K-means Clustering, major understanding issue - matlab

Suppose that we have a 64dim matrix to cluster, let's say that the matrix dataset is dt=64x150.
Using from vl_feat's library its kmeans function, I will cluster my dataset to 20 centrers:
[centers, assignments] = vl_kmeans(dt, 20);
centers is a 64x20 matrix.
assignments is a 1x150 matrix with values inside it.
According to manual: The vector assignments contains the (hard) assignments of the input data to the clusters.
I still can not understand what those numbers in the matrix assignments mean. I dont get it at all. Anyone mind helping me a bit here? An example or something would be great. What do these values represent anyway?

In k-means the problem you are trying to solve is the problem of clustering your 150 points into 20 clusters. Each point is a 64-dimension point and thus represented by a vector of size 64. So in your case dt is the set of points, each column is a 64-dim vector.
After running the algorithm you get centers and assignments. centers are the 20 positions of the cluster's center in a 64-dim space, in case you want to visualize it, measure distances between points and clusters, etc. 'assignments' on the other hand contains the actual assignments of each 64-dim point in dt. So if assignments[7] is 15 it indicates that the 7th vector in dt belongs to the 15th cluster.
For example here you can see clustering of lots of 2d points, let's say 1000 into 3 clusters. In this case dt would be 2x1000, centers would be 2x3 and assignments would be 1x1000 and will hold numbers ranging from 1 to 3 (or 0 to 2, in case you're using openCV)
The code to produce this image is located here: http://pypr.sourceforge.net/kmeans.html#k-means-example along with a tutorial on kmeans for pyPR.

In openCV it is the number of the cluster that each of the input points belong to


How do I correctly plot the clusters produced from a cluster analysis in matlab?

I want to carry out hierarchical clustering in Matlab and plot the clusters on a scatterplot. I have used the evalclusters function to first investigate what a 'good' number of clusters would be using different criteria values eg Silhouette, CalinskiHarabasz. Here is the code I used for the evaluation (x is my data with 200 observations and 10 variables):
E = evalclusters(x,'linkage','CalinskiHarabasz','KList',[1:10])
%store kmean optimal clusters
%save the outouts to a structure
I then used code similar to what I have found online:
%OptimalY is a vector 200 long with the cluster numbers
and this is what I get:
My question may be silly, but I don't understand why I am only using the first two columns of data to produce the scatter plot? I realise that the clusters themselves are being incorporated through the use of the Optimal Y, but should I not be using all of the data in x?
Each row in x is an observation with properties in size(x,2) dimensions. All this dimensions are used for clustering x rows.
However, when plotting the clusters, we cannot plot more than 2-3 dimensions so we try to represent each element with its key properties. I'm not sure that x(:,1),x(:,2) are the best option, but you have to choose 2 for a 2-D plot.
Usually you would have some property of interest that you want to plot. Have a look at the example in MATLAB doc: the fisheriris data has 4 different variables - the length and width measurements from the sepals and petals of three species of iris flowers. It is up to you to decide which you want to plot against each other (in the example they choosed Petal Length and Petal Width).
Here is a comparison between taking Petals measurements and Sepals measurements as the axis for plotting the grouping:

How can I classify my data for K-Means Clustering

A proof of concept prototype I have to do for my final year project is to implement K-Means Clustering on a big data set and display the results on a graph. I only know object-oriented languages like Java and C# and decided to give MATLAB a try. I notice that with a functional language the approach to solving problems is very different, so I would like some insight on a few things if possible.
Suppose I have the following data set:
400.39 513.29 499.99 466.62 396.67
234.78 231.92 215.82 203.93 290.43
15.07 14.08 12.27 13.21 13.15
334.02 328.79 272.2 306.99 347.79
49.88 52.2 66.35 47.69 47.86
732.88 744.62 687.53 699.63 694.98
And I picked row 2 and 4 to be the 2 centroids:
234.78 231.92 215.82 203.93 290.43 % Centroid 1
334.02 328.79 272.2 306.99 347.79 % Centroid 2
I want to now compute the euclidean distances of each point to each centroid, then assign each point to it's closest centroid and display this on a graph. Let's say I want I want to classify the centroids as blue and green. How can I do this in MATLAB? If this was Java I would initialise each row as an object and add to separate ArrayLists (representing the clusters).
If rows 1, 2 and 3 all belong to the first centroid / cluster, and rows 4, 5 and 6 belong to the second centroid / cluster - how can I classify these to display them as blue or green points on a graph? I am new to MATLAB and really curious about this. Thanks for any help.
(To begin with, Matlab has a flexible distance measuring function, pdist2 and also kmeans implementation, but I'm assuming that you want to build your code from scratch).
In Matlab, you try to implement everything as matrix algebra, without loops over elements.
In your case, if R is the raw_data matrix and C is the centroids matrix,
you can shift the dimension that represents centroid number to the 3rd place by
permC=permute(C,[3 2 1]); Then the bsxfun function allows you to subtract C from R while expanding R's third dimension as necessary: D=bsxfun(#minus,R,permC). Element-wise square followed by summation across columns SqD=sum(D.^2,2) will give you the squared distances of each observation from each centroid. Performing all these operations within a single statement and shifting the third (centroid) dimension back to the 2nd place will look like this:
SqD=permute(sum(bsxfun(#minus,R,permute(C,[3 2 1])).^2,2),[1 3 2])
Picking the centroid of minimal distance is now straightforward: [minDist,minCentroid]=min(SqD,[],2)
If this looks complex, I recommend inspecting the product of each sub-step and reading the help of each command.

