Eclipse keeps crunching while "updating rpm packages proposal list" - eclipse

I've recently installed Eclipse Kepler CDT on a Win7 64 machine. It runs fine (well, sort of), but - it keeps crunching, with the status bar saying
Updating RPM packages proposal list
Why is this happening and how can I make it stop?

It's a bug in the "Linux Tools" plugin.
It seems that the plugin is unable to create the file specified at
Window -> Preferences -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions -> Path to packages list file
Window -> Preferences -> RPM -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions -> Path to packages list file
and therefore keeps trying to create it.
To fix this problem, just create an empty file at that location & name, or create a new empty file at a different location & name and specify it as the "Path to packages list file".
Note: You cannot create the default file (.pkglist) using Windows explorer since it won't let you create a file whose name starts with a dot. So open a console (command prompt) window and run this command:
echo. > path\to\file\.pkglist

I was able to solve this in Eclipse Kepler by going to Window -> Preferences -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions and un-checking Automatically build the RPM packages proposal list

Run Eclipse as administrator and it will create this fail successfully. Normal program do not have rights to write into this directory.
When developers lean to give meaningful error messages? Also, it will probably tray to write into this file sometimes in the future and that will also fail. Make this fail writable for users, normally programs run with user rights!

In Eclipse version 2022-06, the updating can be disabled by goin to Window -> Preferences -> RPM -> Specfile Editor -> RPM Completions (note the first RPM which is not present in Eclipse Kepler) and un-checking Automatically build the RPM packages proposal list

I was getting this simply because my %USERPROFILE%.pkglist didn't exist, so creating the empty file solved the problem for me.


How to cross-reference in GoClipse?

I have installed Eclipse (Mars) with Goclipse plugin on my Macbook yesterday. They initially work perfectly. But today I found I cannot do cross reference (that means cmd+click on a keyword cannot jump the definition). And the console shows:
Running: oracle -pos=/Users/myname/coreos/naas/server/src/,#389
-format=json describe
FAILED: Could not start process:
Reason: Cannot run program "oracle": error=2, No such file or directory
As Voker suggested, GoClipse is just an Eclipse plugin. For it to compile, build, run your Go packages and applications, it requires the Go tools.
You can set the standard Go tool on the settings page:
Window -> Preferences -> Go
You can set some non-standard, differnet Go tools on the page:
Window -> Preferences -> Go -> Tools
This is where you can tell GoClipse where your oracle and gocode programs are located.
You have to download oracle yourself, but the settings page above provides you a button:
Download Go oracle (run: `go get -u`)
So you have to go get it either manually or by the above-mentioned button. Install it using go install, so you will have the executable binary oracle. You have to set the full path of oracle on the Go -> Tools settings page, and it will work.
While we're at it: I also recommend you to install gocode ( which will provide you the auto-complete feature (CTRL+SPACE or CMD+SPACE for a list of exported identifiers in package, list of methods etc.). Just also use the button on the same settings page:
Download gocode (run: `go get -u`)
Install it and set the full path of the resulted executable binary gocode.

Eclipse Error External Editor

I am using Eclipse 3.8.1 on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. So, i am getting error when opening a file that i was set to external editor (Sublime Text) for editing.
Although I've done setting that external editor via Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations, but i had to do resetting that when Eclipse restarted.
What is the solutions ? Thanks for the answer.
I use eclipse version 4.4.1 not from software center.
I registered external editor(brackets) using Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations - no resets, no restarts.
First i browsed to the wrong executable file, which didn't open brackets(which was the editor i was pointing). Then i corrected to shell script of the executable.
Then i tried the same opening external editor. Brackets opened successfully.
I think you have to check whether you pointed to the correct executable while adding external editor. Also i recommend using latest version of eclipse(Just extract and start using if openjdk already installed.)

How to make PyCharm work with the Go plugin?

