Why no immutable double linked list in Scala collections? - scala

Looking at this question, where the questioner is interested in the first and last instances of some element in a List, it seems a more efficient solution would be to use a DoubleLinkedList that could search backwards from the end of the list. However there is only one implementation in the collections API and it's mutable.
Why is there no immutable version?

Because you would have to copy the whole list each time you want to make a change. With a normal linked list, you can at least prepend to the list without having to copy everything. And if you do want to copy everything on every change, you don't need a linked list for that. You can just use an immutable array.

There are many impediments to such a structure, but one is very pressing: a doubly linked list cannot be persistent.
The logic behind this is pretty simple: from any node on the list, you can reach any other node. So, if I added an element X to this list DL, and tried to use a part of DL, I'd face this contradiction: from the node pointing to X one can reach every element in part(DL), but, by the properties of the doubly linked list, that means from any element of part(DL) I can reach the node pointing to X. Since part(DL) is supposed to be immutable and part of DL, and since DL did not include the node pointing to X, that just cannot be.
Non-persistent immutable data structures might have some uses, but they are generally bad for most operations, since they need to be recreated whenever a derivative is produced.
Now, there's the minor matter of creating mutually referencing strict objects, but this is surmountable. One can use by-name parameters and lazy vals, or one can do like Scala's List: actually create a mutable collection, and then "freeze" it in immutable state (see ListBuffer and it's toList method).

Because it is logically impossible to create a mutually (circular) referential data-structure with strict immutability.
You cannot create two nodes that point to each other due to simple existential ordering priority, in that at least one of the nodes will not exist when the other is created.
It is possible to get this circularity with tricks involving laziness (which is implemented with mutation), but the real question then becomes why you would want this thing in the first place?

As others have noted, there is no persistent implementation of a double-linked list. You will need some kind of tree to get close to the characteristics you want.
In particular, you may want to look at finger trees, which provide O(1) access to the front and back, amortized O(1) insertion to the front and back, and O(log n) insertion elsewhere. (That's in contrast to most other commonly-used trees which have O(log n) access and insertion everywhere.)
See also:
video explanation of finger trees (by the implementor of finger trees in clojure.contrib)
finger tree implementation in Scala (I haven't used it personally, but it's the top google hit)

As a supplemental to the answer of #KimStebel I like to add:
If you are searching for a data structure suitable for the question that motivated you to ask this question, then you might have a look at Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala by #DanielSpiewak.


How is Scala so efficient with lists?

It's usually considered a bad practice to make unnecessary collections in Java as it consumes some memory and CPU. Scala seems to be pretty efficient with it and encourages to use immutable data structures.
How is Scala so efficient with Lists? What techniques are used to achieve that?
While the comments are correct that the claim that list is particularly efficient is a dubious one, it does much better than doing full copies of the collection for every operation like you would do with Java's standard collections.
The reason for this is List and the other immutable collections are not just mutable collections with mutation methods returning a copy, but are designed differently to with immutability in mind. They Take advantage of something called "structural sharing". If parts of a collection remain the same after a change, then those parts don't need to be copied and the same object can be shared across multiple collections. This works because of immutability, there is no change that they could be altered so it's safe to share.
Imagine the simplest example, prepending to a list.
You have a List(1,2,3) and you want to prepend 0
val original = List(1,2,3)
val updated = 0 :: original
You list would then look something like this
updated original
\ \
0 - - - 1 - - - 2 - - - 3
All that's needed is to create a new node and point it's tail to the head of your original list. Nothing needs to be copied. Similarly the tail and drop operations just need to return a reference to the appropriate node and nothing needs to be copied. This is why List can be quite good with the prepend and tail operations, because it doesn't do any copying even though it creates a "new" List.
Other List operations do require some amount copying, but always as little as possible. As long as part of the tail of a list is unchanged it doesn't need to be copied. For example when concatenating lists, the first list needs to be copied, but then it's tail can just point to the head of the second, so the second list doesn't need to be copied at all. This is why, when concatenating a long and short list it's better to put the shorter list on the "left" as it is the only one that needs to be copied.
Other types of collections are better at different operations. Vector for example can to both prepend and append in amortized constant time, as well as having good random access and update capabilities (though still much worse than a raw mutable array). In most cases it will be more efficient than List while still being immutable. It's implementation is quite complicated. It uses a trie datastructure, with many internal arrays to store data. The unchanged ones can be shared and only the ones that need to be altered by an update operation need to be copied.

