How make photo to scale and cut like in Skype? - swift

When i want change my profile photo in Skype i have a screen
When i click Take Photo my next screen is
and i can scale this pic to make them bigger
after i tap Use Photo my pic is cut and i see in the circle
I know how to take photo and paste in my ImageView but how they create this template area which will be cut the picture and how cut it ? Any hint please


Flutter Scale Animation for the center of the photo

I am trying to scale rectangle photo or icon. I am creating svg-png-icon type photo but i couldn't scale for only middle of the photo. For example;
When i will change the x variable (width of middle) only middle will change. Its such as linear animation.
Please check images.
enter image description here
enter image description here

How to use animation as background image

enter image description here
Taking a look at that picure, animation is use as background in the left and on the right side of the page, an image is used as the background. Please hw can i go about using both backgrounds on one webpage.

The transition animation in Image Gallery with Vertical Thumbnail

Is there anyway to disable the transition animation in "Image Gallery with Vertical Thumbnail"? Here I mean the large photo part, not the thumbnail part. Currently the left-right animation makes me a little dizzy especially when switching more photos.
Besides, I wonder if the animation could be fade in/out effect? Say, now I am at the 1st photo and I click the thumbnail of the 5th photo. In the large photo part, the 1st photo fades out and the 5th photo fades in.

Detect blank areas in an image

I Have an image in which there are some blank areas.What i want is that when the user touches these blank areas a pop up should come asking the user to select an image that can be added to that area.I have done this by just adding a button in the background of the blank area.That worked for a few images.Since the position of the blank area varies for each image that is not a good idea to follow.So is there any provision in ios to detect blank areas and thus make them act like a button. In the image you can see the text "Place your image here".
I want that area to work somewhat like a button.any help
You will need to have some metadata associated with each image. The data will tell you where to put each button. I doubt you can find some code to automatically detect where to put the buttons.

The image which UIImagePicker take from UI is truncated on top and bottom

I am using UIImagePicker to take photo and save the photo. But appears the photo it takes was truncated on top and bottom, which was top and bottom menu when UIImagePicker taking the photo. I am wondering how to take the whole screen of the photo.
The UIImagePicker crops all images to 320x320 if you allow editing. If you want something sized differently, you'll have to look at the original image and the cropping rect, both in the editingInfo dictionary you get back from the picker. Once you have those, you can resize or re-crop as needed.
Look in the "editingInfo" dictionary that you get back in the didFinishPickingImage: method, if there's a value for the #"Original" key then it's the real, uncropped image (stored as a UIImage object).
From there you can look at the other editingInfo values to see if the user cropped that image, which you can then apply (or take the UIImage passed to you which is the cropped verson). If you are getting an image back from the photo library, the original is not in the dictionary and you only have the image passed in.