Infopath: Buttons moving when calculated field is hidden - forms

I have made an InfoPath form with several views. A user can only go to the next view when all needed fields are filled. Therefore, the next button is disabled. To inform the user, there is a calculated field dispalying "please fill out all needed fields to go to next view". When all fields on the view are filled, the calculated field is hidden and the button is enabled. When the field disappears the button is moving one Level higher to the direction where the label was. Is there a way to lock the button on the view?
If you look carefully you can see that the button (and the Label "1/6" is moving up)
Best regards,

Here is a trick: try changing the font color to the same color as background. It is like hiding the message by changing the font color so it won't be visible.

You might want to put the different objects inside a layout table, and then set specific heights for the layout table rows. Then when something is hidden, like the calculated field, the other objects stay where you'd like them to be.


Is there a way to layout buttons dynamically in swift so that they "word wrap"

UPDATE: I am adding a photo that may better demonstrate the type of thing I am trying to achieve.
I am creating an app where a user can set as many filters they like on a stream of images. I would like to display each filter they have set as a button with an X in it if they would like to remove it. I have created my own buttons and assigned actions to them, but this would be my first dynamic button project.
My confusion how to programmatically create the button, assign it an action that knows which filter to act on, and then arrange it so that the buttons behave like text in a text box such that if a button can't fit on the screen it "word wraps" to the next line.
I have a an array of the filters they have applied that I can loop through, I just don't know what the mechanism is for arranging them so that each button acts like its own word in a sentence. As a work around I could use a table/collection view but since the width of the filters varies amongst the potential buttons I was really hoping to not force a uniform width as those would require. I have seen apps that do this so I am hoping the experts on here can help.
I suspect the solution looks something like:
For loop that has for each filter in Filters
Create and configure a UIButton with the text title of the filter
Assign an action that takes an argument so I know which filter to remove
Assign constraints appropriately so it fills the width of the screen but "word wraps" once it can't fit and whatever container object it is in increases in height which would need to adjust in landscape mode
// Can a #selector take an argument like the filter's array location?
myButton.addTarget(self,action: #selector(helloButton), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside )

NSOutlineView disclosure triangle vertically off center

I'm working with an NSOutlineView on a macOS app and it provides disclosure triangles for items that can be expanded.
I'm also creating custom NSTableCellView items rather than using basic cell items. This allows me to create the cell how I want visually.
My issue is that when they're displayed, the disclosure triangle on the left is not centered vertically.
Notice how the disclosure triangles are not aligned properly. They're a bit lower than they should be. If you scroll away and come back, sometimes, they automatically align themselves correctly. Has anyone been able to fix this issue before?
For what it's worth, I'm using the following code as well for the cells.
self.outlineView.rowHeight = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 66)
self.outlineView.usesAutomaticRowHeights = true
It's hard to figure out what the problem is without seeing how you've set up your project, but I'm going to give it shot.
First, when usesAutomaticRowHeights is set to true, the outline view uses Auto Layout to position the cell views. Thus, you need to be utilizing constraints in your Storyboard or Nib file, or things will behave strangely (see: your picture). If I had to guess, the prototype cell view you set up in Interface Builder is having its autoresizingMask translated into Auto Layout constraints (which, generally, causes a boatload of problems).
What I would do is this:
Open up the Storyboard or Nib document containing the outline view.
Locate the prototype NSTableCellView instance that contains the street name text field in the Document Outline to the left of the canvas. (If you don't see the Document Outline, you can open it by clicking the item at Editor » Show Document Outline in the main menu).
Next, see if you have any constraints in place. If you do, remove them by selecting Editor » Resolve Auto Layout Issues » Clear Constraints under the menu item "section" that's titled All Views in ${YOUR_SCENE}.
Now, depending on what you're going for, there are different ways to go about setting up constraints, but here's what I would suggest. Assuming you want the street name to be centered vertically with the disclosure triangle, I would add a vertical constraint between the text field and its parent cell view like so:
With the text field selected in the Document Outline, click the Align icon in the lower right-hand corner of Interface Builder's main canvas area (see image).
In the popover that appears, check the checkbox next to Vertically in Container.
In the text field on the right side of the popover, enter a value of “0”.
Finally, click the “Add 1 Constraint” button.
You’ll probably see a red error (or yellow warning) sign show up, as the view has now opted into Auto Layout, but it only has a metric for its vertical position. So we now need to add some constraints to describe where the text field should be positioned on the x axis. Like before, we’ll define the constraints using the popover buttons on the lower right-hand side of the canvas:
Click the Add New Constraints button (the one to the right of the Align button).
On the diagram at the top of the popover, click the faint red lines on the left and right side of the white rectangle. This is telling Interface Builder we want to add leading and trailing constraints.
Now, enter the desired padding you want on each side of the text field. In the example image, I went with “4” points on both sides, but obviously, you can use whatever value(s) you think works best with your layout.
Finally, click the “Add 2 Constraints” button.
Any warning(s) that were present should now disappear, as we've added enough constraints to describe the position of the text field. In theory, you should now be able to build and run your project, and the text fields should be aligned with the disclosure triangles. With that said, there are plenty of other reasons a layout can get finicky, and considering usesAutomaticRowHeights is a new API in macOS High Sierra (and Steve Jobs is no longer there to beat it into Apple developers to make everything Just Work™), there could be issues that I'm unaware of.
Alternatively, you can set usesAutomaticRowHeights to false and have some object (e.g. a view controller, a NSObject subclass, etc.) conform to the NSOutlineViewDelegate protocol and implement the outlineView(_:heightOfRowByItem:) method to return any arbitrary height you want for different rows. The nice thing about sizing rows this way is that you can allow certain rows to be larger or smaller, depending on the role of the corresponding item. There are lots of tutorials on this, so I won't regurgitate a half-baked explanation here, but feel free to Google “Conforming to NSOutlineViewDelegate protocol” for more info.
Anyway, try the steps above, and see if they do anything for you, and if they don't, let me know. I can go as deep into the rabbit hole with you as you need, so just ask. Good luck!
For those like me who stumbled upon this issue many years later, here's the fix that worked for me, and requires a lot less work.
NSOutlineView has a function frameOfOutlineCell(atRow:) and the documentation states: You can override this method in a subclass to return a custom frame for the outline button cell
You can override the method in order to provide a frame that's actually in the vertical center of the row. And an important point that I learned from trial and error, is that you don't even need to provide that updated frame. Not sure if this is a bug or what, but for me, just calling super.frameOfOutlineCell(atRow: row) in the function override was enough to make the disclosure indicator appear in the correct location.
So my subclass of NSOutlineView is this:
class MyOutlineView: NSOutlineView {
override func frameOfOutlineCell(atRow row: Int) -> NSRect {
super.frameOfOutlineCell(atRow: row)
That's all. Hopefully that works for others as well!

