kmeans in MATLAB : number of clusters > number of rows? - matlab

I'm using the Statistics Toolbox function kmeans in MATLAB for the first time. I want to get the total euclidian distance to nearest centroid as an indicator of optimal k.
Here is my code :
clear all
for j=1:N
clear a b
Well everything should go well except that I get this error for j = 6 :
X must have more rows than the number of clusters.
I do not understand the problem since X has 54 rows, and no NaNs.
I tried using different EmptyAction options but it still won't work.
Any idea ? :)

The problem occurs since you use the cluster method to get initial centroids. From MATLAB documentation:
'cluster' - Perform preliminary clustering phase on random 10%
subsample of X. This preliminary phase is itself
initialized using 'sample'.
So when j=6, it tries to divide 10% of data into 6 clusters, i.e. 10% of 54 ~ 5. Therefore, you get the error X must have more rows than the number of clusters.
To get around this problem, either choose the points randomly (sample method) or choose points uniformly (uniform method).


How to quickly/easily merge and average data in matrix in MATLAB?

I have got a matrix of AirFuelRatio values at certain engine speeds and throttlepositions. (eg. the AFR is 14 at 2500rpm and 60% throttle)
The matrix is now 25x10, and the engine speed ranges from 1200-6000rpm with interval 200rpm, the throttle range from 0.1-1 with interval 0.1.
Say i have measured new values, eg. an AFR of 13.5 at 2138rpm and 74,3% throttle, how do i merge that in the matrix? The matrix closest values are 2000 or 2200rpm and 70 or 80% throttle. Also i don't want new data to replace the older data. How can i make the matrix take this value in and adjust its values to take the new value in account?
Simplified i have the following x-axis values(top row) and 1x4 matrix(below):
2 4 6 8
14 16 18 20
I just measured an AFR value of 15.5 at 3 rpm. If you interpolate the AFR matrix you would've gotten a 15, so this value is out of the ordinary.
I want the matrix to take this data and adjust the other variables to it, ie. average everything so that the more data i put in the more reliable and accurate the matrix becomes. So in the simplified case the matrix would become something like:
2 4 6 8
14.3 16.3 18.2 20.1
So it averages between old and new data. I've read the documentation about concatenation but i believe my problem can't be solved with that function.
EDIT: To clarify my question, the following visual clarification.
The 'matrix' keeps the same size of 5 points whil a new data point is added. It takes the new data in account and adjusts the matrix accordingly. This is what i'm trying to achieve. The more scatterd data i get, the more accurate the matrix becomes. (and yes the green dot in this case would be an outlier, but it explains my case)
This is not a matter of simple merge/average. I don't think there's a quick method to do this unless you have simplifying assumptions. What you want is a statistical inference of the underlying trend. I suggest using Gaussian process regression to solve this problem. There's a great MATLAB toolbox by Rasmussen and Williams called GPML.
This sounds more like a data fitting task to me. What you are suggesting is that you have a set of measurements for which you wish to get the best linear fit. Instead of producing a table of data, what you need is a table of values, and then find the best fit to those values. So, for example, I could create a matrix, A, which has all of the recorded values. Let's start with:
I now need a matrix of points for the inputs to my fitting curve (which, in this instance, lets assume it is linear, so is the set of values 1 and x)
B=[ones(size(A,1),1), A(:,1)];
We can find the linear fit parameters (where it cuts the y-axis and the gradient) using:
Or, if you want the points that the line goes through for the values of x:
This results in the points:
2,14.1897 3,15.1552 4,16.1207 6,18.0517 8,19.9828
which represents the best fit line through these points.
You can manually extend this to polynomial fitting if you want, or you can use the Matlab function polyfit. To manually extend the process you should use a revised B matrix. You can also produce only a specified set of points in the last line. The complete code would then be:
% Original measurements - could be read in from a file,
% but for this example we will set it to a matrix
% Note that not all tabulated values need to be present
A=[2,14; 3,15.5; 4,16; 5,17; 8,20];
% Now create the polynomial values of x corresponding to
% the data points. Choosing a second order polynomial...
B=[ones(size(A,1),1), A(:,1), A(:,1).^2];
% Find the polynomial coefficients for the best fit curve
% Now generate a table of values at specific points
% First define the x-values
tabinds = 2:2:8;
% Then generate the polynomial values of x
tabpolys=[ones(length(tabinds),1), tabinds', (tabinds').^2];
% Finally, multiply by the coefficients found
curve_table = [tabinds', tabpolys*coeffs];
% and display the results

