Abstracting the Database client in the cake pattern - scala

I am trying to create an abstraction for a SearchService using the Cake pattern. This is what I have currently:
trait SearchServiceComponent{
val searchService:SearchService
trait SearchService{
def searchForSomething(..):List[String]
def updateIndex(..):Boolean
Lets say I have a DbSearchServiceComponent and LuceneSearchServiceComponent as follows:
trait DbSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent{
class DbSearchService extends SearchService{
//Initialize the db client
//Implement all the trait methods
trait LuceneSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent{
class LuceneSearchService extends SearchService{
//Initialize the lucene client
//Implement all the trait methods
The issue I have with the above snippet is that
I have initialized instances of lucene client and the db client in the Service implementations.
Ideally I would want to "mix-in" a "Client" base type that can be either a Db client or a Lucene client but I am pretty confused as to how to inject a polymorphic client type here.
Can somebody point out how I may be able to refactor the code so that I can inject different versions of the client to my implementations of the SearchService trait?

Not sure if I interpret your question correctly, but that's how you could use the cake pattern for this:
trait SearchServiceComponent {
val searchService: SearchService
trait SearchService {
def searchForSomething(...): List[String]
def updateIndex(...): Boolean
trait DbSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent {
override val searchService = new SearchService {
// Initialize client, implement methods
trait trait LuceneSearchServiceComponent extends SearchServiceComponent {
override val searchService = new SearchService {
// Initialize client, implement methods
and upon instantiation:
val myLucenceApp = new Whatever with LuceneSearchServiceComponent
val myDbApp = new Whatever with DbSearchServiceComponent
where Whatever would typically be something along the lines of
class Whatever { this: SearchServiceComponent =>
// ... use `searchService` and do lots of other things


Scala Cake Pattern & Self Type Annotations

I'm trying to follow the example from this blog. I understand the example but having trouble implementing it.
trait Database {
// ...
trait UserDb {
this: Database =>
// ...
trait EmailService {
this: UserDb =>
// Can only access UserDb methods, cannot touch Database methods
The example mentions that the full Database functionality will be hidden from the EmailService - this is what i'm after but don't know how to implement these traits correctly.This is what i tried to implement:
trait Database {
def find(query: String): String
trait UserDb {
this: Database =>
trait EmailService {
this: UserDb =>
trait MongoDatabase extends Database {
trait MongoUserDb extends UserDb with MongoDatabase{
class EmailServiceImpl extends EmailService with MongoUserDb {
override def find(query: String): String = {
It looks weird to me becasue MongoDatabase trait didn't asked for find implementation and when i implemented EmailService i was then prompted for find implementation,although the example mentioned this will be hidden from the EmailService. What am i missing here?
After reading your comments, I'm trying to implement what i'm being trying to understand on an example that is closer to what i'm actually trying to do.
The first snippet won't compile, but the second one will...
At the end of the day i want to have different Repository implementations where i can switch between the Databases they rely on, am i close with one of the snippets below?
trait Database {
def find(s: String): String
trait Repository {
this: Database =>
class UserRepository extends Repository {
def database = new MongoDB
class MongoDB extends Database {
def find(s: String): String = {
trait Repository {
def database: Database
trait Database {
def find(s: String): String
trait UserRepository extends Repository {
def database = new MongoDB
class MongoDB extends Database {
def find(s: String): String = {
As mentioned MongoUserDB will not ask for an implementation as its a trait. However since EmailServiceImpl extends the trait it needs to provide an implementation.
What you are looking for could be done by adding another abstraction. I do it using the service and DAO architecture.
Below is a working example that you may use to see if it suits you.
//All future versions of DAO will extend this
trait AbstractDAO{
def getRecords:String
def updateRecords(records:String):Unit
//One concrete version
trait concreteDAO extends AbstractDAO{
override def getRecords={"Here are DB records"}
override def updateRecords(records:String){
//Actual DB calls and operations
println("Updated "+records)
//Second concrete version
trait concreteDAO1 extends AbstractDAO{
override def getRecords={"DB Records returned from DAO2"}
override def updateRecords(records:String){
//Actual DB calls and operations
println("Updated via DAO2"+records)
//This trait just defines dependencies (in this case an instance of AbstractDAO) and defines operations based over that
trait service{
this:AbstractDAO =>
def updateRecordsViaDAO(record:String)={
def getRecordsViaDAO={
//Test Stub
object DI extends App{
val wiredObject = new service with concreteDAO //injecting concrete DAO to the service and calling methods
val wiredObject1 = new service with concreteDAO1
EDIT ---
Here is the code you might want to implement,
trait Database {
def find(s: String): String
trait MongoDB extends Database{
def find(s:String):String = { "Test String" }
trait SQLServerDB extends Database{
def find(s:String):String = { "Test String2" }
trait Repository {
this: Database =>
class UserRepository extends Repository with MongoDB{ // UserRepository is injected with MongoDB here
find("call MongoDB") //This call will go to the find method in MongoDB trait
class UserRepository1 extends Repository with SQLServerDB{ // UserRepository is injected with SQLServerDB here
find("call SQLServerDB") //This call will go to the find method in SQLServerDB trait
Database is hidden from EnailService, but not from EmailServiceImpl. The latter is a subclass of MongoUserDB, obviously, it has access to it.
MongoUserDB does not "ask" for find implementation, because it is a trait, and traits can have abstract methods. You should still implement it there, even without being asked ;)

Scala traits exposing protected members?