Should I make separate UIViewController just because a single row is different in layout

I am a very basic SWIFT Xcode programmer. I make small apps.
For last 2 days, I am stuck at a very simple thing and I am sure with your guidance I can quickly make a decision.
I have a UIViewController class as well as an xib
In the layout I have 4 textfields
Now based on a user setting (in another frame user make a choice), I will either have to show 4 textfields ** OR ** 3 textfields and a UISwitch.
Long story short, if user select one option he should see UISwitch and 3 textfields or else 4 textfield. The labels's text also change.
To my limited knowledge, I will make another UIViewController, another XIB file and if user selection allows I will segue to the new UIViewController.
But all this looks so redundant. How do you smart people do this thing?
I use size classes in my layout as well as constraints in the visual editor for positioning of elements on the layout. If I change things programmatically, which is one option, how will I manage the layout ?
Please advise.
Show me the right path please.
When user select first option based on action show or hide the text field or switches, like when user select first option only show three text field and one UIswitch hide fourth text field.
And programatically change text field hint value and also set NSString Tag="first" so that when you want that value at the time of submit button you can apply if condition to tag and on that basis you can get your desired output on each selection.

IOS: Switching text fields using segmented control

I'm currently developing a Body Mass Index calculator for the iPhone using segmented control to switch between the various weight and height units, at the moment I have a text field in which the user inputs the values.
My question is this; is there a way to change the text field to two separate text fields?
For example if the user selects "stone & lbs" from the segmented control the single text field will be replaced by two text fields for input in stones and lbs.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
You have a view Controller. The job of that controller is to control views.
So, as an indicator, Have your view controller create and display one text field when for a unit selection that takes one value, and that creates, and displays two text fields when using something that needs two text fields.
The controller can also take care of hiding the fields that aren't being used, and you can even use UIView animation to attractively animate the changes from single to double text views.

iOS: Search Options UI

I am building an iPhone app for a library and I want to give few options to the user to search books by. A user can search a book by title, author, topics, or date of publication.
What I want to know what's the best way to display these search options to the user? In terms of HTML, it would be easy - either use a drop down list or radio buttons. I tried using UIPickerView but honestly, that looks terribly ugly and destroys the aesthetics of the view of my app.
The other option I was thnking was using segmented control, but is it possible to have a vertical segment control in stead of horizontal one? The selection texts can be too long.
Any ideas?
If you want a vertical segmented control, you'll have to make it yourself. Create a textured image with dividers. I would export each section as a PNG separately. Then create a picture of each section with the "pressed down" gradient and export each segment as a separate PNG again.
I would then make a new class. If there is a specific number of objects in your segmented control or this is a one time thing, the class may not even be necessary. If not, then in the class constructor pass an array with the titles of the segments in your segmented control. For the first and last objects, use the pictures you made with rounded corners. For the objects in between, use the standard pictures. Then put the titles on top. When a segment is tapped (perhaps use hidden UIButtons), you can use a delegate method to tell the main search class which one was tapped, and then the class can replace the normal picture of that segment with the pressed down one.
Thanks for the options.
I ended up creating a simple table to show my choices.
User clicks on "search by", which opens up the table with options and then when you select any option, you return back to main view with the chosen search option.