Apache Spark - Implementing a distributed QuadTree - scala

I am really, really, new to Apache Spark.
I am working on implementing Approximate LOCI (or ALOCI), an anomaly detection algorithm, on a distributed way over Spark. This algorithm is based on storing points in a QuadTree that is used to find a point's number of neighbors.
I know exactly how QuadTrees work. In fact, I have implemented such a structure in Java recently. But I am completely lost as far as it concerns the way that such a structure can work in a distributed way over Spark.
Something similar to what I need can be found in Geospark.
GeoSpark uses in many cases a PointRDD class, that extends a SpatialRDD class which I can see that uses the QuadTree that can be found in the link above to partition the Spatial objects. That is what I understood, at least, in theory.
In practice, I still cannot figure this out. Let's say for example that I have millions of records in a csv and I want to read and load them in a QuadTree.
I could read a csv to an RDD, but then what? How does this RDD logically connects to the QuadTree I am trying to build?
Of course, I don't expect a working solution here. I just need the logic here to fill the gap in my mind. How do I implement a distributed QuadTree and how do I use it?

Ok, sadly there are no answers to this, but here I am two weeks later with a working solution. Not 100% sure if it is the right approach here, though.
I created a class named Element and turned each line of my csv to an RDD[Element]. I then created a serializable class named QuadNode which has a List[Elements] and an Array[String] of size 4. On adding elements to a node, these elements are added in the node's List. If the list get more than X elements (20 in my case), the node breaks into 4 children and the elements are sent to the children. Finally, I created a class QuadTree which has an RDD[QuadNodes] among its rest properties. Every time a node breaks to children then these children-nodes are added in the tree's RDD.
In a non-functional language, each node would have 4 pointers, one for each child. Since, we are in a distributed environment this approach could not work. So, I gave each node a unique Id. Root node has an id = "0". Root's nodes have ids "00", "01", "02" and "03". Node-"00" children have ids "000","001","002","003". In this way if we want to find all the descendants of a node, we filter our tree's RDD[QuadNode] by checking if nodes' ids startWith out node id. Reversing this logic helps us to find a node's parent node.
This is how I implemented my QuadTree, at least for now. If someone knows a better way of implementing this I would love to hear his/her opinion.


Optimizing a Prefix Tree in OrientDB

In my project, I have a fairly large prefix tree, potentially containing millions of nodes (about 250K nodes in my development instance), managed in OrientDB (pointing to other vertices in my graph).
The nodes of the prefix tree are represented by a Token vertex type. Each Token has a 'key' property and is connected to its child vertices by a 'child' edge type. So, a sequence like "hello world" would be represented as:
root -child-> "hello" -child-> "world"
Currently, I have a NOTUNIQUE_HASH_INDEX on Token.key and I am querying the data structure like this:
SELECT EXPAND(OUT('child')[key=:k]) FROM :p
where k is the child key I am looking for and p is the RID of the parent node.
Generally, performance is pretty good, but I am looking for ideas on improving the query, the indexing, or both for this use case. In particular, queries starting at the root node, which has many children, take noticeably longer than the other, less-connected nodes.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Luigi Dell'Aquila from the OrientDB team provided an excellent answer on the OrientDB Google Group. To summarize, the following query (suggested by Luigi) dramatically improved performance.
SELECT FROM Token where key = :k AND in('Child') contains :p
I just ran a realistic test and query time was reduced by 97%! See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/orient-database/mUkz6Z7hSwk for more details.

Drools 6 Fusion Notification

We are working in a very complex solution using drools 6 (Fusion) and I would like your opinion about best way to read Objects created during the correlation results over time.
My first basic approach was to read Working Memory every certain time, looking for new objects and reporting them to external Service (REST).
AgendaEventListener does not seems to be the "best" approach beacuse I dont care about most of the objects being inserted in working memory, so maybe, best approach would be to inject particular "object" in some sort of service inside DRL. Is this a good approach?
You have quite a lot of options. In decreasing order of my preference:
AgendaEventListener is probably the solution requiring the smallest amount of LOC. It might be useful for other tasks as well; all you have on the negative side is one additional method call and a class test per inserted fact. Peanuts.
You can wrap the insert macro in a DRL function and collect inserted fact of class X in a global List. The problem you have here is that you'll have to pass the KieContext as a second parameter to the function call.
If the creation of a class X object is inevitably linked with its insertion into WM, you could add the registry of new objects into a static List inside class X, to be done in a factory method (or the constructor).
I'm putting your "basic approach" last because it requires much more cycles than the listener (#1) and tons of overhead for maintaining the set of X objects that have already been put to REST.

Scala PriorityQueue conflict resolution?