Scala's toList function appears to be slow

I was under the impression that calling seq.toList() on an immutable Seq would be making a new list which is sharing the structural state from the first list. We're finding that this could be really slow and I'm not sure why. It is just sharing the structural state, correct? I can't see why it'd be making an n-time copy of all the elements when it knows they'll never change.
A List in Scala is a particular data structure: instances of :: each containing a value, followed by Nil at the end of the chain.
If you toList a List, it will take O(1) time. If you toList on anything else then it must be converted into a List, which involves O(n) object allocations (all the :: instances).
So you have to ask whether you really want a scala.collection.immutable.List. That's what toList gives you.
Sharing structural state is possible for particular operations on particular data structures.
With the List data structure in Scala, my understanding is that every element refers to the next, starting from the head through the tail, so a singly linked list.
From a structural state sharing perspective, consider the restrictions placed on this from the internal data structure perspective. Adding an element to the head of a List (X) effectively creates a new list (X') with the new element as the head of X' and the old list (X) as the tail. For this particular operation, internal state can be shared completely.
The same operation above can be applied to create a new List (X'), with the new element as the head of X' and any element from X as the tail, as long as you accept that the tail will be the element you choose from X, plus all additional elements it already has in it's data structure.
When you think about it logically, each data structure has an internal structure that allows some operations to be performed with simple shared internal structure and other operations requiring more invasive and costly computations.
The key from my perspective here is having an understanding of the constraints placed on the operations by the internal data structure itself.
For example, consider the same operations above on a doubly linked list data structure and you will see that there are quite different restrictions.
Personally, I find drawing out an understanding of the internal structure can be helpful in understanding the consequences of particular operations.
In the case of the toList operation on an arbitrary sequence, with no knowledge of the arbitrary sequences internal data structure, one has to therefore assume O(n). List.toList has the obvious performance advantage of already being a list.

Tree collections in Scala

I want to implement a tree in Scala. My particular tree uses Swing Split panes to give multiple views of a geographical map. Any pane within a split pane can itself be further divided to give an extra view. Am I right in saying that neither TreeMap nor TreeSet provide Tree functionality? Please excuse me if I've misunderstood this. It strikes me there should be standard Tree collections and it is bad practice to keep reinventing the wheel. Are there any Tree implementation out there that might be the future Scala standard?
All Trees have three types of elements: a Root, Nodes and Leaves. Leaves and Nodes must have a single reference to a parent. Root and Nodes can have multiple references to child nodes and leaves. Leaves have zero children. Nodes and Root can not be deleted without their children being deleted. there's probably other rules / constraints that I've missed.
This seems like enough common specification to justify a standard collection. I would also suggest that there should be a standard subclass collection for the case where Root and Nodes can only have 2 children or a single leaf child. Which is what I want in my particular case.
Actually, a tree by itself is both pretty useless and pretty difficult to specify.
Starting with the latter, speaking strictly about the data structure, how many children can a tree have? Do nodes store values or not? Do nodes store metadata? Do children have pointers to their parents? Do you store the tree as nodes with pointers, or as positional elements on an array?
These are all questions to which the answer is "it depends". In fact, you stated that children have pointers to their parents, but that is not true for any immutable tree! You also seem to assume trees are always stored as node objects with references, when some trees are actually stored as nodes on a single array (such as a Heap).
Furthermore, not all these requirements can be accommodated -- some are mutually exclusive. Even if you ignore those, you are still left with a data structure which is not optimized for anything and clumsy to use because you have to deal with lots of details not relevant to you.
And, then, there's the second problem, which is that a tree, by itself, is useless. TreeSet and TreeMap take advantage of specific trees whose insertion/deletion/lookup algorithm makes them good data structures for sorted data. That, however, is not at all the only use for trees. Trees can be used to search for spatial algorithms, to represent tree-like real world information, to make up filesystems, etc. Sometimes the task is finding a tree inside a graph. Each of these uses require different representations and different algorithms -- the algorithms being what make them at all useful.
And, to top it off, writing a tree class is trivial. The problem is writing the algorithms to manipulate it.
There is a bit of mismatch between the notion of "tree" as a GUI widget—which you seem to be referring to—and tree as an ordered data structure. In the former case it is just a nested sequence, in the latter the aim is to provide for instance fast search algorithms, and you don't arbitrary manipulate the internal structure, where often the branching factor is constant and the tree height is kept balanced, etc. An example of the latter is collection.immutable.TreeMap which uses a self-balancing binary tree structure called Red-Black-Tree.
So these data structures are rather useless for bridging to javax.swing.TreeModel. There is little that can be done about this interface, so you'll probably stick with the default implementation DefaultTreeModel, a mutable non-generic structure (which is all that single threaded Swing needs).
For a discussion about having a scala-swing JTree wrapper, see this question. It also has a link to a Scala library for JTree.
Since you can use java classes with Scala, take a look at the javax.swing.tree package: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/swing/tree/package-summary.html, especially TreeModel and TreeNode, MutableTreeNode and DefaultMutableTreeNode. They were designed to be used with Swing, but are pretty much a standard tree implementation.
Other than that, implementing a (generic) tree should be pretty straightforward.
Since gui application imposes low performance demands on the tree collection you may use general graph library constrained to represent only tree structured-graph: http://scala-graph.org/
TreeSet and TreeMap are both based on RedBlack:
Red-black trees are a form of balanced binary trees where some nodes
are designated “red” and others designated “black.” Like any balanced
binary tree, operations on them reliably complete in time logarithmic
to the size of the tree.
(quote from Scala 2.8 Collections)
RedBlack is not documented very well but if you look at the source of TreeSet and TreeMap it's pretty easy to figure out how to use it, though it doesn't fill all (most?) of your requirements (nodes don't have references to the parent, etc).

