spray-servlet: Issues when war is deployed to tomcat7 - scala

I have created a sample application based on akka and spray-servlet. The code and other details can be found at https://github.com/rajvaibhav/spray-tomcat-routing. I am using embedded tomcat for development purpose. The application runs as expected when I deploy it on the embedded tomcat. But when I deploy successfully the same war file to a stand alone tomcat7 server, I am getting 404 after hitting the application's URL. This is very strange. I have checked my tomcat7 server by deploying another Servlet 3.0 application. That works fine, but following the same steps I am not able to hit my application on standalone tomcat7. Any help appreciated.


Standalone Jetty Server Proxy is not working

We have developed a SAP UI5 web app using eclipse. In this app some cross domain ajax calls are there. That's why we are trying to use Jetty proxy.
While testing the app inside Eclipse(which actually uses inbuilt Jetty server) its running fine. But Whenever we are deploying the war file to Standalone Jetty server its not able to forward messages to target.
Can you please help how to configure Jetty proxy?
Below is the screenshot of web.xml inside my webapp.

JBoss WildFly + Status Code 302

When I deploy my Java application to JBoss WildFly 10 (drop .war into deployments folder), then later attempt to access my war webservices via a client, I always get a status code 302.
However, if I deploy the same application via the Eclipse IDE (Run-->Run on Server) on the same JBoss WildFly, then later access my war webservices, everything works fine and successfully.
Does anyone know why this is, and how I can correct it?

How can I deploy a Java-Spring Maven Application on Tomcat v8.0 (Restful WebService)

I am unable to deploy the Spring-Maven Restful WebService on Tomcat v8.0. My OS is windows 7. When I deploy it through Tomcat App Manager then I get a screen with the link "Click To Enter", although I have not created any links like that. Please see the image below.
This is exactly how it is supposed to work. When you create a new "Simple Spring Web Maven" project in Eclipse (I guess this is what you did), the wizard creates a working Maven project that can be immediately built with Maven. The created WAR can be, in turn, deployed to Tomcat (i.e. copy the WAR file to the webapp folder of Tomcat) or whatever container you are using.
As I said in the comment, it looks like you actually managed to deploy the WAR and what you are seeing is the default home page corresponding to the "index.jsp" file, that is created by the wizard.

Step through debugging of web app code in Eclipse maven app running on tomcat

I am trying to set up eclipse so that I can work on a maven web application which packages as a war file without building the war file and deploying to tomcat webapps manually.
This would also allow me to step through the code. I have installed tomcat 7 and my app deploys there ok and I have pointed eclipse at the installation of tomcat but it does not seem to deploy properly even though the manual deployment works fine.
The issue I get when deploying is that eclipse informs me that tomcat was not able to start.
To deploy my app I am going "servers >> add and remove" and then deploying my application from the available list by moving it into the configured list. After doing this and starting the tomcat server I get the error message.
Can anybody help me with running the app from within eclipse based on the compiled code and not on whats in the war file as ideally my end result would be to be able to step through code I am working on without building the war file first.
I finally sorted this out after a few hours of messing around reading numerous posts, so hopefully this answer may help someone else who gets the error message:
"Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost was unable to start within 45 seconds"
Below are the steps I took:
1) Backed up my projects in my work space and then deleted the workspace
2) Recreated the workspace and imported my projects back into it
3) (this bit was crucial for me) - Added a connector to my server.xml on port 8080 as my app was set up to only run with SSL, it seems that eclipse tries to verify your app started by hitting the root of the web app and it couldnt do this due to the SSL connector.
I hope this helps someone out.

GWT Deployment to JBoss

I am currently working on a project which has a GWT frontend and a seperate Java module with servlets and a REST interface on the backend. The project when deployed runs on a single JBoss server.
I am running into difficulties though as when I run the GWT app in hosted mode (in eclipse) the jetty server does not have a deployed Java module to interact with.
My idea was to setup a JBoss server which eclipse could deploy into for development purposes, the problem with this is that the installer for the product sets up a JBoss server with a GWT app already embedded in it, so redeploying into this JBoss instance might cause problems?
My other idea would be to create a second JBoss server to host the GWT app, with some sort of url redirect for the rest calls which would redirect to the first JBoss instance. Is this possible?
EDIT: Can I do this with the built in jetty server in eclipse and not have to worry about using a seperate JBoss server. In other words can I somehow get the jetty server in eclipse to redirect particular requests to a different URL?