The transition animation in Image Gallery with Vertical Thumbnail - jssor

Is there anyway to disable the transition animation in "Image Gallery with Vertical Thumbnail"? Here I mean the large photo part, not the thumbnail part. Currently the left-right animation makes me a little dizzy especially when switching more photos.
Besides, I wonder if the animation could be fade in/out effect? Say, now I am at the 1st photo and I click the thumbnail of the 5th photo. In the large photo part, the 1st photo fades out and the 5th photo fades in.


Pinch functionality like on Instagram

I'm trying to translate Instagram's image pinch functionality to Flutter. I'm struggling with:
possibility to pinch up the image overlaying all other objects (even above the navigation bar)
after pinch interaction the image goes back to normal size (done)
I'm grateful for any help.
(see Overlay pinched image above everything)

In a Unity canvas a button and an image hide each other even though they don't overlap

In my Unity project I have a canvas with a button and an image inside. I have noticed that even though they don't overlap (they are quite distance) they cover each other. So when the button is below the image in the Hierarchy panel the image is not shown. Meanwhile when the image is below the button I cannot view the image attached to button. Nevertheless I can see the button text...

How make photo to scale and cut like in Skype?

When i want change my profile photo in Skype i have a screen
When i click Take Photo my next screen is
and i can scale this pic to make them bigger
after i tap Use Photo my pic is cut and i see in the circle
I know how to take photo and paste in my ImageView but how they create this template area which will be cut the picture and how cut it ? Any hint please

How to add effects to UILabel

I've been searching for that many time ago and I can't find a solution. I have a animated label that crosses the screen of the iPhone (like the title of a song does in the Music app.Well, I'd like to add the "fade in/out" effect like the music app has. The easy solution is open Photoshop and create this simple image and then add it up to the label. Well, under the label I have an image with black backgroud. The image can be zoomed in and then the image with the fade in/out effect can be seen, and it doesn't look well. Is there any possibility to do this programatically? Thanks
PD: if there's another possibility rather than doing this programatically, I'll apreciate the answer as well.
Edit: Here's the image capture of the problem
I'll approach it in a non-programming way.
The image reference you gave us for the Music app you seem to be emulating has a different gradient than the one you drew in the second image.
If you notice in the image, the gradient has not fully completed its transition from clear to black before the words are cut off. I would say in photoshop run the gradient from clear to 80% alpha black and then draw a 100% alpha black rectangle to finish it off as per image. The white is just showing you what it looks like without the black background.
Now as for the zooming. Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like you want a viewing window for the image so that once you have zoomed into it, it will fade to either side, but still be viewable/movable in the center. This means that the image has to be zoom-able, but once you have zoomed the "fade in/out" should not be zoom-able.
Just make sure you aren't scaling the fader by keeping it separate from the scrollView of your background image.

Image in UIScrollView moves offscreen before while zooming

I am working on a photo gallery iPhone app.
Approach is fairly inspired from the ScrollingMadness code available on github.
I have a scroll view which holds all my image views when in paging mode. When user zooms an image using pinch out gesture, I remove all the image views but the current one - and set the content offset to 0,0 (obviously).
Everything works perfect on simulator but on device I face this crazy issue.
When a user pinch out to zoom an image, it goes off screen and when the pinch out touch event ends, it comes back to the screen.
After zooming the image once, if I zoom it further - it does not give me the buggy experience. This leads me to a conclusion that patch needs to be applied where I am removing the other image views from the scroll view and holding the one which is being zoomed.
Not able to figure out how I should make it to work like the iPhone's Photo app. The - magical - Photos app!
Anyone who can point to a direction to get this thing up and running - would be all the help I need right now!
Well, since when you zoom you are moving your picture to (0,0) effectivly the first page, you would expect when the user pinches any page thats not the first one, the image will have to move to 0,0 and therefore you are expiriencing your image moving. After you zoomed once, the image is already at 0,0 so subsequent zooms work fine. Are you finding that zooming on the very first page gives you the behavior you want and only other pages have this issue? If so a fix might be not to move the zooming picture to (0,0) but just keep it where it is and have some dummy view for all your other pages so you dont take up memory from the other pictures. Hope this helps