Doctype syntax error not resolving - doctype

I am facing doctype error, firefox developer toolbar showing error, while banner also not playing in IE, and same thing saying in IE as well,
please have a look at URL and let me know what is error in doctype ?


Magento2 product detail page's title showing 404 Not Found Error

Everything works fine but product detail page's title showing 404 Not Found Error.
Any one faced same error before?
I have faced this issue and it wasn't a rewrite problem.
Try attaching the debugger to the try/catch in \Magento\Catalog\Controller\Product\View::execute since this one does a redirect to noroute in the catch.
In my case, way I found out we made an override for vendor/magento/module-catalog/Helper/Product/View.php where $pageConfig->setDescription($this->string->substr(strip_tags($product->getDescription()), 0, 255));
throws an Exception because $string was declared private in the original and should use \Magento\Framework\Stdlib\StringUtils instead.
Anyway, searching for things like $resultForward->forward('noroute'); and attaching debugger there is a good way to start.
This is happening due to any exceptions are throwing while loading the PDP pages. Mostly the error is throwing from vendor/magento/module-catalog/Helper/Product/View.php

Facebook SDK error in source code //

It seems that there is a mistake in the source code of Facebook SDK.
I went to this link and I found out that the syntax is incorrect at this line:
if(document.='string'?m:k.ent())m();h=null;}functi ind',true",funn k=t{'use 'k){se;}e);
For some reason, there is "." after document and "functi" means nothing.
This doesn't make sense. Any suggestion about how to fix this?
As a work around I am using another FB's source code which is this:

Tinymce error in IE8 - 'p[...][...]' is null or not an object

I am getting below error. Does anyone know what's the root cause and how to solve it ? I am using tinymce in IE8.
JS Error Message: 'p[...][...]' is null or not an object
I get this error in IE8 when i try to move away from page.
This issue is fixed with latest version of Tinymce.

Justinmind Prototyper error

I am using justinmind prototyper to design my web page, But when that generated HTML file is used in Dreamweaver, it shows error as 'Code hinting may not work until you fix this error'. How can i fix this error ?

Unexpected Token ILLEGAL only in Chrome, only on Refresh

Help me Stack Over-flow-nobi, you're my only hope.
I see lots of posts and questions about the 'Unexpected Token ILLEGAL' issue in chrome, but haven't found a solution for my own variety of the problem.
I'm building a Facebook tab that needs to be served https (Facebook policy). It's a page built in WordPress and I'm using the WordPress HTTPS plugin to force my particular page to render with HTTPS.
When I test with regular old HTTP, everything is fine (except for the "unsecure content" warnings, but that's another issue).
When I test with HTTPS, when the page loads the first time, it's okay, but if I hit REFRESH, then I get the ILLEGAL error. It's inconsistent - sometimes it balks on a different file, but something bad happens almost every time.
The page is at
screen shot of error on Chrome console
Any insight? I'm banging my head against the wall on this one.
File this one under the red herrings and wild goose chases.
I'm using a plugin called GD Star Rating on this app. It includes a dynamic CSS file. It was being loaded in with:
<link rel='stylesheet' id='gdsr_style_main-css' href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
If I got rid of all of those query arguments, the problem went away. Ditto for if I just got rid of the file altogether. I didn't dig deeper to figure out exactly what was causing the issue, as I was just relieved to figure it out.
I don't understand why this file was causing javascript files down the pipe to be loaded incorrectly. I don't understand why it only happened in Chrome, accessing the page with HTTPS and when I hit refresh. Weird.
But fixed.