Which scala mutable list to use?

This is a followup question to No Scala mutable list
I want to use a mutable list in Scala. I can chose from
Which is nice, but what is the "standard", recommended, idiomatic scala way? I just want to use a list that I can add things to on the back.
In my case, I am using a HashMap, where the "lists" (I am meaning it in general sense) will be on value side. Then, I am reading something from a file and for every line, I want to find the right list in the hashmap and append the value to the list.
Depends what you need.
DoubleLinkedList is a linked list which allows you to traverse back-and-forth through the list of nodes. Use its prev and next references to go to the previous or the next node, respectively.
LinkedList is a singly linked list, so there are not prev pointers - if you only traverse to the next element of the list all the time, this is what you need.
EDIT: Note that the two above are meant to be used internally as building blocks for more complicated list structures like MutableLists which support efficient append, and mutable.Queues.
The two collections above both have linear-time append operations.
ListBuffer is a buffer class. Although it is backed by a singly linked list data structure, it does not expose the next pointer to the client, so you can only traverse it using iterators and the foreach.
Its main use is, however, as a buffer and an immutable list builder - you append elements to it via +=, and when you call result, you very efficiently get back a functional immutable.List. Unlike mutable and immutable lists, both append and prepend operations are constant-time - you can append at the end via += very efficiently.
MutableList is used internally, you usually do not use it unless you plan to implement a custom collection class based on the singly linked list data structure. Mutable queues, for example, inherit this class. MutableList class also has an efficient constant-time append operation, because it maintains a reference to the last node in the list.
The documentation's Concrete Mutable Collection Classes page (or the one for 2.12) has an overview of mutable list classes, including explanations on when to use which one.
If you want to append items you shouldn't use a List at all. Lists are good when you want to prepend items. Use ArrayBuffer instead.
I just want to use a list that I can add things to on the back.
Then choose something that implements Growable. I personally suggest one of the Buffer implementations.
I stay away from LinkedList and DoubleLinkedList, as they are present mainly as underlying implementation of other collections, but have quite a few bugs up to Scala 2.9.x. Starting with Scala 2.10.0, I expect the various bug fixes have brought them up to standard. Still, they lack some methods people expect, such as +=, which you'll find on collections based on them.

Reason for Scala's Map.unzip returning (Iterable, Iterable)

the other day I was wondering why scala.collection.Map defines its unzip method as
def unzip [A1, A2] (implicit asPair: ((A, B)) ⇒ (A1, A2)): (Iterable[A1], Iterable[A2])
Since the method returns "only" a pair of Iterable instead of a pair of Seq it is not guaranteed that the key/value pairs in the original map occur at matching indices in the returned sequences since Iterable doesn't guarantee the order of traversal. So if I had a
Map((1,A), (2,B))
, then after calling
Map((1,A), (2,B)) unzip
I might end up with
... = (List(1, 2),List(A, B))
just as well as with
... = (List(2, 1),List(B, A))
While I can imagine storage-related reasons behind this (think of HashMaps, for example) I wonder what you guys think about this behavior. It might appear to users of the Map.unzip method that the items were returned in the same pair order (and I bet this is probably almost always the case) yet since there's no guarantee this might in turn yield hard-to-find bugs in the library user's code.
Maybe that behavior should be expressed more explicitly in the accompanying scaladoc?
EDIT: Please note that I'm not referring to maps as ordered collections. I'm only interested in "matching" sequences after unzip, i.e. for
val (keys, values) = someMap.unzip
it holds for all i that (keys(i), values(i)) is an element of the original mapping.
Actually, the examples you gave will not occur. The Map will always be unzipped in a pair-wise fashion. Your statement that Iterable does not guarantee the ordering, is not entirely true. It is more accurate to say that any given Iterable does not have to guarantee the ordering, but this is dependent on implementation. In the case of Map.unzip, the ordering of pairs is not guaranteed, but items in the pairs will not change they way they are matched up -- that matching is a fundamental property of the Map. You can read the source to GenericTraversableTemplate to verify this is the case.
If you expand unzip's description, you'll get the answer:
definition classes: GenericTraversableTemplate
In other words, it didn't get specialized for Map.
Your argument is sound, though, and I daresay you might get your wishes if you open an enhancement ticket with your reasoning. Specially if you go ahead an produce a patch as well -- if nothing else, at least you'll learn a lot more about Scala collections in doing so.
Maps, generally, do not have a natural sequence: they are unordered collections. The fact your keys happen to have a natural order does not change the general case.
(However I am at a loss to explain why Map has a zipWithIndex method. This provides a counter-argument to my point. I guess it is there for consistency with other collections and that, although it provides indices, they are not guaranteed to be the same on subsequent calls.)
If you use a LinkedHashMap or LinkedHashSet the iterators are supposed to return the pairs in the original order of insertion. Other HashMaps, yeah, you have no control. Retaining the original order of insertion is quite useful in UI contexts, it allows you to resort tables on any column in a Web application without changing types, for instance.