I am using PyCharm 3.1.1 and I have installed the Go plugin for IntelliJ Idea. I did export GOROOT=$(go env GOROOT) to prevent PyCharm from complaining about missing GOROOT environment variable.
Now I was able to create a sample project, but the run command complains:
Error running untitled1.go: No Go Sdk defined for this project
On other sites I found that I should do something like:
Go to the File -> Project Structure and configure Go SDK by clicking + button and
selecting /usr/lib/go/ folder.
But I don't have File -> Project Structure menu item.
How to make PyCharm work with the Go plugin?
You can get most of the way there with External Tools. There is no way to replace the 'Run' button until the next version of the plug-in, per Issue #728.
To set up your external tools, go to PyCharm -> Preferences (command+,) -> Tools -> External Tools -> +
Fill in the form:
Hit OK. Use it from the menus:
Please use the latest release from Github releases It supports PyCharm 4.0.5+.
You can achieve it now with a Version 2016.1 or higher. I will give a complete guide, so the first steps would not be relevant for you. Also I write it using MacOS, so some names might be different. Go to
Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories -> Manage repositories and insert which is the plugin behind this repo (maintained by IntelliJ). Install that plugin.
After plugin is installed, create a .go file. When you open it you will see a popup go project sdk is not defined. Click on it and select your /usr/local/go path.
A couple of helpful links:
go plugin documentation
how to set up go plugin
If you are an IntelliJ fan, you can edit and run Go using goland editor (Notice, this is not a Go plugin added to PyCharm but a different editor).
For installation on Ubontu:
sudo snap install goland --classic , or visit there website
If you're running on OS X, you'll have to use the launchctl setenv command to set the GOROOT environment variable, so it's available system wide, which includes launching applications via the GUI
launchctl setenv GOROOT $(go env GOROOT)
To check it's set
launchctl getenv GOROOT
For the values to persist across reboots, you'll need to edit (or create) /etc/launchd.conf:
setenv GOROOT [path]
See this answer for more information of the format of this file. Note that you won't be able to call $(go env GOROOT) within launchd.conf

exporting Eclipse configuration

I've invested a lot of time, sweat, hair and foul language getting my 32-bit Eclipse installation configured just how I like it, with lots of plugins like Maven, MAT and TPCP .
Now the time has come to switch over to 64-bit. Can one export/import an Eclipse installation configuration in the same way one can export/import a project?
Still-learning Steve
Take a look at the following wizards...
File -> Import -> Install -> From Existing Installation
File -> Import -> Install -> Install Software Items From File
File -> Export -> Install -> Installed Software Items to File
The first one is likely the easiest approach. Just get yourself a new base Eclipse, run it and point that wizard at your old install.

Need help configuring external diff with Eclipse

I am trying to set up my dev environment and I got SVN running with Eclipse on my mac (with Subclipse). However, when I click on a file I've changed and go to Compare With -> Latest From Repository, I noticed I was getting (what I think is) a sub-par diff tool.
So, I went to Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> Diff/Merge to configure an external diff tool (called "DiffMerge"). However, no matter what I put in the "External" field and the "Parameters" field, I cannot get the DiffMerge tool to work.
For example, I tried "/Applications/DiffMerge" in the External field (I put the executable directly in the Applications folder for now) and made the parameters: "${base}" "${yours}". However, when I return to my modified file and hit compare with -> Lates from repository, I still get the same built-in diff tool.
Any ideas or resources you could point me to would be greatly appreciated (I've been hunting around stackoverflow myself for answers but to no avail).
I started using Mac recently and I faced the same problem. As suggested by Chris I got it working for DeltaWalker.
Steps :
1. Install BeyondCVS plugin with svn. This will ensure that BeyondCompare is added under Eclipse -> Preferences -> External Tools.
Open Eclipse -> Preferences -> External Tools -> Beyond Compare.
In the "Path To Beyond Compare" manually enter the installation folder for Delta Walker which on my machine is "/Applications/"
I beleive DiffMerge is a .app is it not? In that case i think you would have to give the path to actual binary which should be something like: /Applications/ If you right click on the app in Finder an do "Show Contents" it shoudl allow you to browse it like the regular directory it is... Or you can navigate into it from the command line and find the bianary you need.
Just out of curiosity whats worng with Subclipse's built in tool? IMO its the best Diff/Merge on OSX - but maybe im missing something.
I am using the BeyondCVS plugin with SVN. Despite its name, it works both Subclipse and Subversive. And it will launch comparison apps other than BeyondCompare, (I've used WinMerge), so it may work with DiffMerge on the Mac.
I was able to get this to work after some experimentation. You need to trick Subclipse into finding the right file to open.
Open finder and navigate to
Right click > "Show Package Contents"
Navigate to Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge
Right click > "Make Alias"
Drag and Drop the "DiffMerge alias" file to your home folder
In Eclipse, select the alias file as the external diff program
Set the parameters to "-m -t1=Theirs -t2=Merged -t3=Mine -r=${merged} ${theirs} ${base} ${yours}"