IntelliJ no longer makes configuration for Run - scala

I was running tests just fine a few days ago. But, from some point onward, the Run button is greyed out and IntelliJ no longer makes configuration for Run. There seems to be no way to run the test. How can I address this problem?
Run button being greyed out
While I was searching online, I found this advice on adding proper Project compiler output and Output path and Test output path via Project Structure (as shown in screenshot below). But this did not fix my problem. Any tips on addressing this issue?
Project Structure - Output path and Test output path
By the way, when I tried to add Run configuration, it was giving me this message saying "Test Class is not specified". As shown in the image below, it didn't enable me to add the Test Class.
attempt to create a Run configuration failed
Also, I manually marked both src - main - scala as Sources Root and src - test - scala as Test Sources Root, but still didn't work. Then, I deleted .idea directory and re-imported the entire project. But then, I saw this message "[info] shutting down sbt server".
now shutting down sbt server
Any help will be greatly appreciated!


Problem while trying to execute ant file in java

I'm trying to compile a service using a java ant file as appears below:
and my buid-jar.xml looks like this:
the problem i have is that eclipse is not recognizing the enviroment variables and it takes the names literally causing an error on building time:
Both, paths and ant files does exists in these routes in my user folder, but i don't know why this error is happening. I'm using jdk 1.8.0_45.
Any idea? Sorry i had to attach screenshots instead code, but the proxy of the company network that i work for doesn't allow me to navigate on stackoverflow.

"Errors exist in the active configuration..." Eclipse Dialog when Debugging

An "Errors exist in the active configuration of project X. Proceed with launch?" dialog appears while debugging code in Eclipse. Hitting the "Proceed" button results in successful debugging. There are no apparent errors with the launch configuration. A similar Run Configuration does not generate the error.
This is caused by an invalid path somewhere in your Eclipse project settings. There are a couple common sources for this kind of error.
You're working on a shared (version controlled, copied, etc) project where someone has hardcoded a path that doesn't exist on your machine, or uses an environment variable that you've not set.
Sometimes, you can find the offending path by looking at the full list of Error messages. If not, look in your project file.
The Discovery Options in your project properties has 'Automate discovery of paths and symbols' enabled - but the process is generating an error.
If you're using a version of Eclipse that warns you this option is deprecated, uncheck the option to disable it and fix any includes in 'Preprocessor Include Paths' instead. If not. . .try it anyway.
Depending on your path changes, restart Eclipse and try again.
It starts the executable that was built last before you broke the build. That executable will be older then your source files. The reason you were able to debug is because your line numbers did not change for the code you've debugged - e.g. you may try break in main then introduce a compilation error and move main a couple lines below - the debug will highlight the wrong lines when it stops.

NetBeans 8.0.2, PHPUnit skeleton genertor 2.0.1 - phpunit tests were not generated for the following files

I'm trying to get a PHPUnit test generated via the NetBeans IDE. WHen I initiate the creation of a test, the output window shows:
"C:\xampp\php\pear\PHPUnit\phpunit-skelgen.bat" "--ansi" "generate-test" "PrintuiInterface" "C:\xampp\htdocs\unified\components\com_printui\interface\printui_interface.php" "PrintuiInterfaceTest" "C:\unittests\components\com_printui\interface\printui_interfaceTest.php"
phpunit-skelgen 2.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.
It seems successful but I also get a popup that states "Tests were not generated for the following files: printui_interface.php Review the log in Output window"
I've tried moving the 'unittests' directory to several different places, thinking it may be a permissions issue. I seem to get the same results no matter where I put the 'unittests' directory.
There are no errors in the PHP error log.
Any thoughts on how I can determine what is wrong would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards.

Running MGWT in Super Dev Mode does not pick up code changes

I was evaluating MGWT for the new mobile version of our website. So I downloaded the MGWT's showcase project and set it up in my Eclipse. I was able to compile the project and run it. I was then trying to set up the showcase to run in the Super Dev Mode environment which would help improve the development speed a lot. I followed the steps in Daniel's blog:
Everything was fine. I was able to start the Codeserver. I was able to see the Super Dev Mode popup when I opened up the app. I was able to request the Codeserver to recompile and I could see the compilation messages in the console. I could also see the generated JS files of the recompilation.
However, it seemed that the Codeserver did not pick up the changes I made. I tried to change a simple text, then asked the Codeserver to recompile, but the changes did not show after the recompilation. When I checked the new generated JS files, I could see that the Codeserver still used the old code to recompile.
When I restarted the Codeserver, the changes were recompiled correctly and I could see them in the app.
If anyone has a clue of what I might have done wrong, please let me know. I appreciate your help very much.
Just happened to find a solution to my own question:
Instead of adding the source folder to the classpath of the Codeserver run config as in Daniel's instructions, I added this source folder as part of the command line arguments using the -src argument (see here for more info).
So the arguments string for the Codeserver launch config should look like:
-bindAddress <codeserver-ip-address> -src <gwt-source-path> <gwt-module-name>

Google App Engine Eclipse Launch Local Host Multiple App Conflict?

I have two GAE projects created through pydev in eclipse 4.2 (windows 7) and the first one I had no issues running the localhost:8080 but when I created a second project, I duplicated the Run Configuration for local run adn just changed the project name to the new one.
However- when I run that config the inital HelloWorld project shows up[ in my browser, I tried completely removing the first project, but then it just ocmplains it cant fint app.yaml in the old directory (because the old directory isnt where it was).
So clearly I'm missing some setting in the launch procedure where it sets the root path.
The run config is a PyDeb Google App Run, main module points to
C:\program files (x86)\google\google_appengine\
And the arguments are
Everything else is on the default settings.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as pushing to Google (which works fine for both) for every little debug iteration is driving me a bit crazy.
*EDIT: Forgot to mention I have already tried to delete all runconfigs and remake.
Have you tried Run as : PyDev Google App Engine Run, to create a new runconfig?
Turns out I'm just a bit silly. In eclipse, I wasn't properly turning off (not sure on the correct term there) the LocalHost for the first project before starting the second. To fix, I needed to go Into eclipses console window, and select "display selected console" and choose the project I wanted to stop and hit the stop all button. Then it runs fine.
Hope this helps someone in the future, that is as determined as me that "It can't be my fault".