Given a class like:
class MyClass {
protected object MyObj { ... }
is it possible to write a trait that will permit exposing MyObj. E.g. with inheritance I could do the following:
class TestMyClass extends MyClass {
val getMyObj = MyObj
but I want to do this via a trait, something like the following which doesn't typecheck:
trait ExposeMyObj {
val getMyObj = MyObj // super.MyObj/this.MyObj don't work
and use it like:
class TestMyClass extends ExposeMyObj
Is it possible to reproduce the functionality in TestMyClass into a trait to expose the protected object, and if so how?
If you know that your trait will always be mixed in to an instance of MyClass (or a subclass), you can enforce the expectation with a self-type, and then access the object:
trait ExposeMyObj {
self: MyClass =>
val getMyObj = MyObj
Edit: an example of using this trait:
class TestMyClass extends MyClass with ExposeMyObj
val test = new TestMyClass
test.getMyObj // accesses MyObj defined in MyClass.
Edit 2: attempting to address #jbrown's comment (re: testing queries within repos) - I would look at doing something like the following - first, in each repo's file, add a trait for each repo holding the queries for that repo:
trait UserQueries { // you could look at making this protected, if you like
protected def query1(param: String) = List(param) // very silly implementation, but hopefully enough to make the point
... // other queries
class UserRepo extends UserQueries // Has (internal) access to those queries
Then in the test class file for a given repo:
class UserQueriesTester extends UserQueries with ScalaTest { // or whatever test framework you are using
// (public) tests to run - eg:
def testQuery1 = query1("test") should be (List("test"))

Scala: How can I mock this function using Mockito?

I am wanting to test one of my akka actors, it uses slick to get the information from the database. In my actor I have this bit of code
CardStationPermissions.retrieveByStationID(stationID).foreach(card => {
I want to know how can I mock that function to change the output instead of relaying on whats in the database?
It's really difficult to mock things that are being called in a static way (in this case, a call on an object as opposed to an instance of a class). When you need to be able to mock and test things like this, I tend to agree with Mustafa's suggestion that creating a trait to represent the relevant methods to mock. A simple example would look as follows:
case class MyObject(id:Long)
trait MyDao{
def getData(input:String):List[MyObject] = ...
object MyDao extends MyDao
class MyActor extends Actor{
val myDao:MyDao = MyDao
def receive = {
case param:String => sender ! myDao.getData(param)
Here you can see that I have a trait to represent my dao methods (only 1 for this example) and then I mix that trait into a scala object as the default instantiation of that trait. When I setup my dao in my actor, I explicitly type it to the trait so that I can substitute a mock impl of that trait later.
So then if I wanted a simple test showing mocking, it could look something like this (via specs2):
class MyActorTest(_system:ActorSystem) extends TestKit(_system)
with Specification with Mockito with ImplicitSender{
def this() = this(ActorSystem("test"))
trait scoping extends Scope{
val mockDao = mock[MyDao]
val actor = TestActorRef(new MyActor{
override val myDao = mockDao
"A request to get data" should{
"pass the input to the dao and return the result to the sender" in new scoping{
mockDao.getData("foo") returns List(MyObject(1))
actor ! "foo"

