How to setup my mock Dao classes when using Guice? - scala

A typical service looks like this:
trait BaseService extends LazyLogging {
def getDb() = {
DatabaseHelper.getDb // database for the scala slick library
abstract class UserService extends BaseService {
def getById(userId: Int): Option[User]
class UserServiceImpl #Inject(val userDao: UserDao) extends UserService = {
def getById(userId: Int): Option[User] = {
getDb().withSession { implicit session =>
return userDao.getById(userId)
Using Guice I wire up my objects like:
class ServiceModule extends ScalaModule {
def configure() {
Now when I am unit testing using scalatest, I am a bit confused how I can de-couple the database access since I want to mock the database responses.
My spec looks like:
class UserServiceSpec extends UnitSpec with MockitoSugar {
val userService = injector.getInstance(classOf[UserService])
describe("UserServiceSpec") {
it("should do someting") {
val abc = userService.doSomething(); should be("abc")
My UnitSpec class wires up my Guice.
I am confused, where should I create the mock objects (using mockito) and how should I wire them using Guice? In the ServiceModule or?
My design seems wrong since my BaseService has a connection to the database, I need to refactor that out somehow.
Looking for a way to get out of this bad design I currently seem to have, ideas?

You can move the db connection to DAO layer. Your application should have three layers: controller -> service -> DAO. All the service layer needs to know is functionalities provided by DAO, i.e. CRUD operations; it should not know anything about db connection since that is DAO's responsibility.
I am not really sure about Slick framework, but for Play framework with Guice, it allows to disable "real" bindings (injected dependencies) that you expect when the application is running and enable bindings that are only for testing like this:
implicit override lazy val app = new GuiceApplicationBuilder()
.disable(classOf[ReactiveMongoModule], classOf[CommonModule])
This is a complete integration test (controller layer), hope that it helps:


Scala Guice - inject with a mixin

Is it possible to instantiate the dependency first and then bind it in the module config method?
Currently I have the following config:
class PersonServiceImpl #Inject()(addressService: AddressService) {
class AppModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule {
def configure() {
#Provides #Singleton
def provideAddressService(addressBook: AddressBook): AddressService = {
new AddressServiceImpl(addressBook) with SecureAddressView
... which works fine. What I want to do now is to move the instantiation of the AddressServiceImpl into a separate module. So, the problem is that in order to create an instance of AddressServiceImpl I need Guice to inject the addressBook parameter for me, but I also want to create the instance myself so I can mix SecureAddressView in:
class AddressModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule {
def configure() {
#Provides #Singleton
def provideAddressService(addressBook: AddressBook): AddressService = {
new AddressServiceImpl(addressBook) with SecureAddressView
This fails, though, as Guice comes back complaining about the provideAddressService method. It basically says that A binding to AddressService was already configured and points to the bind[AddressService].to[AddressServiceImpl] line in the configure method.
Any idea how to create an instance and mix in a trait while still delegating the resolution of downstream parameter dependencies to Guice?
OK, quite an obvious one but I was misled by the fact that I had to override the configure method. So, all I had to do is provide a dummy implementation for configure.
class AddressModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule {
override def configure(): Unit = ()
#Provides #Singleton
def provideAddressService(addressBook: AddressBook): AddressService = {
new AddressServiceImpl(addressBook) with SecureAddressView
Although this still looks quite dodgy as I have to provide explicitly all the parameters to the AddressService constructor. There must be a more elegant way of mixin traits. Or maybe not...

Play-Slick: Is it possible to improve this design (pattern) ... and how to call it?

