K-means clustering - matlab

I want to use K-means clustering for my features which are of size 286 x 276 , So I can do clustering before using SVM. These features are of 16 different gestures. I am using MATLAB function IDX=kmeans(Feat_train,16). In IDX variable I am getting vector of size 286x1 in which their is numbers in between 1-16 randomly. I am not understanding what that number shows and what I have to next for giving input to SVM for training.

The way you invoked kmeans in Matlab with your 286-by-276 feature matrix, kmeans assume you have 286 1D vectors in a 276-dimensional space. kmeans then tries to find k=16 centers best representing your 286 high-dimensional points.
Finally, it gives back IDX: an index per point telling you to which of the 16 centers this point belongs to.
It is now up to you to decide how to feed this information into an SVM machinery.

The number shows which cluster does each 1x276 "point" belongs to.


Evaluation of K-means clustering ( accuracy)

I created a 2-dimensional random datasets (composed from a dataset of points and a column of labels) for centroid based k-means clustering in MATLAB where each point is represented by a vector of X and Y (the point coordinates) and each label represents the data point cluster,see example in figure below.
I applied the K-means clustering algorithm on these point datasets. I need help with the following:
What function can I use to evaluate the accuracy of the K-means algorithm? In more detail: My aim is to score the Kmeans algorithm based on how many assigned labels it correctly identifies by comparing with assigned numbers by matlab. For example, I verify if the point (7.200592168, 11.73878455) is assigned with the point (6.951107307, 11.27498898) to the same cluster... etc.
If I correctly understand your question, you are looking for the adjusted rand index. This will score the similarity between your matlab labels and your k-means labels.
Alternatively you can create a confusion matrix to visualise the mapping between your two labelsets.
I would use squared error
You are trying to minimize the total squared distance between each point and the mean coordinate of it's cluster.

How plot U-Matrix, Sample Hit and Input Planes from a trained data by SOM

I have written a simple SOM algorithm in MATLAB. My big challenge is that, how can I visualize/plot data in the format of U-Matrix, Sample Hits and Component/Input Planes? These three plots exists in the SOM toolbox in MATLAB. But the problem is that I cannot call them to visualize my data over my written code. Because they need a 'net' as input in which my code does not make any 'net'.
Is there any guidance?
You can create your own functions as they are not too complicated. I will assume a SOM of 20x20x10 (400 nodes, 4 features) for explanation.
The Hit-Map is no more than giving each sample to the already learned SOM and incrementing +1 to the node that was chosen as the Best Matching Unit (BMU). Then you plot this map. So if node(1,1) fires 10 times, and node(1,2) fires 100 times, then you will have an image where node(1,2) has a higher intensity than node(1,1).
The U-Matrix is a map representing the average distance between the node's weight vector and its closest neighbours. So here you can calculate the Euclidean distance between the feature vector of node X to every neighbour. So if you had a feature vector for node(1,1,:)=[1,1,2,3], node(1,2,:)=[2,2,1,1], and node(2,1,:)=[1,1,1,1], then the value of the U-matrix for node(1,1) could be U(1,1)=norm(squeeze(node(1,1,:)-node(1,2,:)))+norm(squeeze(node(1,1,:)-node(2,1,:)))=4.8818
The Component/Input Planes is the simplest one and does not require any processing. You just basically pick each feature of the SOM map and plot. So in our example of a 20x20x4 SOM, you would have 4 features and therefore 4 components, which you can plot through imagesc(node(:,:,1)) for feature 1

K-means Clustering, major understanding issue

Suppose that we have a 64dim matrix to cluster, let's say that the matrix dataset is dt=64x150.
Using from vl_feat's library its kmeans function, I will cluster my dataset to 20 centrers:
[centers, assignments] = vl_kmeans(dt, 20);
centers is a 64x20 matrix.
assignments is a 1x150 matrix with values inside it.
According to manual: The vector assignments contains the (hard) assignments of the input data to the clusters.
I still can not understand what those numbers in the matrix assignments mean. I dont get it at all. Anyone mind helping me a bit here? An example or something would be great. What do these values represent anyway?
In k-means the problem you are trying to solve is the problem of clustering your 150 points into 20 clusters. Each point is a 64-dimension point and thus represented by a vector of size 64. So in your case dt is the set of points, each column is a 64-dim vector.
After running the algorithm you get centers and assignments. centers are the 20 positions of the cluster's center in a 64-dim space, in case you want to visualize it, measure distances between points and clusters, etc. 'assignments' on the other hand contains the actual assignments of each 64-dim point in dt. So if assignments[7] is 15 it indicates that the 7th vector in dt belongs to the 15th cluster.
For example here you can see clustering of lots of 2d points, let's say 1000 into 3 clusters. In this case dt would be 2x1000, centers would be 2x3 and assignments would be 1x1000 and will hold numbers ranging from 1 to 3 (or 0 to 2, in case you're using openCV)
The code to produce this image is located here: http://pypr.sourceforge.net/kmeans.html#k-means-example along with a tutorial on kmeans for pyPR.
In openCV it is the number of the cluster that each of the input points belong to

kmeans in MATLAB : number of clusters > number of rows?

I'm using the Statistics Toolbox function kmeans in MATLAB for the first time. I want to get the total euclidian distance to nearest centroid as an indicator of optimal k.
Here is my code :
clear all
for j=1:N
clear a b
Well everything should go well except that I get this error for j = 6 :
X must have more rows than the number of clusters.
I do not understand the problem since X has 54 rows, and no NaNs.
I tried using different EmptyAction options but it still won't work.
Any idea ? :)
The problem occurs since you use the cluster method to get initial centroids. From MATLAB documentation:
'cluster' - Perform preliminary clustering phase on random 10%
subsample of X. This preliminary phase is itself
initialized using 'sample'.
So when j=6, it tries to divide 10% of data into 6 clusters, i.e. 10% of 54 ~ 5. Therefore, you get the error X must have more rows than the number of clusters.
To get around this problem, either choose the points randomly (sample method) or choose points uniformly (uniform method).

Making feature vector from Gabor filters for classification

My aim is to classify types of cars (Sedans,SUV,Hatchbacks) and earlier I was using corner features for classification but it didn't work out very well so now I am trying Gabor features.
code from here
Now the features are extracted and suppose when I give an image as input then for 5 scales and 8 orientations I get 2 [1x40] matrices.
1. 40 columns of squared Energy.
2. 40 colums of mean Amplitude.
Problem is I want to use these two matrices for classification and I have about 230 images of 3 classes (SUV,sedan,hatchback).
I do not know how to create a [N x 230] matrix which can be taken as vInputs by the neural netowrk in matlab.(where N be the total features of one image).
My question:
How to create a one dimensional image vector from the 2 [1x40] matrices for one image.(should I append the mean Amplitude to square energy matrix to get a [1x80] matrix or something else?)
Should I be using these gabor features for my purpose of classification in first place? if not then what?
Thanks in advance
In general, there is nothing to think about - simple neural network requires one dimensional feature vector and does not care about the ordering, so you can simply concatenate any number of feature vectors into one (and even do it in random order - it does not matter). In particular if you have same feature matrices you also concatenate each of its row to create a vectorized format.
The only exception is when your data actually has some underlying geometrical dependicies, for example - matrix is actualy a pixels matrix. In such case architectures like PyraNet, Convolutional Neural Networks and others, which apply some kind of receptive fields based on this 2d structure - should be better. But those implementations simply accept 2d feature vector as an input.