PyDev cause duplicated show of project in Eclipse J2EE perspecitve - eclipse

I just installed the latest PyDev 4.4.0 plugin to my Eclipse Mars.1. I created a new Java project in a new workspace. And I add the project to a workingset. In the Eclipse JavaEE perspective, the project has duplicated show in the Project Explorer view when I show workingset as the top level element:
I uninstalled PyDev, now the project show is OK.
Anyone knows the root cause? Or a workaround?
A possibly related link: Projects appearing twice in working sets - eclipse
A related Eclipse bug:
A related J2EE tooling bug:

Well, given that the original report on J2EE is still open: I don't think this can be fixed at the PyDev side (although it makes the problem appear, it should be fixed on the J2EE side).
As a note, if anyone wants to take a look, on the PyDev side, this happens at:, but it's done with the proper APIs (using IPipelinedTreeContentProvider), and I'm currently convinced the issue doesn't lie on the PyDev side (although if I'm proved wrong, I'd be happy to fix it).
A workaround would be disabling PyDev or J2EE (depending on which kind of content you use more) just at the explorer level (i.e.: in the explorer do Ctrl+F10, Customize View, Content, disable the PyDev Navigator Content or the Content related to J2EE).


Newly created PyDev Project not showing up in Eclipse Neon PyDevPackage Explorer

I just installed Eclipse Neon. I also have Eclipse Mars still lying around on my system. When I opened Neon it asked if I wanted to convert my workspace and I did.
So I installed PyDev through Help/Install on Neon and now I go to File/New/PyDev Project and follow the prompts to create a new Python project. It does not show up in PyDev Package Explorer. If I try to create it again with the same name, it says I cannot because the project already exists.
When I first installed PyDev, 3 projects showed up in the PyDev Package Explorer, but they all contain folders underneath which cannot be expanded so I don't think those 3 projects are being handled correctly either. Actually they are closed projects I see, but I see at least 1 is a Java project, so it does not belong to that perspective.
So any idea why Neon/PyDev is not handling my Python projects correctly?
So from the above comments, there were two defaults for PyDev Package Explorer I was not expecting when I installed Neon (which may well not just apply to Neon, but other versions as well)
Display working sets was the default behaviour and I wanted display projects.
I wanted non-Pydev projects filtered out and they were not

Eclipse 4.4 Luna pinning editor tabs

I've found this question: Eclipse - How to pin editor tabs? and I've installed "Extended VS Presentation plugin for Eclipse", but it's not working.
How it should look (from
How it actually looks on my Eclipse 4.4 (on Ubuntu):
As you can see, "Current presentation" setting is missing.
When I've installed this plugin (via eclipse), it was in "Eclipse 3.6 - 3.8 plugins", so maybe it's incompatible with 4.4 Luna? However, it was possible to install it, so it should work, right?
Also, if you know any plugin that would allow pinning tabs in eclipse, feel free to post your answer and describe it.
Support eclipse versions for this plugins:
Eclipse Versions:
Juno (4.2, 3.8), Previous to Juno (<=4.1)
This plugin NOT works(See this) in eclipse 3.x on Linux.(But here author says it support Linux platform. Contact author for more details)
This plugin NOT works in eclipse 4.x on any platform.
Please note, that the skin, tab actions and lists are available for Eclipse 3.x only! Eclipse 4.x is not supported.
That first Appearance dialog is how it looks in Eclipse 3.x. The appearance code was completely rewritten for Eclipse 4.x.
The fact the plugin installs may just mean the install is not careful enough about specifying the versions of Eclipse it supports.
You should try and contact the plugin author to see if it supports Eclipse Luna.
In my point of view, everything is fine.
As you can see in the images below, (Check bottom (console) ).
The above page is updated on 06-25-2014
But the screenshot in that page is taken on 06-02-2008 , (Check bottom (console) ).
The screenshot given in that page is a screenshot of very very old version. The plugin is updated, but the screenshot in the page is not yet updated.
The new plugin will work as shown in the image in the question
In Eclipse 4.4.0 there You'll find a pin symbol in the default toolbar of Eclipse on the right side. After clicking it, the Java Editor Tab symbol gets changed indicating this editor is pinned now. Unfortunatelly I could not find a corresponding entry in the popup menu. But it is easy to assign e.g. the keys Ctrl-P to "Pin Editor" in the key bindings of Eclipse. (Don't forget to unbind Ctr-P = Print).
In Eclipse Neon 4.6.0 Pin is not functioning.

