Scala PriorityQueue conflict resolution? - scala

I'm working on a project that uses a PriorityQueue and A*. After digging around a ton I think part of the problem that I'm encountering while my search tries to solve my problem is in the PriorityQueue. I'm guessing that when it generates nodes of equal scoring (for example one earlier, and one later) it will chose the one from earlier rather than the one that was most recently generated.
Does anyone know if a PriorityQueue prioritizes the newest node if the scores are the same? If not, how can I make it do this?

PriorityQueue uses a heap to select the next element. Beyond that it makes no guarantees about how the elements are ordered. If it is important to you that nodes are ordered by addition order, you should keep a count of the number of items added and prioritize by the tuple (priority, -order).
If you do anything else, even if it happens to work now, it may break at any arbitrary time since the API makes no guarantees about how it chooses from among equal elements.


Apache Spark - Implementing a distributed QuadTree

I am really, really, new to Apache Spark.
I am working on implementing Approximate LOCI (or ALOCI), an anomaly detection algorithm, on a distributed way over Spark. This algorithm is based on storing points in a QuadTree that is used to find a point's number of neighbors.
I know exactly how QuadTrees work. In fact, I have implemented such a structure in Java recently. But I am completely lost as far as it concerns the way that such a structure can work in a distributed way over Spark.
Something similar to what I need can be found in Geospark.
GeoSpark uses in many cases a PointRDD class, that extends a SpatialRDD class which I can see that uses the QuadTree that can be found in the link above to partition the Spatial objects. That is what I understood, at least, in theory.
In practice, I still cannot figure this out. Let's say for example that I have millions of records in a csv and I want to read and load them in a QuadTree.
I could read a csv to an RDD, but then what? How does this RDD logically connects to the QuadTree I am trying to build?
Of course, I don't expect a working solution here. I just need the logic here to fill the gap in my mind. How do I implement a distributed QuadTree and how do I use it?
Ok, sadly there are no answers to this, but here I am two weeks later with a working solution. Not 100% sure if it is the right approach here, though.
I created a class named Element and turned each line of my csv to an RDD[Element]. I then created a serializable class named QuadNode which has a List[Elements] and an Array[String] of size 4. On adding elements to a node, these elements are added in the node's List. If the list get more than X elements (20 in my case), the node breaks into 4 children and the elements are sent to the children. Finally, I created a class QuadTree which has an RDD[QuadNodes] among its rest properties. Every time a node breaks to children then these children-nodes are added in the tree's RDD.
In a non-functional language, each node would have 4 pointers, one for each child. Since, we are in a distributed environment this approach could not work. So, I gave each node a unique Id. Root node has an id = "0". Root's nodes have ids "00", "01", "02" and "03". Node-"00" children have ids "000","001","002","003". In this way if we want to find all the descendants of a node, we filter our tree's RDD[QuadNode] by checking if nodes' ids startWith out node id. Reversing this logic helps us to find a node's parent node.
This is how I implemented my QuadTree, at least for now. If someone knows a better way of implementing this I would love to hear his/her opinion.

How to implement deterministic single threaded network simulation

I read about how FoundationDB does its network testing/simulation here:
I would like to implement something very similar, but cannot figure out how they actually did implement it. How would one go about writing, for example, a C++ class that does what they do. Is it possible to do the kind of simulation they do without doing any code generation (as they presumeably do)?
Also: How can a simulation be repeated, if it contains random events?? Each time the simulation would require to choose a new random value and thus be not the same run as the one before. Maybe I am missing something here...hope somebody can shed a bit of light on the matter.
You can find a little bit more detail in the talk that went along with those slides here:
As for the determinism question, you're right that a simulation cannot be repeated exactly unless all possible sources of randomness and other non-determinism are carefully controlled. To that end:
(1) Generate all random numbers from a PRNG that you seed with a known value.
(2) Avoid any sort of branching or conditionals based on facts about the world which you don't control (e.g. the time of day, the load on the machine, etc.), or if you can't help that, then pseudo-randomly simulate those things too.
(3) Ensure that whatever mechanism you pick for concurrency has a mode in which it can guarantee a deterministic execution order.
Since it's easy to mess all those things up, you'll also want to have a way of checking whether determinism has been violated.
All of this is covered in greater detail in the talk that I linked above.
In the sims I've built the biggest issue with repeatability ends up being proper seed management (as per the previous answer). You want your simulations to give different results only when you supply a different seed to your random number generators than before.
After that the biggest issue I've seen seems tends to be making sure you don't iterate over collections with nondeterministic ordering. For instance, in Java, you'd use a LinkedHashMap instead of a HashMap.

