Aptana Studio messed up my default editor settings in Eclipse - eclipse

Since I installed the 'stand-alone' Aptaba Studio, my Eclipse wants to open certian files, e.g. "MSG.utf", in Aptana Studio.
Note that I never installed the Aptaba Plugin.
And even after uninstalling Aptana as documented (i.e. just moving the Application Folder to the trash, in OS X), the settings are noct changed back. Instead, Eclipse now does not open these files at all anymore. So:
1) Why has Aptana Studio messed up my Eclipse settings?
2) What other file types /Ednings and other settings might be affected?
3) How can I change this back to normal/before?

Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations
Here you can set which file types open with which editors, internal and external, and also set defaults.
Try modifying the entry/adding an entry of utf files with the editor you want to open.

Install this plug-in: http://eclipse-color-theme.github.com/update and you, Aptana and your Eclipse layouts will forever be happy!


Open Files in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Mars with the TFS plugin. I work with many files that don't have a file extension. Is there a setting to have those files open in Eclipse? Currently, I always get Windows "what do you want to do with this file" selection displays.
All of these non-extension files are plain text that would properly render in Eclipse.
We have a fix in TEE/Eclipse TFS plugin to handle opening files without any extensions from Source Control Explorer in Eclipse. It will be available with our next update.
Unfortunately, the way our Eclipse TFS plugin (i.e. TEE) is written today, you will not be able to do what you are asking (meaning, you will not be able to configure the system so that when you click on a file with no file extension in the source control explorer and have it open in Eclipse – you will always be promoted by Windows to choose the application). We will keep this use case in mind as we continue to support the plug-in and will add it to the backlog of options to be considered in the next release. We are sorry for any inconvenience this is causing you. Thank you for your question.

Eclipse Package Explorer and Visual Studio Solution Explorer difference

When I programmed in Visual Studio, I used to open a Solution, then Solution Explorer showed me only projects contained in that Solution.
When I work in Eclipse, instead, Package Explorer always shows to me all the projects into workspace, which, often, is not what I want.
Is it normal? Or should it appear like Visual Studio? In the latter case how can I achieve it? Should I treat Eclipse Workspace the same as Visual Studio Solution? (e.g. one workspace for each multi-library project).
Yes, by default the Packages View shows everything.
You can change the view to arrange the top level by Working Set to split up the view.
You can also use Eclipse Mylyn to arrange things by task (Mylyn is included in some Eclipse downloads or can be installed separately).

Does Eclipse store any information out of its directory?

I have used Eclipse Indigo (C/C++) for sometime along with PyDev Plugin (for Python). As I messed up with the IDE (tried to tweak some core files, for fun!), I thought to install a fresh one and this time I downloaded Eclipse Indigo (for Java).
Eclipse (C/C++) was placed in C:/
Eclipse (Java) was even placed in C:/
Now when I opened Eclipse (Java), I observed two things:
The Eclipse's title bar still showing <C/C++ Eclipse>
There was a python's project file still opened up which I worked on Eclipse C/C++ IDE. Also, there was an PyDev's error popped up (mentioning it wasn't installed).
I have verified "Installed Plugins" list and didn't find any plugin related to C/C++ or python.
Now, I have got one question:
As I searched over google and found that Eclipse doesn't store anything beyond its directory, How does this above things are showing up??
There might be some Temp/ Cache files stored. However, I searched my drive with "Eclipse" and "PyDev" as keywords and found nothing.
I even searched for registry keys but couldn't find anything.
What exactly is happening and how do remove Eclipse completely?
TL;DR: using the new Eclipse (Java), select "File > Switch Workspace... > Other...", and create a new directory (e.g. java-wks) for all projects you will do using the new Eclipse.
The long explanantion is that Eclipse stores data in two locations:
The eclipse installation directory itself: contains the plug-ins you install (including the ones already installed in the package you downloaded) and some runtime configuration parameters (see eclipse/config.ini) related to how Eclipse itself should run (e.g. where to find the JRE to execute Eclipse itself, how much memory to allocate etc.)
The workspace(s), where your data (projects and source code) and all personal configuration parameters are stored. This is where Eclipse remembers where your source code is, which file(s) where opened when you last exited, which perspective was active (in your case C/C++ Eclipse), your preferences, launch configurations, breakpoints, etc.
For each Eclipse installation on your system (eclipse folder), you can have as many workspaces as you want (it helps to isolate work). There are various ways to select the workspace location: using the -data <path-to-workspace> option on the command-line, using the popup Eclipse normally shows when starting up (but you may have disabled it), or using "File > Switch Workspace...".
You can also use the same workspace from different Eclipse installations (though not at the same time), but things will not work well if you have different plug-ins installed in each: if one installation stores in the workspace "this is a Python project, and the current perspective is C/++", and the other installation does not have the Python and/or C++ plug-ins installed, it will not known what to do with these info. This is why you see the errors you reported.
For your case, my guess is that under Windows the default workspace location is somewhere in your home directory, and the new (Java) Eclipse is using that, but failing to make sense of the Python and C++ related preferences and projects the previous Eclipse stored there. You need to use a fresh workspace not "polluted" with Python and C++ stuff if you want the Java Eclipse to work without errors (or install the Python and C++ plug-ins in the new Eclipse). You may want to enable the Prompt for workspace on startup preference (in "General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces") if it is not to control this easily each time Eclipse starts.

NetBeans missing code completion option for C

I just installed NetBeans on my Windows machine (usually use Linux), and when I open my C/C++ projects, they build well but none of the syntax is recognized and highlighted. #include, for example, just stays black. Same goes for everything else other than basic C data types (float, int, etc.). When in Options->Editor->Code Completion, the only language I see in the drop-down menu is HTML, but there's an option to import one. Is there a way of fixing this? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.
You have to install the c/c++ plugin in "tool"-> "plugin" -> "available plugin".
After restarting NetBeans then still in plugin in the tab "installed" you should see c/c++ and it should be active.

Eclipse 3.4.2 - very tender

When I select a folder in the Eclipse Project Explorer, the 'explosion' often will cause a file to 'moved' out of its current folder - sometimes even to another project - causing errors in the re-compilation (thankfully).
Does anyone have a solution to this 'tenderness'? (If relevant, I am using Ganymede under Eclipse 3.4.2 with the Android Plugin.)
My theory is that the OP is accidentally doing a drag-and-drop and moving files. I couldn't see a simple way to turn off drag-and-drop in the preferences editor.
I worked On Eclipse Ganymede in Linux
I think there is problem with your Setting of editor
I work with Eclipse a lot, I've used Ganymede for over a year under Linux and sometimes Windows, and neither I nor any of my colleagues have ever seen such a problem.
My guess is that there are problems between your mouse and display drivers, i.e. you are inadvertently clicking on other things when you are meaning only to explode. Can you try opening folded branches by selecting the item and hitting the + key rather than clicking in the GUI?