Eclipse Juno no JSP in Dynamic Web Project (but everything else is fine)

The short question, is when creating dynamic web project (1.6 jdk) I can see all file types to create but there is no option for jsp. To add to that when I check file associations there is no JSP editor to select from.
A slightly longer version is I simply want to edit JSP files, I have Juno EE version installed and it says web tools platform is installed and everything works just fine.
However while everything works, there was no *.jsp in file associations and on adding it there was no JSP editor in the list. This is an out of the box Juno EE.
So I checked installed plugins and it tells me that web tools is installed, there is an icon and a load of plugins. They are all listed under Java EE in the plugin/installation list. I even tried installing just 'java web develop tools' which lists as 'tools for working with jsp' but when I do that I get ""Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools" will be ignored because it is already installed." however I cannot uninstall it because it's part of Java EE eclipse platform. I have no other plugins installed that might have broken this, however it has taken some time to get all the settings good so I'd rather not install it all again.
So I tried to install the full WTP by hand and it said some things were already installed, but it installed others. However, still no JSP editor. Hence why I tried a dynamic web project to see if I could create JSP and it wasn't listed.
So, eclipse base install has absolutely everything (xml, html editor, java editor, all the tools) but just not JSP.
My JDK is fine as dynamic web project is not created unless you have a valid 1.6 or above.
Anyone help?
It seems your missing Eclipse web developer tools and Eclipse java web developer tools.
Help>Install new software>, select appropriate items under Web,XML,Java EE
Hope this helps
In Eclipse Juno, select File/New/Other, then type in jsp in the wizard field. Select jsp file or jsp tag and there you go. Hope that helps.
Try to install Eclipse with Java EE developer.It should work.
You can go to Eclipse Market place and search for "Java EE Developer tool". On clicking it you should be able to see if your Web developer tool is selected or not. Please select that option and your issue will be resolved.
Check your path. Make sure it is pointing to at least a 1.6 version of Java. Restart Eclipse. That fixed it for me.
If you have installed every thing proper and still it is not showing JSP option while creating new .jsp file then click to the web icon on top right corner of eclipse. If it doesn't work then you need to install updated version of eclipse.
I also faced the same problem; I looked through the "Web,XML,Java EE..." installables available at under Kepler downloads:
and that brought me the New->'JSP File' context menu item.

In Indigo with CCRC 7.1, The clearcase menu buttons on the Java EE perspective are disabled. How can I enable them?

In my eclipse Indigo installation, I have the clearcase remote client (CCRC) perspective working - it's connecting the server just fine and the functionality is there. However, in the Java EE perspective most of the buttons are disabled.
When I edited a file in the Java EE perspective, it used to ask (with a previous version of CCRC and eclipse ganymede) if I wanted to check it out. However, now it merely asks if I want to make the file writable (default eclipse behaviour).
Basically most of the CCRC functionality in the Java EE perspective is disabled. I can see the buttons in the toolbar, but they are disabled (greyed out). Clearcase is also not showing up in the right-click context menu under Team.
All recent CCRC (7.1.x) settings I managed are build on the same premiss:
That the .project and .classpath are part of the snapshot 'web' view which is a CCRC view.
That is what indicates eclipse that this eclipse project is managed under source control.
CCRC has considerably changed its way of running since 7.1 (2009 as this release notes history illustrates)
Since those eclipse definition files should be under source control anyway, this shouldn't be an inconvenient.
VonC - great comment. That was the issue - we're creating our projects outside the clearcase view and importing the code into that project. However, the correct way to make the buttons functional is to create the project within the folder where the view is. That will enable the checkin/checkout functionality.
Whether or not that is a bug in CCRC is left up to the reader - the way we used to do it with previous CCRC versions worked fine, but that is not the same way it's working now.

Builders page disappeared from Eclipse project properties

I do not know what happened to my Eclipse (Helios) with latest Android SDK and latest Sequoyah plugins. Suddenly, I do not see my the "Builders" page in Project properties - not for a single project in my workspace.
How can I restore this page?
Check which perspective you are in at the moment (upper right corner). A perspective can suppress UI contributions (such as property pages). It is possible that one of the plugins you've installed comes with its own perspective that does that. Try switching to Resource or Java perspective.