ı,ö,ğ). Trying to read it gave me the following:
fid = fopen('turkish.txt','r','n','UTF-8');
ans =
ÿþ_, ç , 1, ö ,
As you can see, ş,ı,ğ are not rendered correctly. If you type
help slCharacterEncoding
You can see a list of most commonly supported encodings by platforms. I played with the encodings a little, some which I have checked were:
The last one is related to japanese characters. They contain some of the turkish characters, which were rendered correctly such as ç and ö, but not all of them.
If you skim through the docs it says:
If you want to use a different character encoding, you need to start MATLAB with the appropriate locale settings for your operating system. Consult your operating system manual to change the locale setting.
The instructions for setting the locale on windows platforms, which I haven't tried, can be found here.
Hope it helps.


Chinese in Japanese encoding

This may sound like a stupid question. I typed some Chinese characters into an empty text file in VS code text editor (default utf8). Then I saved the file in an encoding for Japanese: shift JIS, which apparently doesn't cover all the characters I have typed in.
However, before I close the file, all Chinese characters are displayed properly in VS code. Now after I closed the file and reopened it using shift JIS encoding, several characters are displayed as a question mark ?. I guess these are the Chinese characters not covered by the Japanese encoding?
What happened in the process? Is there anyway I can 'get back' the Chinese characters that are now shown in ?? I don't really understand how encoding works in this scenario...
Not all encodings cover all characters. (Unicode encodings, in principle, do, but even they don't have quite everything yet.) If you save some text in an encoding which does not include all characters in that text, something has to give.
you get an error message,
nothing saves at all,
the characters which cannot be included are silently dropped,
the characters which cannot be included are converted to some other character (such as the question mark).
Once that conversion is done, the data is lost, and cannot be recovered. Why not use UTF-8 or another Unicode encoding? (GB 18030 might be the best for large amounts of Chinese text.)

Recursive directory listing of unicoded file names

If i use dir /s /b>list.txt all unicode characters in file names, like äöüß, are broken or missed - instead of ä i get '', ü just disappears and so on...
Yes, i know, unicode characters aren't a good way to name files - they aren't named by me.
Is there a method to get file names healthy listed?
The default console code page usually only supports a small subset of Unicode. US Windows defaults to code page 437 and supports only 256 characters.
If you open a Unicode command prompt (cmd /u), when you redirect to a file the file will be encoded in UTF-16LE, which supports all Unicode characters. Notepad should display the content as long as its font supports the glyphs used.
Changing to an encoding such as UTF-8 (chcp 65001) that supports the full Unicode code point set and redirecting to a file will use that encoding and work as well.

Print Chinese / Japanese character in Zebra Printer with ZPL

I have loaded the Mono Chinese/ Japanese font onto my ZM400 printer. So far I have no success printing both Chinese & English together on the same field.
Here is some example code:
^FO100,100^A1,50,50^FD中文English Here^FS
Since I change the international code to 14 (with ^CI14), it only prints the Chinese text without the English text.
I have also try using the ^FL command, but can't seen to get it to work.
Does anyone have a working example of printing Chinese / Japanese text along with English text on the same FD (data field)?
You should probably use ^CI28 (UTF-8), and make sure that your labels are encoded in UTF-8.
As far as I know, ^CI14 only supports Asian encodings.
If anyone is looking at how to do this, I imagine what I did for Japanese will work for Chinese.
Firstly, I didn't want to purchase the Asian Font Pack because I think it's a bit of a ripoff, so I found an appropriate open source Japanese Unitype Font. I then uploaded this to the printer using Zebra Tools... make sure you upload it as a file, NOT using the font upload.
Then I managed to get it printing by escaping the characters.
So my final ZPL is
Essentially you have to escape the bytes of each value (original Japanese これは何と言っています)
You also have to put ^FH in front of ^FD so it knows you're escaping characters.
Hopefully this helps the poster and anyone else who is looking to overcome problems with ZPL and Unicode fonts / characters.
I have figured out why. The Chinese text needs to be in gibberish format.
What I meant by gibberish is that. When you use Chinese in ZPL code, it needs to be in the windows codepage format text. This windows codepage format Text that is Chinese will be displayed as gibberish in English environment.
For example. In ZPL Code, your code might look like this:
^H ~!!####$ (this gibberish is actual the ASCII representation of Chinese text in windows code page format)
However, you can't type in unicode Chinese because ZPL would not print it.
^H 中文 (this is Chinese text in unicode format)

Find non-ASCII characters in a text file and convert them to their Unicode equivalent