How to make sense (handle) when computes logarithm of zero in prior information

I am working in image classification. I am using an information that called prior probability (in Bayesian rule). It has range in [0,1]. And it requires computing in logarithm. However, as you know, logarithm of zero number is Inf.
For example, given an pixel x in image I (size 3 by 3) with an cost function such as
where prior is an matrix 3 by 3
prior=[ 0 0 0.5;
1 1 0.2;
0.4 0 0]
I =[ 1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 9]
I want to compute cost of x=1 then
Now, log(0) is Inf. Then result cost(x=1) also Inf. Based on my assumption that prior=0 that mean the given pixel belongs to background, and prior=1 that mean the given pixel belongs to foreground.
My question is that how to compute log(prior) satisfy my assumption.
I am using Matlab to do it. I think that log(0) becomes very small negative value. And I just set it is -9 as my code
%% Handle with log(0)
prior(prior==0.0) = NaN;
%% Compute log
%% Assume that e^-9 very near 0.
log_prior(isnan(log_prior)) = -9;
UPDATE: To make clearly what I am doing. Let see the Bayesian rule. My task is that how to assign an given pixel x belongs to Background (BG) or Foreground (FG). It will depends on the probability
In which P(x|x∈BG) is likelihood function and assume that it is approximated by Gaussian distribution, P(x∈BG) is prior term and P(x) can be ignore due to it is const
Using Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP) Estimation we can map the above equation in to log space (to resolve exponential in Gaussian function)
To make simple, let assume log(P(x|x∈BG))=30, log(P(x∈BG)) is log(prior) then my cost function can rewritten as
Now problem is that prior is within [0,1] then it logarithm is -Inf. As the chepner said, we can add eps value as
However, log(eps) is very a lager negative number. It will be affected my cost function (also becomes very large negative number). Then the first term in my cost function (30) becomes not necessary. Based on my assumption that log(x)=1 then the pixel x will be BG and prior(x)=1 will be FG. How to make handle with my log(prior) when I compute my cost function?
The correct thing to do, before fiddling with Matlab, is to try to understand your problem. Ask yourself "what does it mean for the prior probability to vanish?". The answer is given by Bayes theorem, one form of which is:
posterior = likelihood * prior / normalization
So places where the prior is nil are, by definition, places where you are certain that your events (the things whose probabilities you are computing) cannot happen, regardless of their apparent likelihood (i.e. "cost"). So they are not interesting for you. You just recognize that and skip them.

Finding Probability of Gaussian Distribution Using Matlab

The original question was to model a lightbulb, which are used 24/7, and usually one lasts 25 days. A box of bulbs contains 12. What is the probability that the box will last longer than a year?
I had to use MATLAB to model a Gaussian curve based on an exponential variable.
The code below generates a Gaussian model with mean = 300 and std= sqrt(12)*25.
The reason I had to use so many different variables and add them up was because I was supposed to be demonstrating the central limit theorem. The Gaussian curve represents the probability of a box of bulbs lasting for a # of days, where 300 is the average number of days a box will last.
I am having trouble using the gaussian I generated and finding the probability for days >365. The statement 1-normcdf(365,300, sqrt(12)*25) was an attempt to figure out the expected value for the probability, which I got as .2265. Any tips on how to find the probability for days>365 based on the Gaussian I generated would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!!
clear all
1-normcdf(365,300, sqrt(12)*25)
[f, y]=ecdf(x) will create an empirical cdf for the data in x. You can then find the probability where it first crosses 365 to get your answer.
Generate N replicates of x, where N should be several thousand or tens of thousands. Then p-hat = count(x > 365) / N, and has a standard error of sqrt[p-hat * (1 - p-hat) / N]. The larger the number of replications is, the smaller the margin of error will be for the estimate.
When I did this in JMP with N=10,000 I ended up with [0.2039, 0.2199] as a 95% CI for the true proportion of the time that a box of bulbs lasts more than a year. The discrepancy with your value of 0.2265, along with a histogram of the 10,000 outcomes, indicates that actual distribution is still somewhat skewed. In other words, using a CLT approximation for the sum of 12 exponentials is going to give answers that are slightly off.

