Where to get .xap file in Windows using ionic build? - ionic-framework

I am using Ionic framework for my project. As per ionic build I have used the build command for windows:
ionic build windows
After the build I get the file structure as below:
The issue is I'm not able to figure out were do I get the .XAP file inside the platform/windows folder and I'm completely new on Windows build.

I'm just posting this as an answer, to which we came in the comments under the OP's question:
Add the windows phone platform: ionic platform add wp8.
Build for wp8: ionic build wp8.
The file CordovaAppProj_Debug_AnyCPU.xap is the one you're looking for.
However, I would like to turn your attention to these few posts:
which basically confirm what the official Ionic team says that the platforms wp8 and windows in general are not yet fully supported; but they hope they soon will be.


How to publish a desktop application to another computer?

I wrote the first desktop application in Flutter, how can I get the things I need to run this application on another computer?
I found the Release folder (build\windows\runner\Release) with the following contents:
But when I try to run the app, I only see a black screen.
Download Visual Studio 2019 or later it is required.
Download here
— If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
then run one of following command in your project diroctory
flutter build windows
Then go to the release folder you should see the .exe file

How to properly convert a Vue application to Ionic 4 Vue?

I'm trying to convert an existing VueJS project to use Ionic 4 and Ionic Native plugins. It's my first time using Ionic 4 and it looks like the Ionic CLI only allows you to build Angular based apps so far. The Vue integration needs to be done manually.
The documentation I've found so far allows me to consume Ionic components but does not seem to be enough to properly setup Ionic in my project.
After going through the steps and finally adding Vue.use(Ionic) to my main entry point, running ionic --help still tells me that my project is not an Ionic project, probably because I do not have a ionic.config.json available at root level. I then run ionic init, this config file gets generated, but it is now telling me to provide the ionic:serve npm script so that it can serve my project ("type": "custom"). How can I setup all the required scripts that Ionic needs ?
I will need to have this setup to be able to add Ionic Native plugins, build my app on different platforms, etc.
I could not find any information so far neither in the docs, nor in here.
Does anyone have further information about this ?
I know it's a bit late but it can be helpful for someone else. I'm in the same situation, and yes, now it's possible. From ionic docs:

Ionic platform add - do I need to run this every time project is checked out?

I have a team working on an ionic 2 project. Do I need to run:
ionic platform add ios
ionic platform add android
on each team members computer or is this platform configuration saved somewhere and I just need to run a command to have all the defined platforms setup?
In your updated setup, run :
ionic state save
This will add all your platform and plugin details to your package.json.
After the install in other systems, if platforms are not set,
ionic state restore
No need to run every time. one time is enough, it will create supporting files first time run.

How do I install a specific version of crosswalk using ionic cli2

I currently have an ionic 1 project, but have just switched to using ionic cli2. I previously used to add crosswalk into my project, by running the following command, as mentioned here.
ionic browser add crosswalk
However, ionic cli2 no longer supports the browser command, and I am unsure how to install it in the correct way.
Any help would be appreciated.
It seems the answer is as follows:
I need to run
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

Ionic downloads from github - can I avoid doing this with each new app?

I am new to Ionic and just getting used to it. However I have noticed that when I create an app files are download from github such as:
Often working without internet access is there a way that files I might need can be downloaded once and stored locally?
Yes, you can avoid downloading it with each new app. When you wrote something like to
$ ionic start YourAppName tabs
tabs - is an alias to Ionic starter repository. You can replace with relative or absolute path to a local directory.
Check out more about start parameters there - Starting an Ionic App.
EDIT: I don't see a reason why the code below couldn't work. And Yes, you have to unpack your default app files to some folder.
$ ionic start YourAppName c:\Temp\ionic-app-base-master
The command ionic start myApp will always create your project with the latest version of Ionic. It will always download the github. Currently there is no how to create a new project without using the downlod of the github.
You can create a blank project and uses it as "boilerplate project" (ionic start myApp blank). Then, when necessary, to update the Ionic (newest version) go to the root of your project and run ionic lib update.
Just download all the templates once and use it whenever you need when you are offline. Ionic will always download latest bundle when you do:
ionic start MyApp