I'm using Play-Slick versions 2.5.x and 3.1.x respectively. I use Slick's code generator and produce the Slick model from an existing database. Actually I'm shy to admit that I'm DB-design driven and not class-design driven.
This is the initial setup:
Generated Slick model under generated.Tables._
Generic Slick dao implementation
Service layer that builds on top of the Generic Slick dao
These are the forces behind the pattern which I temporary called "Pluggable Service" because it allows plugging in the service layer functionality to the model:
Play's controllers and views must only see the Service layer (and not the Dao's) e.g. UserService
Generated model e.g. UserRow is expected to comply to business layer interfaces e.g. Deadbolt-2's Subject but not implement it directly. To be able to implement it one needs "too much" e.g. the UserRow model type, the UserDao and potentially some business context.
Some of the UserService methods naturally apply to the model UserRow instance e.g. loggedUser.roles or loggedUser.changePassword
Therefore I have:
generated.Tables.scala Slick model classes:
case class UserRow(id: Long, username: String, firstName: String,
lastName : String, ...) extends EntityAutoInc[Long, UserRow]
dao.UserDao.scala Dao extensions and customizations specific to the User model:
class UserDao #Inject()(protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider)
extends GenericDaoAutoIncImpl[User, UserRow, Long] (dbConfigProvider, User) {
def roles(user: UserRow) : Future[Seq[Role]] = {
val action = (for {
role <- SecurityRole
userRole <- UserSecurityRole if === userRole.securityRoleId
user <- User if userRole.userId ===
} yield role).result
services.UserService.scala service that facades all user operations to the rest of the Play application:
class UserService #Inject()(auth : PlayAuthenticate, userDao: UserDao) {
// implicitly executes a DBIO and waits indefinitely for
// the Future to complete
import utils.DbExecutionUtils._
// Deadbolt-2 Subject implementation expects a List[Role] type
def roles(user: UserRow) : List[Role] = {
val roles = userDao.roles(user)
services.PluggableUserService.scala finally the actual "Pluggable" pattern that dynamically attaches service implementations to the model type:
trait PluggableUserService extends be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.models.Subject {
override def roles: List[Role]
object PluggableUserService {
implicit class toPluggable(user: UserRow)(implicit userService: UserService)
extends PluggableUserService {
override def roles: List[Role] = {
Finally one can do in the controllers:
class Application #Inject() (implicit
val messagesApi: MessagesApi,
session: Session,
deadbolt: DeadboltActions,
userService: UserService) extends Controller with I18nSupport {
import services.PluggableUserService._
def index = deadbolt.WithAuthRequest()() { implicit request =>
Future {
val user: UserRow = userService.findUserInSession(session)
// auto-magically plugs the service to the model
val roles = user.roles
// ...
Is there any Scala way that could help not having to write the boilerplate code in the Pluggable Service object? does the Pluggable Service name makes sense?
One of the common variant may be a parent trait for your controllers that has something along these lines:
def MyAction[A](bodyParser: BodyParser[A] = parse.anyContent)
(block: (UserWithRoles) => (AuthenticatedRequest[A]) => Future[Result]): Action[A] = {
deadbolt.WithAuthRequest()(bodyParser) { request =>
val user: UserRow = userService.findUserInSession(session)
// this may be as you had it originally
// but I don't see a reason not to
// simply pull it explicitly from db or
// to have it in the session together with roles in the first place (as below UserWithRoles class)
val roles = user.roles
block(UserWithRoles(user, roles))(request)
The elephant in the room here is how you get userService instance. Well you would need to explicitly require it in your controller constructor (in the same way you do with DeadboltActions). Alternatively you may bundle DeadboltActions, UserService and what else into one class (e.g. ControllerContext?) and inject this single instance as one constructor parameter (but that's probably another discussion...).
After that your controller code would be like this:
def index = MyAction() { implicit user => implicit request =>
Future {
// ...
both user and request is implicit which helps to pass into into inner parts of your application (which is often the case - you bring user object to perform some business logic).
It doesn't get rid of your PluggableUserService per se (logic is still there) but it may help you to easier reuse same logic everywhere in your controllers (as in my experience, you need to have both User together with Roles more often than not in any real application).
EDIT: I got a feeling I didn't quite get your question. You want to avoid boilerplate in PluggableUserService or you want to avoid scattering this conversion with use of PluggableUserService everywhere, in every controller (IMHO 2nd option is something to be avoided)?

If I load my database connection pool does it affect the main netty thread?

Say I have a action method that connects to the database like this:
class Users #Inject()(userService: UserService) extends Controller {
def dbtest = Action {
val user = userService.getById(1)
Ok("the user name is" +
I'm using Guice to inject the service into the controller, and the code for that is follows:
class UserServiceImpl #Inject(val userDao: UserDao) extends UserService {
def getById(userId: Int): User = {
db.withSession { implicit session =>
return userDao.getUserId(userId)
I have a abstract class that my UserService extends which looks like:
trait BaseService {
val ds = JDBCWrapper.datasource // org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource
val db = Database.forDataSource(ds)
Each service will be sharing the same instance of the datasource ds.
So this is creating a connection pool, possible multiple threads, inside of playframework.
Will this be a problem since netty uses a single thread or is that creating at a different level where play and netty interact?
I've read somewhere where sometimes in play people create a fixed sized thread pool and perform certain operations in that context, is that what I am suppose to be doing with my database operations?
Is this a bad design?
I am not using that play-slick plugin as I am wiring this up manually b/c I am using a multi-project sbt setup (and I what to understand this issue regardless).

Scala Slick Cake Pattern: over 9000 classes?