Coordinate normalization for NN input in matlab

I am trying to implement a classification NN in Matlab.
My inputs are clusters of coordinates from an image. (Corresponding to delaunay triangulation vertexes)
There are 3 clusters (results of the optics algorithm) in this format:
( Not all clusters are of the same size.). Elements represent coordinates in euclidean 2d space . So (110,12) is a point in my image and the matrix depicted represents one cluster of points.
Clustering was done on image edges. So coordinates refer to logical values (always 1s in this case) on the image matrix.(After edge detection there are 3 "dense" areas in an image, and these collections of pixels are used for classification). There are 6 target classes.
So, my question is how can I format them into single column vector inputs to use in a neural network?
(There is a relevant answer here but I would like some elaboration if possible. ( I am probably too tired right now from 12 hours of trying stuff and dont get it 100% :D :( )
Remember, there are 3 different coordinate matrices for each picture, so my initial thought was, create an nn with 3 inputs (of different length). But how to serialize this?
Here's a cluster with its tags on in case it helps:
For you to train the classifier, you need a matrix X where each row will correspond to an image. If you want to use a coordinate representation, this means all images will have to be of the same size, say, M by N. So, the row of an image will have M times N elements (features) and the corresponding feature values will be the cluster assignments. Class vector y will be whatever labels you have, that is one of the six different classes you mentioned through the comments above. You should keep in mind that if you use a coordinate representation, X can get very high-dimensional, and unless you have a large number of images, chances are your classifier will perform very poorly. If you have few images, consider using fractions of pixels belonging to clusters that I suggested in one of the comments: this can give you a shorter feature description that is invariant to rotation and translation, and may yield better classification.

How would I create my own linkage function in Matlab?

I've got a little bit of code that clusters data and builds a dendrogram for me, but I want to replace the linkage() function with code of my own, using the single linkage method. I understand in theory how this would work, but I'm having a hard time putting it into Matlab.
Are these steps correct? What would this look like written in Matlab?
Define each point in my matrix as a cluster
Find the proximity between each of the clusters
Group together the two closest clusters as one cluster
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until I reach my threshold
Here's my little bit of code if it's of any use:
%read the image file
%find pixels with a value of 15 (white)
%assign our forground to FG
%calculate euclidean distance of FG coordinates
%squareform to get 1241x1241
%perform single linkage on our matrix
%build a dendogram of our data

Using triplequad to calculate density (in Matlab)

As i've explained in a previous question: I have a dataset consisting of a large semi-random collection of points in three dimensional euclidian space. In this collection of points, i am trying to find the point that is closest to the area with the highest density of points.
As high performance mark answered;
the most straightforward thing to do would be to divide your subset of
Euclidean space into lots of little unit volumes (voxels) and count
how many points there are in each one. The voxel with the most points
is where the density of points is at its highest. Perhaps initially
dividing your space into 2 x 2 x 2 voxels, then choosing the voxel
with most points and sub-dividing that in turn until your criteria are
Mark suggested i use triplequad for this, but this is not a function i am familiar with, or understand very well. Does anyone have any pointers on how i could go about using this function in Matlab for what i am trying to do?
For example, say i have a random normally distributed matrix A = randn([300,300,300]), how could i use triplequad to find the point i am looking for? Because as i understand currently, i also have to provide triplequad with a function fun when using it. Which function should that be for this problem?
Here's an answer which doesn't use triplequad.
For the purposes of exposition I define an array of data like this:
A = rand([30,3])*10;
which gives me 30 points uniformly distributed in the box (0:10,0:10,0:10). Note that in this explanation a point in 3D space is represented by each row in A. Now define a 3D array for the counts of points in each voxel:
counts = zeros(10,10,10)
Here I've chosen to have a 10x10x10 array of voxels, but this is just for convenience, it would be only a little more difficult to have chosen some other number of voxels in each dimension, and there don't have to be the same number of voxels along each axis. Then the code
for ix = 1:size(A,1)
counts(ceil(A(ix,1)),ceil(A(ix,2)),ceil(A(ix,3))) = counts(ceil(A(ix,1)),ceil(A(ix,2)),ceil(A(ix,3)))+1
will count up the number of points in each of the voxels in counts.
Unfortunately I have to do some work this afternoon and won't be able to get back to wrestling with the triplequad solution until later. Hope this is OK in the meantime.