Can't login with Paypal Sandbox account - paypal

I'm working on setting up a Drupal commerce website with Paypal support for which I have registered a business Paypal account. Now, with the business Paypal account, I have created sandbox accounts for testing, they show up like and under
but If I either try to run through a payment example and try to use for the buyer account, it doesn't let me sign in nor does paypal let me sign into my facilitator account when I click the Enter Sandbox site link on my Sandbox test accounts page. Why is this, what am I missing?
Thank you!
ASorry, I didn't describe:
nor does paypal let me sign into my facilitator account
means that I get the following message when I enter the email plus the password from my business account:
Please make sure you enter your email address and password correctly. If you still can't log in, please see the Troubleshooting Tips below.

Turns out I had to manually create a facilitator and a buyer account by pressing the button CREATE ACCOUNT, the ones that were automatically created didn't let me sign-in but once I created my own accounts, things started working as expected!
Thanks for everyone's time spent on this issue!

It turns that paypal default facilitator and buyer accounts doesn't have a password. You have to go to the profile settings and hit change password for both -facilitator# and -buyer#. Then it will work as expected.

I had the same issue. Turns out I was logging my merchant and buyer sandbox accounts to .Make sure you log in your sandbox accounts to This worked for me.


paypal Some of your info isn't correct. Please try again

I am trying to login from my pappal sandbox account. I have made a subscription from my seller account and now I want to login into Paypal to buy the product with two different Paypal accounts.
I am getting this error continuously "Some of your info isn't correct. Please try again." I reset my password twice and I am stuck into this issue for hours.
Any help would be appreciated.
You should create an account in PayPal sandbox
Once done, login your PayPal account and check your sandbox account here here
Then you will see something like this, and these credentials is what you will be using to test the checkout page

Can't log in to PayPal sandbox account

I am trying to log into a PayPal sandbox account for testing purposes. But, I am continually met with the same error:
"We're sorry, something went wrong during sandbox account linking. Please try again."
Here are the steps to replicate the issue (happens in FireFox and Chrome).
Login to using live PayPal account credentials.
Navigate to Dashboard>>Sandbox Accounts
Click Create Account button.
Create account using any variety of options, e.g. personal, business account. New account is created.
Tick the checkbox next to new account listing.
Click link "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account."
Fill in login form using sandbox account credentials.
Click agree to terms button.
Redirected back to Sandbox Account page with "We're sorry" error.
This happens over and over with newly created accounts and existing sandbox accounts. I've tried changing passwords and settings for the accounts. I know a few years ago Chrome had a hard time juggling different cookies and sessions when logging in and out of sandbox accounts. So, I've also tried using multiple different browsers. Nothing seems to alleviate the issue.
Also, I thought maybe this issue was a temporary PayPal sandbox glitch, but I've been experiencing it for over a week.
Okay, I spoke with PayPal's technical support. It turns out that they are having some internal issues with the sandbox at the moment. If anyone else is having an issue with logging into one of their sandbox test accounts do the following:
Go back to the Sandbox Test Accounts page where it list all your test accounts.
Click on the email address of any sandbox account. There will be a drop down of "Profile" & "Notification".
Click on Profile and you shall see an iframe with a few tabs. You would be able to see the change password, change password.
Use this url to login to your sandbox account.
The key here is step 4. Don't click on the provided link labeled "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account." Copy and past the above URL into your browser instead.
When you are re-directed to the PayPal page to login, what URL is shown in the address bar ?
If it's "" then you need to use your production account credentials.
If it's "" then you need to use your sandbox account credentials.

Can't check out in sandbox mode with test account

I have been trying it for an hour but I'm not sure what's wrong. I have created test accounts for both merchant and buyer via Replaced woocommerce seller details with sandbox's. During checkout, it redirected me to sandbox page with the test merchant details which I think there's nothing wrong.
But, whenever I try to login with test buyer paypal account, it keeps saying "Please check your email address and password and try again", I'm pretty sure I enter the credentials correctly, I created another buyer account but it still saying the same thing. What did I do wrong?

OpenCart: Paypal Session Time-Out

I am using the standard paypal payment method with my opencart website. When I go through the checkout process and get redirected to the PayPal website, I get to login and choose my payment source on the paypal site. However, when it starts processing, it just returns "Your session has timed out, please log in again." and logs me out of Paypal.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had facing this problem also. If you are using sandbox mode, You should be gave test account for buyer(buyer account must be business account) and also seller account must be individual account(personal). for example is buyer account you should put it in admin panel paypal extension,then you should login in E-store website with seller account( and proceed to paypal it will works well.
Some times the cookies that Paypal sets are really annoying, try cleaning all of them, it helped me with other Paypal related errors.

PayPal sandbox recurring payment error: The link you have used to enter the PayPal system is invalid. Please review the link and try again

I have paypal sandbox account. Everything works fine for single payments - I set and make a payment using account which was created under "Test Accounts" menu of the sandbox. However when I try to do the same for recurring payments, I get an error. At first everything looks fine - I get redirected to paypal where I can see the detail of subscription but when I try to sign in with, it redirects me to a page that says: The link you have used to enter the PayPal system is invalid. Please review the link and try again.
Thanks ahead!
Well, I am not fully sure what exactly was wrong but in case someone else has the same problem and stumbles on this question: all I had to do is re-create both seller and buyer test accounts from under my main sandbox account. The accounts that I tested on seemed valid but they were created many months (if not years) ago so probably paypal had some wrong (i.e. old) configs associated with them. The newly created accounts work just fine.