How to upload an app to Windows store using command line - powershell

I have created a windows store app and associate it with the store using the Visual Studio IDE. In the Visual Studio IDE there are menu options to create App packages and upload App Packages.
My question is, is it possible to upload app packages using the command line so that I can create a script in the CI to upload app packages to the store? If it is possible, how?
There were lot of tutorials on how to build app packages and deploying to local machine using command line but not on uploading app packages to the store using command line.

This article shows you what CmdLets are available:


Create apps using Flutter without Mac and iPhone?

I don't have a Mac and an iPhone. How can I make applications using my windows laptop for coding and without an iPhone for trying to run/debug the app? What are the best steps for me??
Notes: I have made several applications for android and web using flutter.
You can start by creating a Flutter project on your Windows laptop. Also, the iPhone is not required in Flutter, so you can code in your Windows laptop without needing an iPhone(Build iOS apps with Xcode, which only runs on macOS) to try to run/debug the app.
You cannot build a flutter iOS app directly from Windows. What you can do is use external tools to do it. One of these tools is Appollo ( It's a python CLI tool that let you access remote MacOS build machines.
Here is a demo of how to create the IPA on windows :
It's pretty easy to use :
First install it
pip install appollo
Then setup your Apple Developer account with Appollo :
Finally you can build the app and retrieve the IPA
appollo build start --build-type ad-hoc
appollo build ipa
And that's it.

How to publish a desktop application to another computer?

I wrote the first desktop application in Flutter, how can I get the things I need to run this application on another computer?
I found the Release folder (build\windows\runner\Release) with the following contents:
But when I try to run the app, I only see a black screen.
Download Visual Studio 2019 or later it is required.
Download here
— If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
then run one of following command in your project diroctory
flutter build windows
Then go to the release folder you should see the .exe file

Visual Studio doesn't generate the iOS "ipa" executable with Xamarin

I am trying to generate the ipa file in order to publish it to the Apple Store but Visual Studio (2015 Community Edition) doesn't create it.
I followed the steps from the official Xamarin docs but it doesn't work, I tried selecting "AdHoc", "Release" and "AppStore" (with iPhone platform selected), I have the last Xamarin updates in my Windows and Mac build hosts, the build process ends succesfully but the ipa file doesn't appear in the **Bin > iPhone > Ad Hoc (or Release) folder.
I am using the distribution profile.
I would really appreciate any help.
A combination of clearing the bin/iPhone/Ad-Hoc folder, changing the build number, restarting Visual Studio, and re-connecting to the Mac resolved this for me.

Where to get .xap file in Windows using ionic build?

I am using Ionic framework for my project. As per ionic build I have used the build command for windows:
ionic build windows
After the build I get the file structure as below:
The issue is I'm not able to figure out were do I get the .XAP file inside the platform/windows folder and I'm completely new on Windows build.
I'm just posting this as an answer, to which we came in the comments under the OP's question:
Add the windows phone platform: ionic platform add wp8.
Build for wp8: ionic build wp8.
The file CordovaAppProj_Debug_AnyCPU.xap is the one you're looking for.
However, I would like to turn your attention to these few posts:
which basically confirm what the official Ionic team says that the platforms wp8 and windows in general are not yet fully supported; but they hope they soon will be.

Deploying Silverlight applications to WinPhone7 emulator without Visual Studio

As per title, I would like to deploy my application without its Visual Studio project. I would prefer to place all executables/images/manifests in one directory and deploy it without needing the source or opening Visual Studio.
There is a way to do that for XNA apps, but it doesn't work for Silverlight apps for some reason. Other people had the same problem.
EDIT I know Phone Developer Tools are free and I am not trying to eliminate VS from my workflow. I just want to be able to grab the latest binary from the build server and quickly run it up in demo situations.
When you install the latest developer tools you get an application called "XAP Deployment" which can install a pre-built XAP onto either the emulator or the phone.
How to: Use the XAP Deployment Tool for Windows Phone
Visual Studio Express is free, and I think you can get a version of VS2010 now too.