Openshift Wildfly 404 not found - deployment

I'm very new to openshift.
We have created a Wildfly Web Application and deployed it on OpenShift in an non-scalable environment. The openshift deployment shows "Welcome to Wildfly 8" page, and when we query for WEBROOT/faces/index.xhtml, it shows 404 Not Found error.
The application is deployed to Openshift by Travis CI.
The travis-CI builds is passing.
Our local deployment has no problem.
We setup maven to deploy webapp to ROOT.war in deployment folder.
We uncompressed the ROOT.war and found index.xhtml
What could be the problem? Not sure which direction to go about this problem.


Liferay/jboss : no response after hot deploying a war

When I start jboss server with liferay (6.2), everything works. I can access the portal, access the administration section of liferay, even war deployed outside of liferay (activiti-explorer,...)
But when I hot deploy a war with portlets, jboss is still running but I can't access anything, even war deployed outside of liferay.
In chrome, i get a ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE for any url pointing to the jboss server.
In the jboss console, there is nothing showing up after liferay telling the war has been deployed.
Could you help or indicate me leads to resolve my problem?
Thanks in advance

Weblogic 12c deployment shared library not picked while deploying to managed server

Application is a EAR file
Shared Library where the third party jar are bundled and deployed to managed server as shared library.
weblogic-application.xml file where library ref to shared library is made and present in EAR file(META-INF folder).
Shared libraries are deployed to managed server as target and is successful.
while deploying the EAR file, the selection of EAR from console deployment results in ClassNotFoundException of the class present in shared library even though the reference is made in weblogic-application.xml.
Note that if the Library deployment is targeted to Admin Server and Managed Server the deployment of EAR file is successful without any exception.
Single Admin Server deployment is working fine without any issues for the same setup.
Deployment is expecting the JAR is classpath of admin server while deploying to managed server. is this an intended behavior ?
Is there any setup configuration we are missing here ? Correct me if there is any steps gone wrong.
Update : we did the same deployment with ant script using wldeploy and no errors are encountered and application is deployed successfully.
This was a known issue in a previous version of weblogic. Maybe it is still not fixed.
While using the WebLogic Administration Console with applications or EJBs deployed on a Managed Server that depend on a deployed library, you may encounter a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
The WebLogic Server Administration Console needs access to any shared library deployments so that Java data types and annotations can be processed. Therefore, all shared library deployments should always be targeted to the Administration Server in addition to any Managed Servers or clusters.

spray-servlet: Issues when war is deployed to tomcat7

I have created a sample application based on akka and spray-servlet. The code and other details can be found at I am using embedded tomcat for development purpose. The application runs as expected when I deploy it on the embedded tomcat. But when I deploy successfully the same war file to a stand alone tomcat7 server, I am getting 404 after hitting the application's URL. This is very strange. I have checked my tomcat7 server by deploying another Servlet 3.0 application. That works fine, but following the same steps I am not able to hit my application on standalone tomcat7. Any help appreciated.

Remote weblogic EAR deploy using jenkins plugin

I am in a sitauation where I have build maven build EAR files and property files which are needed to be deployed on QA remote weblogic hotel instances.
I have build code using maven in jenkins and also have weblogic deployer plugin installed.
But not able to find clear steps on how to configure it to deploy to remote weblogic servers where I don't have admin server rights .
My ears files have project version in name so at times when name change then in weblogic it need to undeploy and deploy with restart how can I achive it using jenkins.
Any help is appeciated( I have gone through post) but I don't have weblogic.jar in my Jenkins server as in my case it is remote server with shared folder with Ear deployment.
Your weblogic.jar needs to be on the jenkins server somehow. You can upload it to the server and refer to it with a static path, or possibly check it into your SCM and reference it from the workspace of your job (May violate licensing if your SCM repository is public).

How to deploy EJB directly on specific cluster of glassfish from NetBeans

I have two clusters created on my local glassfish server. One is used for war deployment and the other is for ejb deployment.
When i try to deploy the ejb or war directly from netbeans, by default it deploys to the default cluster called "server".
I want to change it, so that it directly gets deployed to the corresponding cluster. How do i accomplish this? A guide would be appreciated.
You have to use this command:
asadmin deploy --target <clusterName> <yourApplication>
Have a look at this guide (valid for GlassFish 3.1):
There isn't a guide for that. There is a short blog about registering a cluster as a deployment target in NetBeans.
Once your deployment target is registered, you would use it like a normal instance and chose it as a project's 'target server'.