Pinch functionality like on Instagram - flutter

I'm trying to translate Instagram's image pinch functionality to Flutter. I'm struggling with:
possibility to pinch up the image overlaying all other objects (even above the navigation bar)
after pinch interaction the image goes back to normal size (done)
I'm grateful for any help.
(see Overlay pinched image above everything)


How can I really edit image by using UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.editedImage in swift?

I am using the UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.editedImage to retrieve a UIImage object that contains the final image after the user moved and/or scaled it. However, when I go to the simulator, select the image I want, and then I don't find any options for editing the picture. It seems like .editedImage is same as .originalImage. I tried to find a way to edit the image with the UIImage picker controller such as cropping, scaling, etc. but my simulator doesn't have that option. How can I add some functions to edit an image?
Step-1: Tap and hold the Option key (⌥) on the keyboard and click on the selected image on the Simulator. You'll see two Solid, Gray buttons showing up where your mouse cursor is, just the same as a user would use their Index finger and Thumb to Pinch and Zoom an image (screenshot attached).
Step-2: Drag the image on the Simulator. You'll be able to crop the selected image by zooming in (screenshot attached). Can move the image also, by unholding the Option key (⌥) from your keyboard.
Step-3: Finally, the info[.editedImage] will get the user's edited/modified image in the imagePickerController: didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: method.

How to make view like in the image attached?

I want to implement the UI feature as in the image attached. The image is an screen shot form a Siemens App that is in App store. Here the bright portion can be rotated like wheel. I have gone through the link
but I am not able to implement the feature as in image.
Following is the link to download the Siemens app.
The simplest approach I can think of is to use two images. One would have the green and white detail display and one would be gray with a slight circular gradient, a lot of transparency, and a fully transparent segment.
The gray image would go on top and handle touch movement by rotating and taps according to its last stop position.

Semi transparent full screen layer on top of the map tiles

Is there any way to add black semi transparent full screen layer on top of the map tiles ?
like Nike GPS app. (Example screen is here)
A UIMapView is just a view. You can do anything above it in the view hierarchy. You should look at the drawing and overlay functions within the MapKit docs for annotating or doing overlays based on the coordinate space.
Also, you might find it easier to take on device screenshots by holding the power button and pressing the home button. You don't need to take a camera photo.

Recreating streetview effect in my own iPhone App

My app allows you too "look" around a room in every similar manner to how you can "look" around a street when you are in streetview in the Maps application. Does anyone know of a simple way to recreate this effect?
I do have an image (like the streetview image) that I would like users to look around in.
Some ideas I have:
1) Put the image in a scroll view and let users pan and zoom. This doesn't seem like it would have the same effect as when you pan around the streetview, objects near the edges stretch to give you a "lens" type effect.
2) Apply a transform to the image before drawing it in a scroll view, and reapply the transform during scrolling. This transform would create the lens effect on the currently viewed part of the image.
3) Use open GL to create a hollow sphere and apply the image as a texture on the inside of the sphere.
doesn't seem like it would work
seems like my best option but I don't know what transform to use in quartz to create this effect. I like this though because it uses a scroll view and I don't have to recreate the panning, flicking and pinching code.
seems like overkill and too much work
Any ideas?

Image in UIScrollView moves offscreen before while zooming

I am working on a photo gallery iPhone app.
Approach is fairly inspired from the ScrollingMadness code available on github.
I have a scroll view which holds all my image views when in paging mode. When user zooms an image using pinch out gesture, I remove all the image views but the current one - and set the content offset to 0,0 (obviously).
Everything works perfect on simulator but on device I face this crazy issue.
When a user pinch out to zoom an image, it goes off screen and when the pinch out touch event ends, it comes back to the screen.
After zooming the image once, if I zoom it further - it does not give me the buggy experience. This leads me to a conclusion that patch needs to be applied where I am removing the other image views from the scroll view and holding the one which is being zoomed.
Not able to figure out how I should make it to work like the iPhone's Photo app. The - magical - Photos app!
Anyone who can point to a direction to get this thing up and running - would be all the help I need right now!
Well, since when you zoom you are moving your picture to (0,0) effectivly the first page, you would expect when the user pinches any page thats not the first one, the image will have to move to 0,0 and therefore you are expiriencing your image moving. After you zoomed once, the image is already at 0,0 so subsequent zooms work fine. Are you finding that zooming on the very first page gives you the behavior you want and only other pages have this issue? If so a fix might be not to move the zooming picture to (0,0) but just keep it where it is and have some dummy view for all your other pages so you dont take up memory from the other pictures. Hope this helps