I'm developing a Play! 2.2 application in Scala with Slick 2.0 and I'm now tackling the data access aspect, trying to use the Cake Pattern.
It seems promising but I really feel like I need to write a huge bunch of classes/traits/objects just to achieve something really simple. So I could use some light on this.
Taking a very simple example with a User concept, the way I understand it is we should have:
case class User(...) //model
class Users extends Table[User]... //Slick Table
object users extends TableQuery[Users] { //Slick Query
//custom queries
So far it's totally reasonable. Now we add a "Cake Patternable" UserRepository:
trait UserRepository {
val userRepo: UserRepository
class UserRepositoryImpl {
//Here I can do some stuff with slick
def findByName(name: String) = {
users.withFilter( === name).list
Then we have a UserService:
trait UserService {
this: UserRepository =>
val userService: UserService
class UserServiceImpl { //
def findByName(name: String) = {
Now we mix all of this in an object :
object UserModule extends UserService with UserRepository {
val userRepo = new UserRepositoryImpl
val userService = new UserServiceImpl
Is UserRepository really useful? I could write findByName as a custom query in Users slick object.
Let's say I have another set of classes like this for Customer, and I need to use some UserService features in it.
Should I do:
CustomerService {
this: UserService =>
CustomerService {
val userService = UserModule.userService
OK, those sound like good goals:
Abstract over the database library (slick, ...)
Make the traits unit testable
You could do something like this:
trait UserRepository {
type User
def findByName(name: String): User
// Implementation using Slick
trait SlickUserRepository extends UserRepository {
case class User()
def findByName(name: String) = {
// Slick code
// Implementation using Rough
trait RoughUserRepository extends UserRepository {
case class User()
def findByName(name: String) = {
// Rough code
Then for CustomerRepository you could do:
trait CustomerRepository { this: UserRepository =>
trait SlickCustomerRepository extends CustomerRepository {
trait RoughCustomerRepository extends CustomerRepository {
And combine them based on your backend whims:
object UserModuleWithSlick
extends SlickUserRepository
with SlickCustomerRepository
object UserModuleWithRough
extends RoughUserRepository
with RoughCustomerRepository
You can make unit-testable objects like so:
object CustomerRepositoryTest extends CustomerRepository with UserRepository {
type User = // some mock type
def findByName(name: String) = {
// some mock code
You are correct to observe that there is a strong similarity between
trait CustomerRepository { this: UserRepository =>
object Module extends UserRepository with CustomerRepository
trait CustomerRepository {
val userRepository: UserRepository
import userRepository._
object UserModule extends UserRepository
object CustomerModule extends CustomerRepository {
val userRepository: UserModule.type = UserModule
This is the old inheritance/aggregation tradeoff, updated for the Scala world. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages. With mixing traits, you will create fewer concrete objects, which can be easier to keep track of (as in above, you only have a single Module object, rather than separate objects for users and customers). On the other hand, traits must be mixed at object creation time, so you couldn't for example take an existing UserRepository and make a CustomerRepository by mixing it in -- if you need to do that, you must use aggregation. Note also that aggregation often requires you to specify singleton-types like above (: UserModule.type) in order for Scala to accept that the path-dependent types are the same. Another power that mixing traits has is that it can handle recursive dependencies -- both the UserModule and the CustomerModule can provide something to and require something from each other. This is also possible with aggregation using lazy vals, but it is more syntactically convenient with mixing traits.
Check out my recently published Slick architecture cheat sheet. It does not abstract over the database driver, but it is trivial do change it that way. Just wrap it in
class Profile(profile: JdbcProfile){
import profile.simple._
lazy val db = ...
// <- cheat sheet code here
You do not need the cake pattern. Just put it all in one file and you get away without it. The cake pattern allows you to split the code into different files, if you are willing to pay the syntax overhead. People also use the cake pattern to create different configurations including different combinations of services, but I don't think this is relevant to you.
If the repeated syntax overhead per database table bothers you, generate the code. The Slick code-generator is customizable exactly for that purpose:
If you want to blend hand-written and generated code, either feed the hand-written code into the code-generator or use a scheme, where the generated code inherits from hand-written cor vise-versa.
For replacing Slick by something else, replace the DAO methods with queries using another library.

Abstracting the Database client in the cake pattern

I am trying to create an abstraction for a SearchService using the Cake pattern. This is what I have currently:
trait SearchServiceComponent{
val searchService:SearchService
trait SearchService{
def searchForSomething(..):List[String]
def updateIndex(..):Boolean
Lets say I have a DbSearchServiceComponent and LuceneSearchServiceComponent as follows:
trait DbSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent{
class DbSearchService extends SearchService{
//Initialize the db client
//Implement all the trait methods
trait LuceneSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent{
class LuceneSearchService extends SearchService{
//Initialize the lucene client
//Implement all the trait methods
The issue I have with the above snippet is that
I have initialized instances of lucene client and the db client in the Service implementations.
Ideally I would want to "mix-in" a "Client" base type that can be either a Db client or a Lucene client but I am pretty confused as to how to inject a polymorphic client type here.
Can somebody point out how I may be able to refactor the code so that I can inject different versions of the client to my implementations of the SearchService trait?
Not sure if I interpret your question correctly, but that's how you could use the cake pattern for this:
trait SearchServiceComponent {
val searchService: SearchService
trait SearchService {
def searchForSomething(...): List[String]
def updateIndex(...): Boolean
trait DbSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent {
override val searchService = new SearchService {
// Initialize client, implement methods
trait trait LuceneSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent {
override val searchService = new SearchService {
// Initialize client, implement methods
and upon instantiation:
val myLucenceApp = new Whatever with LuceneSearchServiceComponent
val myDbApp = new Whatever with DbSearchServiceComponent
where Whatever would typically be something along the lines of
class Whatever { this: SearchServiceComponent =>
// ... use `searchService` and do lots of other things