Scala Dependency Injection with Cake Pattern

I've been following this article which describes how to achieve dependency injection in Scala via the Cake Pattern:
I'm kind of new to Scala and I admit some of it went over my head, so far I've got the following working:
// Setup the component and interface
trait AccountRepositoryComponent {
val accountRepository: AccountRepositoryInterface
trait AccountRepositoryInterface {
def message: String
// An implementation
trait MyAccountRepositoryComponent extends AccountRepositoryComponent {
object AccountRepository extends AccountRepositoryInterface {
def message: String = "Hello"
// Object to configure which implementations to use and retrieve them
object ComponentRegistry extends MyAccountRepositoryComponent {
val accountRepository = AccountRepository
// Example service using the above
object AccountService {
val repo = ComponentRegistry.accountRepository
def say: String = repo.message
What I'm failing to understand is how I would now pass in a fake repository to Account Service, say to change the output to "Test" rather than "Hello"?
There are various ways this could be modified to achieve a workable result, depending on what counts as a workable result for your situation. I'll go through a simpler possibility here.
First, the ComponentRegistry needs to become a trait, so it can be mixed in to the AccountService:
// Trait to configure which component implementations to use and retrieve them
object ComponentRegistry extends MyAccountRepositoryComponent {
val accountRepository = AccountRepository
// Example service using the above
object AccountService extends ComponentRegistry {
def say: String = accountRepository.message
This should print "Hello" as before. To set up a test case, add the following:
// Test implementation
trait TestAccountRepositoryComponent extends AccountRepositoryComponent {
object AccountRepository extends AccountRepositoryInterface {
def message: String = "Test"
// trait to configure test component implementations
trait TestComponentRegistry extends TestAccountRepositoryComponent {
val accountRepository = AccountRepository
Now we can set up a service that uses the test components:
// Example service using the above
object AccountService extends TestComponentRegistry {
//val repo = ComponentRegistry.accountRepository
def say: String = accountRepository.message
This should print "Test".
Note that you would probably want your AccountService to define its functionality in terms of other mixins/traits, which would expect the appropriate components to be available (layered into the "cake"), but wouldn't know which implementation was in use. Eg:
trait CustomerApi {
self: AccountRepositoryComponent => // Expects an implementation of AccountRepositoryComponent to be mixed in
def say: String = accountRepository.message
Now the method say is implemented without knowing what version of AccountRepository it will interact with, but knowing one must be provided (checked at compile time). So we can write:
object AccountService extends CustomerApi with ComponentRegistry
object TestAccountService extends CustomerApi with TestComponentRegistry
Calling println(AccountService.say) will generate "Hello", while calling println(TestAccountService.say) will generate "Test".
This post provides a succinct example of that (followed by an interesting alternative).

Abstract fields for dependency injection

In Scala, is there there anything wrong with using the below method of dependency injection.
// Define an interface
trait FileStorage {
def readFile(filename:String):OutputStream
// And an implementation
class S3FileStorage extends FileStorage {
def readFile(filename:String):OutputStream = ???
// Define our service as a trait with abstract fields that need to be
// injected in order to construct. All implementation details go here.
trait FileHTTPServer {
val fileStorage:FileStorage
def fetchFile( session:Session, filename:String ) = ???
Now we wire things up
// Wire up a concrete file service that we actually use in code
// No implementation details should go here, we're simply wiring up a FileHttpServerl
// An entire project could be wired up this way in a central location if desired.
object S3FileHttpServer extends FileHTTPServer {
val fileStorage = new S3FileStorage
// We could also do this anonymously
val myHttpServer = new FileHttpServer {
val fileStorage = new S3FileStorage
// Or create a mocked version for testing
val mockedHttpServer = new FileHttpServer {
val fileStorage = mock[FileStorage]
Obviously the Cake pattern provides more flexibility (particularly around self-types), however for simpler use cases this has much less boilerplate, while still providing compile time checking and a clean unambiguous interface.
Yes, this is absolutely fine approach. And yes, sometimes you can use constructor injection, nothing wrong with that too. But with constructor injection you have to propagate your dependencies manually, while with cake pattern your dependencies are propagated automatically via self-type annotations. So for big projects constructor injection actually lead to more boilerplate than cake pattern, especially at the construction site (where you create all your objects and set up dependencies between them).
However, what you have presented is not full-fledged cake pattern. In real cake pattern there is an additional layer around business logic classes, so-called components, and you do not wire up logic classes directly but components instead.
trait FileStorageComponent {
def fileStorage: FileStorage
trait FileStorage {
def readFile(filename: String): OutputStream
trait S3FileStorageComponent extends FileStorageComponent {
val fileStorage = new S3FileStorage
class S3FileStorage extends FileStorage {
def readFile(filename: String): OutputStream = ???
trait FileHttpServerComponent {
self: FileStorageComponent =>
val fileHttpServer = new FileHttpServer
class FileHttpServer {
def fetchFile(session: Session, filename: String) = ???
// Wiring
object S3FileHttpServer extends FileHttpServerComponent with S3FileStorageComponent
// Anonymous
val server = new FileHttpServerComponent with S3FileStorageComponent
// Mocking
object TestFileHttpServer extends FileHttpServerComponent with FileStorageComponent {
val fileStorage = mock[FileStorage]
In this approach there are more boilerplate in traits definitions, but in return you have greater flexibility and very clear dependency management on the use place. For example, here is how program entry point in one of my projects looks like:
object Main
extends MainUI
with DefaultActorsManagerComponent
with DefaultPreferencesAccessComponent
with DefaultModelComponent
with DefaultMainWindowViewComponent
with DefaultMainWindowControllerComponent
with MainWindowReporterComponent
with DefaultClientActorComponent
with DefaultResponseParserActorComponent
with DefaultArchiverActorComponent
with DefaultMainWindowAccessActorComponent
with DefaultUrlParserComponent
with DefaultListenerActorComponent
with DefaultXmlPrettifierComponent
All main program components are in one place. Pretty neat IMO.