I'm seeing these green margins on all of my .xhtml files - in addition, Eclipse seems to be running a little more slowly when the files are first opened.
In addition, Eclipse is updating classloader often and slowly while working in these files.
Any ideas as to what's going on?
How can I fix this?
I'm using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1)
Just figured this out - figured I'd post in case anyone ran into the same issue. It turns out that Eclipse was opening these files in the Web Page Editor. Once I switched back to the HTML Editor, all issues were resolved.
I am using Eclipse Neon.1 on Windows 10 with Redhat JBoss Developer Studio to work on a JavaEE 7 Project running on Wildfly 10 via jdk1.8.0_25.
The Project has about 20.000 lines of Java source and also about 20.000 lines of .xhtml source code.
All in all, Eclipse performs quite well. Except the Xhtml Editor.
Once I start to edit .xhtml files, Eclipse freezes up all 5-15 mins for about 30 sec. This happens only while using the Xhtml Editor. Java or other Editors do not show that behavoir.
I tried the default Html Editor and the JBoss Tools Html Editor. Both show the exact same behavoir.
I searched the web and tried some solutions like switching off automaitc build, source link navigation and validators. Nothing of that changed the behavoir.
So I started to watch the Eclipse Process in JVisualVM. At times when the Editor freezes, there is full CPU load on one Core, no GC activity and plenty of Memory left. So I would say its not a general problem with Memory or the GC.
How can I find out what exactly causes these freezes? Maybe someone knows this very issue?
Are you using devstudio 10.2 as installed from Eclipse Marketplace (or other update site) into an existing Eclipse Neon.1 install?
If so, you could try playing with your memory settings in eclipse.ini. Or, try using the devstudio installer, which will give you different memory settings in devstudio.ini.
If you're not already on devstudio 10.2, you could try updating to the latest.
But if it's NOT a memory problem... then you might want to report this as a bug in JIRA here:
https://issues.jboss.org/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=10020&issuetype=1 using component = jsp/jsf/xml/html-source-editing
Could you also attach a sample project or .xhtml file to that JIRA, which causes the freeze, so someone can reproduce your issue?
I've this strange behavior of Eclipse 4.5.1 and STS 3.7.3 as shown in the picture
I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 but also my colleague with Xubuntu 14.04 has the same problem.
I cannot know how many seconds and it is very hard to edit them. The only way I found ctrl-A to select everithing and copy paste.
Anybody knows what it is?
Does resizing the editor help?
Timeouts section in the editor is coming from Eclipse WTP
Think you should raise a bug against Eclipse WTP component Tomcat server integration.
I just installed the latest PyDev 4.4.0 plugin to my Eclipse Mars.1. I created a new Java project in a new workspace. And I add the project to a workingset. In the Eclipse JavaEE perspective, the project has duplicated show in the Project Explorer view when I show workingset as the top level element:
I uninstalled PyDev, now the project show is OK.
Anyone knows the root cause? Or a workaround?
A possibly related link: Projects appearing twice in working sets - eclipse
A related Eclipse bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=373031
A related J2EE tooling bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=351764
Well, given that the original report on J2EE is still open: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=351764 I don't think this can be fixed at the PyDev side (although it makes the problem appear, it should be fixed on the J2EE side).
As a note, if anyone wants to take a look, on the PyDev side, this happens at: https://github.com/fabioz/Pydev/blob/development/plugins/org.python.pydev/src_navigator/org/python/pydev/navigator/PythonModelProvider.java, but it's done with the proper APIs (using IPipelinedTreeContentProvider), and I'm currently convinced the issue doesn't lie on the PyDev side (although if I'm proved wrong, I'd be happy to fix it).
A workaround would be disabling PyDev or J2EE (depending on which kind of content you use more) just at the explorer level (i.e.: in the explorer do Ctrl+F10, Customize View, Content, disable the PyDev Navigator Content or the Content related to J2EE).
I recently move to Eclipse Juno from Indigo. Although Juno works perfectly as far as my needs the windows "Open" dialog box does not load for some reason. For example, File/Open File does not work.
This is a problem across all places where we need to include a file like adding external JARs or any other place where files need to be added from a windows directory.
"Include Directory" does work where I need to get the directory included but the issue is only with file dialog box.
I have a Windows 7 64 bit and it’s a Eclipse with Java & CDT plug-in.
Reinstalling eclipse would be a last resort as I would need to re-configure 40+ projects again as we have a very peculiar setup here.
I did try to research this but hardly could find more details.. Any pointers to fix this issue will be greatly appreciated.
Just wanted to add that tooltip does not work up when I hower mouse on the different icons/files ect, not sure if this is related but just wanted to mention.
Also, I tried updating my eclipse to Kepler but it still does not work, I am now wondering if my Windows 7 has something to do with this..?
I was able to finally resolve this based on research done in this Eclipse bug. My work machine still has java 1.6.0_26 and this release has a bug related to AWT.
I changed the eclipse's java version to 1.6.0_45 and this issue was resolved. I used -vm parameter in eclipse.ini file in to tell eclipse to use a different version.
I have been running eclipse properly. After it loads I get:
"Initializing Java Tooling".
Incompatible magic value 0 in class file org/eclipse/jdt/internal/core/search/BasicSearchEngine
I have been looking, and what I have found is Eclipse hanging initializing java tooling
I have set JAVA_HOME and -vm in eclipse.ini
Still, no success.
Any ideas would be appreciated
Added after I solved the issue
(Stack Overflow won't let me post this as an answer cause I am of ill repute.)
Never mind.
It may be important to have the answer to what I did so that people that have the same issue does not have to go through the hoops I went.
First, I went to the Help/About Eclipse/Installation Details. In the Installation History, with using compare and revert, I started reverting what I had installed (Compare and Revert are pretty cool BTW.) I finally detected which was the latest stable version, and the installation that broke it all
Spring Source at http://dist.springsource.com/release/TOOLS/update/e3.7
Initially I selected some extra components that sounded cool, but the second time around I pretty much went for the required, plus support for AOP, Web Tools, and Flex and WebServices. Other than that I ignored all the rest of the stuff. That worked.
I had selected before (one of the ones that killed it, do not exactly which one), in addition to what I left installed: Spring Mylyn Integration Spring Tool Suite AWS Integration Spring Tool Suite Maven Support Eclipse Weaving Source
I also had the "Mylyn Builds Connector: Jenkins/Hudson integration", which had worked for me in the past. I still suspect that it was one of the Spring components.
I hope this helps
Usually, a restart will solve this issue. As #Carsten mentioned, close all open files and terminate eclipse then re-launch the application. I have encountered this problem many times. The causes of this range from:
Low memory assigned to eclipse. You could increase the memory by editing the eclipse.ini file and change the options -X* JAVA_OPTS
Loading large files (XML is always a culprit in this case).
Attempting to format large XML files
Immediately after installing a new plugin and not restarting eclipse right away
Clean \Workspaces\MyEclipse 8.5 M2.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources.projects folder after closing eclipse/myeclipse .That's it.
This is an STS issue however they blame it on an Eclipse bug which has been fixed:
https://issuetracker.springsource.com/browse/STS-696. If you look at the dependencies of the STS plugin you will notice that the Eclipse WTP version is way passed the one that is mentioned in the Eclipse Bug..