Remote weblogic EAR deploy using jenkins plugin - plugins

I am in a sitauation where I have build maven build EAR files and property files which are needed to be deployed on QA remote weblogic hotel instances.
I have build code using maven in jenkins and also have weblogic deployer plugin installed.
But not able to find clear steps on how to configure it to deploy to remote weblogic servers where I don't have admin server rights .
My ears files have project version in name so at times when name change then in weblogic it need to undeploy and deploy with restart how can I achive it using jenkins.
Any help is appeciated( I have gone through post) but I don't have weblogic.jar in my Jenkins server as in my case it is remote server with shared folder with Ear deployment.

Your weblogic.jar needs to be on the jenkins server somehow. You can upload it to the server and refer to it with a static path, or possibly check it into your SCM and reference it from the workspace of your job (May violate licensing if your SCM repository is public).


How to generate war file and deploy to tomcat server using jenkins

I have developed a sample login web application in Eclipse IDE and the same project I have uploaded to SVN. After that I am configuring the jenkins and integrated with SVN. Now I want to generate a war file using jenkins and trying to deploy to the tomcat server. In the project I used ANT building tool and I generated build.xml
Now my question is how to configure with tomact server and how I can generate war file and deploy to the server. I am not understanding how to invoke ANT and what to give path in WAR/EAR files(already i downloaded deploy plugin) and context path in post-build actions.

Hotswap classes and resources of feature deployed to jboss fuse

I am developing "features" with JBOSS Tools 9 (Eclipse) to be deployed on a fuse 6.2 (with fabric)
At the moment the features are deployed via deploy scripts and fuse downloads the feature from maven repository (profile-edit --repository mvn:...). I am able to remote debut the feature ("-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5001,server=y,suspend=n").
The problem is if i change something i allways have to run mvn install. To see the changes taking effect.
Is there a way to use the Fuse Server integration (i already added the fuse installation to my Eclipse server view) to sync with my sources/resources like with webapp development.
(probably the deployment must be changed?)
You can turn on dev:watch * (I think the name of the command is) from the shell in JBoss Fuse, which turns on watching the maven repository for SNAPSHOT JARs being updated, and then automatic redeploy those in the JBoss Fuse server.
Then you can develop locally and build the code with mvn install to deploy to your local maven repository, which the dev:watch then triggers.
Mind I cannot 100% remember the command name if its dev:watch or something else with watch. Also the arguments to the command can maybe be to watch a specific name.

how to deploy war in glassfish?

i use "/opt/glassfish3/bin/asadmin deploy " to deploy war in glassfish
get the message
Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848]. Is the server up?
Unable to get remote commands.
Closest matching local command(s):
Command deploy failed.
In my setup, I am using Cargo to deploy as described in the following question/answer: How to deploy a Maven web application to a local-installed Glassfish?
I have a locally installed Glassfish 4.x server and a maven web application project (packaging=war). I am able to deploy using only the following commands:
mvn clean package cargo:deploy
mvn clean package cargo:redeploy

Deploy helloworld to wildfly using eclipse

I want to deploy my helloworld project to my wildfly (former jboss) application server.
I can use maven mvn install wildfly:deploy and it will deploy the app.
But when I want to use eclipse to run on Server it does nothing.
I don't get a console output or anything which looks like building and deploying.
I added the server runtime to the project and also added the wildfly server.
Why is Eclipse not deploying?
This works for me: do a mvn install in order to build the war and have it at the target folder. Then right-click on wildfly-server. You will see an add-remove option. Click on it, select your project from the list and then add your project to the server. Click finish. If the server is running the project should be deployed.
Another approach would be to simply copy the war from your target directory and place it in the standalone/deployments folder of your wildfly installation.
Make sure that you have stopped the server before copying the war. After you have copied the war to the deployments folder, start he server.
Your application should be deployed successfully.

Remote deploy from Eclipse to JBoss AS and integration Eclipse with remote JBoss

I have the following situation. My JBoss server runs on the remote server under some bound address. I would like to run Eclipse on my local machine and deploy results of work to the remote server where I could test it and debug it. I'm working on enterprise Java project and I'm normally deploying one ear file.
I know how to provide remote debugging but what possibilities exist for integrating remove deploy in Eclipse?
I was trying for first the JBoss tools plugin. There is a deploy-only server for the only deploying the project. I'm connected on the network disk on the remote server where JBoss instance runs.
But this plugin deploys ear exploded and afterwards because of the one persistence.xml in my project where tag defines what jars contain entities and instead of the jar there are something.jar directories. Then hibernate isn't able to load entities.
Is there some possibility how to easily make a remote deploy directly from Eclipse? Or better is there possibility how to integrate work on remote JBoss server in Eclipse (I mean run JBoss server, stop it.)?