I'm working on a project that uses a PriorityQueue and A*. After digging around a ton I think part of the problem that I'm encountering while my search tries to solve my problem is in the PriorityQueue. I'm guessing that when it generates nodes of equal scoring (for example one earlier, and one later) it will chose the one from earlier rather than the one that was most recently generated.
Does anyone know if a PriorityQueue prioritizes the newest node if the scores are the same? If not, how can I make it do this?
PriorityQueue uses a heap to select the next element. Beyond that it makes no guarantees about how the elements are ordered. If it is important to you that nodes are ordered by addition order, you should keep a count of the number of items added and prioritize by the tuple (priority, -order).
If you do anything else, even if it happens to work now, it may break at any arbitrary time since the API makes no guarantees about how it chooses from among equal elements.

scala queue sort method

I am comparing a number of different methods for organizing the nodes at the "frontier" in dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm. One of the implementations that I am playing around with is using q: scala.collection.mutable.Queue.
Essentially, each time I add a node to q, I sort q. This method, as expected, takes significantly longer than using scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue and a MinHeap that I implemented. My question is, what kind of sort is Queue using when I call q.sorted? I am specifically interested in the time complexity of the sorted implementation.
I have tried looking at the API (http://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.10.2/index.html#scala.collection.mutable.Queue) and code (https://github.com/scala/scala/blob/v2.10.2/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/Queue.scala#L1) but haven't been able to track this down.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Queue inherits sorted method from SeqLike. And you can see, that it creates new array of same elements, sorts array via java.util.Arrays.sort and then creates new structure of original type.

Tree collections in Scala

I want to implement a tree in Scala. My particular tree uses Swing Split panes to give multiple views of a geographical map. Any pane within a split pane can itself be further divided to give an extra view. Am I right in saying that neither TreeMap nor TreeSet provide Tree functionality? Please excuse me if I've misunderstood this. It strikes me there should be standard Tree collections and it is bad practice to keep reinventing the wheel. Are there any Tree implementation out there that might be the future Scala standard?
All Trees have three types of elements: a Root, Nodes and Leaves. Leaves and Nodes must have a single reference to a parent. Root and Nodes can have multiple references to child nodes and leaves. Leaves have zero children. Nodes and Root can not be deleted without their children being deleted. there's probably other rules / constraints that I've missed.
This seems like enough common specification to justify a standard collection. I would also suggest that there should be a standard subclass collection for the case where Root and Nodes can only have 2 children or a single leaf child. Which is what I want in my particular case.
Actually, a tree by itself is both pretty useless and pretty difficult to specify.
Starting with the latter, speaking strictly about the data structure, how many children can a tree have? Do nodes store values or not? Do nodes store metadata? Do children have pointers to their parents? Do you store the tree as nodes with pointers, or as positional elements on an array?
These are all questions to which the answer is "it depends". In fact, you stated that children have pointers to their parents, but that is not true for any immutable tree! You also seem to assume trees are always stored as node objects with references, when some trees are actually stored as nodes on a single array (such as a Heap).
Furthermore, not all these requirements can be accommodated -- some are mutually exclusive. Even if you ignore those, you are still left with a data structure which is not optimized for anything and clumsy to use because you have to deal with lots of details not relevant to you.
And, then, there's the second problem, which is that a tree, by itself, is useless. TreeSet and TreeMap take advantage of specific trees whose insertion/deletion/lookup algorithm makes them good data structures for sorted data. That, however, is not at all the only use for trees. Trees can be used to search for spatial algorithms, to represent tree-like real world information, to make up filesystems, etc. Sometimes the task is finding a tree inside a graph. Each of these uses require different representations and different algorithms -- the algorithms being what make them at all useful.
And, to top it off, writing a tree class is trivial. The problem is writing the algorithms to manipulate it.
There is a bit of mismatch between the notion of "tree" as a GUI widget—which you seem to be referring to—and tree as an ordered data structure. In the former case it is just a nested sequence, in the latter the aim is to provide for instance fast search algorithms, and you don't arbitrary manipulate the internal structure, where often the branching factor is constant and the tree height is kept balanced, etc. An example of the latter is collection.immutable.TreeMap which uses a self-balancing binary tree structure called Red-Black-Tree.
So these data structures are rather useless for bridging to javax.swing.TreeModel. There is little that can be done about this interface, so you'll probably stick with the default implementation DefaultTreeModel, a mutable non-generic structure (which is all that single threaded Swing needs).
For a discussion about having a scala-swing JTree wrapper, see this question. It also has a link to a Scala library for JTree.
Since you can use java classes with Scala, take a look at the javax.swing.tree package: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/swing/tree/package-summary.html, especially TreeModel and TreeNode, MutableTreeNode and DefaultMutableTreeNode. They were designed to be used with Swing, but are pretty much a standard tree implementation.
Other than that, implementing a (generic) tree should be pretty straightforward.
Since gui application imposes low performance demands on the tree collection you may use general graph library constrained to represent only tree structured-graph: http://scala-graph.org/
TreeSet and TreeMap are both based on RedBlack:
Red-black trees are a form of balanced binary trees where some nodes
are designated “red” and others designated “black.” Like any balanced
binary tree, operations on them reliably complete in time logarithmic
to the size of the tree.
(quote from Scala 2.8 Collections)
RedBlack is not documented very well but if you look at the source of TreeSet and TreeMap it's pretty easy to figure out how to use it, though it doesn't fill all (most?) of your requirements (nodes don't have references to the parent, etc).