K-means Clustering, major understanding issue

Suppose that we have a 64dim matrix to cluster, let's say that the matrix dataset is dt=64x150.
Using from vl_feat's library its kmeans function, I will cluster my dataset to 20 centrers:
[centers, assignments] = vl_kmeans(dt, 20);
centers is a 64x20 matrix.
assignments is a 1x150 matrix with values inside it.
According to manual: The vector assignments contains the (hard) assignments of the input data to the clusters.
I still can not understand what those numbers in the matrix assignments mean. I dont get it at all. Anyone mind helping me a bit here? An example or something would be great. What do these values represent anyway?
In k-means the problem you are trying to solve is the problem of clustering your 150 points into 20 clusters. Each point is a 64-dimension point and thus represented by a vector of size 64. So in your case dt is the set of points, each column is a 64-dim vector.
After running the algorithm you get centers and assignments. centers are the 20 positions of the cluster's center in a 64-dim space, in case you want to visualize it, measure distances between points and clusters, etc. 'assignments' on the other hand contains the actual assignments of each 64-dim point in dt. So if assignments[7] is 15 it indicates that the 7th vector in dt belongs to the 15th cluster.
For example here you can see clustering of lots of 2d points, let's say 1000 into 3 clusters. In this case dt would be 2x1000, centers would be 2x3 and assignments would be 1x1000 and will hold numbers ranging from 1 to 3 (or 0 to 2, in case you're using openCV)
The code to produce this image is located here: along with a tutorial on kmeans for pyPR.
In openCV it is the number of the cluster that each of the input points belong to

How to resample with interp1 in Matlab when input vectors are of different length

I have two variables in a .mat file here:
testz is a vector of cumulative distance (in meters, monotonically and regularly increasing)
testSDT is a vector of integrated (cumulative) sound wave travel time (in milliseconds) generated using the distance vector and a vector of velocities
(there is an intermediate step of creating interval travel times)
Since velocity is a continuously variable function the resulting interval travelt times and also the integrated travel times are non integers and variable in magnitude
What I want is to resample the distance vector at regular time intervals (e.g. 1 ms, 2 ms, ..., n ms)
What makes it difficult is that the maximum travel time, 994.6659, is less than the number of samples in the 2 vectors, therefore it is not straightforward to use interp1.
X=testSDT -> 1680 samples
Y=testz -> 1680 samples
XI=[1:1:994] -> 994 samples
This is the code I've come up with. It is a working code and it is not too bad I think.
%% Initial chores
%% Create indices
% this loops finds the samples in the integrated travel time vector
% that are closest to integer milliseconds and their sample number
for i=1:M
[cl(i) ind(i)] = min(abs(testSDT-L(i)));
nearest(i) = testSDT(ind(i));
%% Remove duplicates
% this is necessary to remove duplicates in the index vector (happens in this test).
% For example: 2.5 ms would be the closest to both 2 ms and 2 ms
[clsst,ia,ic] = unique(nearest);
%% Interpolation
% this uses the index vectors to resample the depth vectors at
% integer times
As far as I can see there is one issue with this code:
I rely on the vector idx as my XI for interpolation. Vector idx is 1 sample shorter than vector ind (one duplicate was removed).
Therefore my new times will stop one millisecond short. This is a very small issue, and duplicate are unlikely but I am wondering if anybody can think of a workaround, or of a different way to approach the problem altogether.
Thank you
If I understand you correctly, you want to extrapolate to that extra point.
you can do this is many ways, one is to add that extra point to the interp1 line.
If you have some function you expect to follow your data you can use it by fitting it to the data and then obtaining that extra point or with a tool like fnxtr.
But I have a problem understanding what you want because of the way you used the line. The third argument you use, [1:1:length(idx)], is just the series [1 2 3 ...], usually when interpolating, one uses some vector x_i of points of interest, though I doubt your points of interest happen to be the series of integers 1:length(idx), what you want is just [1:length(idx) xi], where xi is that extra point x-axis value.
Instead of the loop just produce matrix forms out of L and testSDT, then matrix operation is somewhat faster in doing the min(abs(...:
[cl ind]=(min(abs(TT-MM)));