Tinymce error in IE8 - 'p[...][...]' is null or not an object - tinymce

I am getting below error. Does anyone know what's the root cause and how to solve it ? I am using tinymce in IE8.
JS Error Message: 'p[...][...]' is null or not an object
I get this error in IE8 when i try to move away from page.

This issue is fixed with latest version of Tinymce.


Magento2 product detail page's title showing 404 Not Found Error

Everything works fine but product detail page's title showing 404 Not Found Error.
Any one faced same error before?
I have faced this issue and it wasn't a rewrite problem.
Try attaching the debugger to the try/catch in \Magento\Catalog\Controller\Product\View::execute since this one does a redirect to noroute in the catch.
In my case, way I found out we made an override for vendor/magento/module-catalog/Helper/Product/View.php where $pageConfig->setDescription($this->string->substr(strip_tags($product->getDescription()), 0, 255));
throws an Exception because $string was declared private in the original and should use \Magento\Framework\Stdlib\StringUtils instead.
Anyway, searching for things like $resultForward->forward('noroute'); and attaching debugger there is a good way to start.
This is happening due to any exceptions are throwing while loading the PDP pages. Mostly the error is throwing from vendor/magento/module-catalog/Helper/Product/View.php

Value Not loading in Dialog

I am facing a wierd issue wherein the value is available in the jcr (as i see it in crxde) but it is not loading in the page properties dialog. When the dialog loads i could see an error in the console - attaching the screencrab of the same.
I am an AEM6.0 with SP3, has anyone faced this issue before or any thoughts?

Doctype syntax error not resolving

I am facing doctype error, firefox developer toolbar showing error, while banner also not playing in IE, and same thing saying in IE as well,
please have a look at URL and let me know what is error in doctype ?

Justinmind Prototyper error

I am using justinmind prototyper to design my web page, But when that generated HTML file is used in Dreamweaver, it shows error as 'Code hinting may not work until you fix this error'. How can i fix this error ?

More Fields Wordpress plugin - TinyMCE WYSIWYG JS error - can't add images

For some reason, I am getting a JS error on the more fields WYSIWYG field.
When I try to click the button to add an image, or video...or audio, nothing happens and I get a JS error in the Firefox JS error console.
More fields version: 2.0.5
Wordpress version: 3.1
I am unable to downgrade wordpress any further due to potential problems with other plugins. I have tried different versions of more fields but I get the same issue.
Please help if you can, as I can't be the only one with this issue, it may be seriously helpful to others. it's a bit of a show stopper for me - my client ain't happy :-s
Please see the screenshot which might explain things a little more:
I had exactly the same problem just now.
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'wp_tiny_mce', 25);
To my functions.php file fixed it. I think the plugin fails to load this script by default.