I am importing .txt file from a remote server and saving it to a database. I use a .Net script for this purpose. I sometimes notice a garbled word/characters (Ullerهkersvنgen) inside the files, which makes a problem while saving to the database.
I want to filter all such characters and convert them to unicode before saving to the database.
Note: I have been through many similar posts but had no luck.
Your help in this context will be highly appreciated.
Assuming your script does know the correct encoding of your text snippet than that should be the regular expression to find all Non-ASCII charactres:
see here: and
Also, the base-R tools package provides two functions to detect non-ASCII characters:
You need to know or at least guess the character encoding of the data in order to be able to convert it properly. So you should try and find information about the origin and format of the text file and make sure that you read the file properly in your software.
For example, “Ullerهkersvنgen” looks like a Scandinavian name, with Scandinavian letters in it, misinterpreted according to a wrong character encoding assumption or as munged by an incorrect character code conversion. The first Arabic letter in it, “ه”, is U+0647 ARABIC LETTER HEH. In the ISO-8859-6 encoding, it is E7 (hex.); in windows-1256, it is E5. Since Scandinavian text are normally represented in ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (when Unicode encodings are not used), it is natural to check what E7 and E5 mean in them: “ç” and “å”. For linguistic reasons, the latter is much more probable here. The second Arabic letter is “ن” U+0646 ARABIC LETTER NOON, which is E4 in windows-1256. And in ISO-8859-1, E4 is “ä”. This makes perfect sense: the word is “Ulleråkersvägen”, a real Swedish street name (in Uppsala, at least).
Thus, the data is probably ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (Windows Latin 1) encoded text, incorrectly interpreted as windows-1256 (Windows Arabic). No conversion is needed; you just need to read the data as windows-1252 encoded. (After reading, it can of course be converted to another encoding.)

Convert non english characters into Unicode (UTF-8)

I copied large amount of text from another system to my PC. When I viewed the text in my PC, it looked weird. So I copied all the fonts from the other PC and installed them in mine too. Now the text looks okay, but actually it seems that is not in Unicode. For example, if I copy the text and paste in another UTF-8 supported editor such as Notepad++, I get English characters ("bgah;") only like shown below.
How to convert this whole text into unicode text, like the one below. So I can copy the text and paste anywhere else.
The above text was manually obtained using
I need this conversion to be done, so I can copy them into database tables.
'Ja-01' is a font with a custom 'visual encoding'.
That is to say, the sequence of characters really is "bgah;" and it only looks like Tamil to you because the font's shapes for the Latin characters bg look like பெ.
This is always to be avoided, because by storing the content as "bgah;" you lose the ability to search and process it as real Tamil, but this approach was common in the pre-Unicode days especially for less-widespread scripts without mature encoding standards. This application probably predates widespread use of TSCII.
Because it is a custom encoding not shared by any other font, it is very unlikely you will be able to find a tool to convert content in this encoding to proper Unicode characters. It does not appear to be any standard character ordering, so you will have to look at the font (eg in charmap.exe) and note down every character, find the matching character in Unicode and map between them.
For example here's a trivial Python script to replace characters in a file:
mapping= {
u'a': u'\u0BAF', # Tamil letter Ya
u'b': u'\u0BAA', # Tamil letter Pa
u'g': u'\u0BC6', # Tamil vowel sign E (combining)
u'h': u'\u0BB0', # Tamil letter Ra
u';': u'\u0BCD', # Tamil sign virama (combining)
# fill in the rest of the mapping information here!
with open('ja01data.txt', 'rb') as fp:
for char in mapping:
data= data.replace(char, mapping[char])
with open('utf8data.txt', 'wb') as fp:
The font you found is getting you into trouble. The actual cell text is "bgah;", it gets rendered to பெயர் because you found a font that can work with 8-bit non-Unicode characters. So reading it or pasting it into Notepad++ is going to produce "bgah;" since that's the real text. It can only ever be rendered properly again by forcing the program that displays the string to use that same font.
Ditch the font and enter Unicode so it looks like this:
"bgah" looks like a Baamini based system, which is pre-unicode. It was popular in Canada (and the SL Tamil diaspora in general) in the 90s.
As the others mentioned, it looks like a custom visual encoding that mimics the performance of a foreign script while maintaining ASCII encoding.
Google "Baamini to unicode convertor". The University of Colombo seems to have put one up:
Let me know if this works. If not, I can ask around and get something for you.
You could first check whether the encoding is TSCII, as this sounds most probable. It is an 8-bit encoding, and the fonts you copied are probably based on that encoding. Check out whether the TSCII to UTF-8 converter at SourceForge is suitable. The project there is called “Any Tamil Encoding to Unicode” but they say that only TSCII is supported for now.