scala queue sort method

I am comparing a number of different methods for organizing the nodes at the "frontier" in dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm. One of the implementations that I am playing around with is using q: scala.collection.mutable.Queue.
Essentially, each time I add a node to q, I sort q. This method, as expected, takes significantly longer than using scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue and a MinHeap that I implemented. My question is, what kind of sort is Queue using when I call q.sorted? I am specifically interested in the time complexity of the sorted implementation.
I have tried looking at the API ( and code ( but haven't been able to track this down.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Queue inherits sorted method from SeqLike. And you can see, that it creates new array of same elements, sorts array via java.util.Arrays.sort and then creates new structure of original type.

Difference between ways of selecting descendants

With the risk of being redirected to a dublicate question, what is the difference between using $("ul li") and $("ul").find("li")?
You may find this similar question of interest: What is the fastest method for selecting descendant elements in jQuery?
If you only need first level children, using .children() will give you a performance boost since there is less to interrogate.
$("ul").find("li") is faster than $("ul li").
$("ul li") is going to be changed into $("ul").find("li") after some checks and breaking.
find() appeared faster than children() to me in single level selections.

Why no immutable double linked list in Scala collections?

Looking at this question, where the questioner is interested in the first and last instances of some element in a List, it seems a more efficient solution would be to use a DoubleLinkedList that could search backwards from the end of the list. However there is only one implementation in the collections API and it's mutable.
Why is there no immutable version?
Because you would have to copy the whole list each time you want to make a change. With a normal linked list, you can at least prepend to the list without having to copy everything. And if you do want to copy everything on every change, you don't need a linked list for that. You can just use an immutable array.
There are many impediments to such a structure, but one is very pressing: a doubly linked list cannot be persistent.
The logic behind this is pretty simple: from any node on the list, you can reach any other node. So, if I added an element X to this list DL, and tried to use a part of DL, I'd face this contradiction: from the node pointing to X one can reach every element in part(DL), but, by the properties of the doubly linked list, that means from any element of part(DL) I can reach the node pointing to X. Since part(DL) is supposed to be immutable and part of DL, and since DL did not include the node pointing to X, that just cannot be.
Non-persistent immutable data structures might have some uses, but they are generally bad for most operations, since they need to be recreated whenever a derivative is produced.
Now, there's the minor matter of creating mutually referencing strict objects, but this is surmountable. One can use by-name parameters and lazy vals, or one can do like Scala's List: actually create a mutable collection, and then "freeze" it in immutable state (see ListBuffer and it's toList method).
Because it is logically impossible to create a mutually (circular) referential data-structure with strict immutability.
You cannot create two nodes that point to each other due to simple existential ordering priority, in that at least one of the nodes will not exist when the other is created.
It is possible to get this circularity with tricks involving laziness (which is implemented with mutation), but the real question then becomes why you would want this thing in the first place?
As others have noted, there is no persistent implementation of a double-linked list. You will need some kind of tree to get close to the characteristics you want.
In particular, you may want to look at finger trees, which provide O(1) access to the front and back, amortized O(1) insertion to the front and back, and O(log n) insertion elsewhere. (That's in contrast to most other commonly-used trees which have O(log n) access and insertion everywhere.)
See also:
video explanation of finger trees (by the implementor of finger trees in clojure.contrib)
finger tree implementation in Scala (I haven't used it personally, but it's the top google hit)
As a supplemental to the answer of #KimStebel I like to add:
If you are searching for a data structure suitable for the question that motivated you to ask this question, then you might have a look at Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala by #DanielSpiewak.