Eclipse Error External Editor - eclipse

I am using Eclipse 3.8.1 on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. So, i am getting error when opening a file that i was set to external editor (Sublime Text) for editing.
Although I've done setting that external editor via Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations, but i had to do resetting that when Eclipse restarted.
What is the solutions ? Thanks for the answer.

I use eclipse version 4.4.1 not from software center.
I registered external editor(brackets) using Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations - no resets, no restarts.
First i browsed to the wrong executable file, which didn't open brackets(which was the editor i was pointing). Then i corrected to shell script of the executable.
Then i tried the same opening external editor. Brackets opened successfully.
I think you have to check whether you pointed to the correct executable while adding external editor. Also i recommend using latest version of eclipse(Just extract and start using if openjdk already installed.)


Eclipse Text Editor Behaviour under Linux

I use Eclipse Luna 4.4.0 under Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. When I edit a file (especially a Java file), then the editor has a vi-like behaviour with a command and edit mode. But I want the same editor behaviour as under Windows which is like Notepad(++), without a command mode.
I couldn't find any key settings under Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Keys. There's a default scheme, a "vim's key bindings" scheme and an emacs scheme, but there seems to be no difference between the default and the vim scheme. And, additionally, I couldn't find any way to export Windows' editor preferences and to import them under Linux.
Is there any way to solve my problem? Or do we have this different behaviour due to platform-dependent implementation?
I guess, you have Vrapper or a different plug-in installed that provides these key bindings. If you don't want to have these features, try to uninstall them (select Help -> About from the menu, then click on Installation Details button on the bottom of the About dialog, where you can look for any possible culprits, and uninstall them.

Eclipse keeps crunching while "updating rpm packages proposal list"

I've recently installed Eclipse Kepler CDT on a Win7 64 machine. It runs fine (well, sort of), but - it keeps crunching, with the status bar saying
Updating RPM packages proposal list
Why is this happening and how can I make it stop?
It's a bug in the "Linux Tools" plugin.
It seems that the plugin is unable to create the file specified at
Window -> Preferences -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions -> Path to packages list file
Window -> Preferences -> RPM -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions -> Path to packages list file
and therefore keeps trying to create it.
To fix this problem, just create an empty file at that location & name, or create a new empty file at a different location & name and specify it as the "Path to packages list file".
Note: You cannot create the default file (.pkglist) using Windows explorer since it won't let you create a file whose name starts with a dot. So open a console (command prompt) window and run this command:
echo. > path\to\file\.pkglist
I was able to solve this in Eclipse Kepler by going to Window -> Preferences -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions and un-checking Automatically build the RPM packages proposal list
Run Eclipse as administrator and it will create this fail successfully. Normal program do not have rights to write into this directory.
When developers lean to give meaningful error messages? Also, it will probably tray to write into this file sometimes in the future and that will also fail. Make this fail writable for users, normally programs run with user rights!
In Eclipse version 2022-06, the updating can be disabled by goin to Window -> Preferences -> RPM -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions (note the first RPM which is not present in Eclipse Kepler) and un-checking Automatically build the RPM packages proposal list
I was getting this simply because my %USERPROFILE%.pkglist didn't exist, so creating the empty file solved the problem for me.

Aptana Studio messed up my default editor settings in Eclipse

Since I installed the 'stand-alone' Aptaba Studio, my Eclipse wants to open certian files, e.g. "MSG.utf", in Aptana Studio.
Note that I never installed the Aptaba Plugin.
And even after uninstalling Aptana as documented (i.e. just moving the Application Folder to the trash, in OS X), the settings are noct changed back. Instead, Eclipse now does not open these files at all anymore. So:
1) Why has Aptana Studio messed up my Eclipse settings?
2) What other file types /Ednings and other settings might be affected?
3) How can I change this back to normal/before?
Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations
Here you can set which file types open with which editors, internal and external, and also set defaults.
Try modifying the entry/adding an entry of utf files with the editor you want to open.
Install this plug-in: and you, Aptana and your Eclipse layouts will forever be happy!

Is it possible to add external command line tools to Netbeans?

Is it possible to use external command line tools in Netbeans?
Thank you.
After searching and searching and searching, this feature is just missing in netbeans although it would absolutely straightforward to implement and has been ask by user for 2 more than years...
There is a Terminal window in NetBeans 7:
Open the menu, Window -> Output -> Terminal
What about using an Ant target? Ant files are quite comfortable to run from Netbeans.
<exec executable="${executable-full-path}" ...
The best option I've found is to use jmarsault's plugin that he calls NetBeans Command Shortcuts. This give you an icon in the command line where you can add command and terminal scripts to run. The display shows in the output window.
Installation files are available here and he has kept it up to date with the newest versions of NetBeans.
NetBeans Command Shortcut plugin
Download the .nbm file for your version of NetBeans
Open Tools / Plugins / Downloaded / Add Plugins...
Select the .nbm file and allow the installation of the plugin.
In since at least version 9.0, there are two decent options:
Just create a script file. (I think you need the C++ plugin for this. Otherwise you have to create it outside NetBeans or as a text file.) In my case I created a that just executes JLinkGDBServer as a prerequisite to start an embedded debug session. This automatically sends the executable's output to a NetBeans terminal.
Add a tool to Tools/Options/Miscellaneous/SendTo. SendTo is a pop-up menu item for certain project entities, for example files but not the project. In my case, I could add a SendTo running the executable and use it by right-clicking on for example the .elf file (although for the GDB server I don't need any file name as an argument).

Eclipse doesn't recognize lua files after installing the lua plugin

I downloaded Eclipse Classic off of the Eclipse website then the Lua Eclipse IDE plugin. I followed the install instructions but Eclipse doesn't seem to recognize or be able to understand lua files. Can someone help?
Sounds like your file types aren't associated. Click on Window/Preferences and select General/Editors/File Associations.
Add more information
Which installation guide did you follow? (Lua Eclipse Installation?)
Which OS (version)?
Which java version? (Which implementation)
Which eclipse version?
I love these kind of questions because they provide an opportunity to do a test I postponed until now...
So I downloaded the plugin package, and followed the instructions: closed Eclipse, put two jar files in the plugin folder, put the open-ldb.exe elsewhere, restarted Eclipse.
I created a generic project, added a generic file linked to an existing Lua file. When I opened the file, it was automatically identified as such, with a moon icon and correct syntax highlighting.
Using Eclipse 3.5.1 on Windows XP, BTW.
Now, I have an issue, the debugger won't start for me, I get a
Unable to connect to PDA VM
Connection refused: connect
error, not sure why (path to exe file is correct, I have another error when it is wrong).
But at least I have the Lua files recognized without problem.
I think you might want to check that in Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations, *.lua is defined and associated to the Lua editor.
Instead of opening a File you have to do the following:
Open a new LUA project.
Then import using 'File System' all files (resources and LUA files) into the project.
Now you can see and edit the LUA files. Don't know why it doesn't work by simply opening a LUA file directly.