Nested calls to integral and integral2 in Matlab - matlab

I have some code here which illustrates the nested nature of some integrals that I want to perform in matlab. When I run the following code I get the error
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in fun1/integrand (line 7)
f = x.^2.*t;
it seems that the way I have set it up now does not allow for vectorized output of the integral function. What can I do to make my code run? I have commented below what I want the functions to do.
My code is as follows:
%Main script:
z = linspace(0,10,10);
I = zeros(10,1);
for i = 1:10
I(i) = fun2(z(i));
%Function 1 in separate file:
function I = fun1(x)
I = integral(#integrand,-1,1);
function f = integrand(t)
f = x.^2.*t;
%Function 2 in separate file:
function I = fun2(z)
I = integral2(#integrand,-1,1,-1,1);
function f = integrand(x,y)
f = z.*fun1(x).*y; // here fun1 should return the value for all x that is swept through by integral2 during its call.

The problem with your code is you are using integral2 and integral1 in a combination. This way integral2 generates a grid for x and y and integral1 generates the t values. This way the t and x values don't match in size, and even if they would they are part of a different grid.
As already discussed, using ingetral3 is the right choice. Alternatively you could simply "fix" this introducing a loop, but this results in much slower code:
function I = fun1(x)
for ix=1:numel(x)
I(ix) = integral(#(t)integrand(x(ix),t),-1,1);
function f = integrand(x,t)
f = x.^2.*t;


How do I define parameters in a convolution equation?

I am trying to compute the convolution of a sound signal without using the built in conv function but instead using arrays. x is the input signal and h is are the impulse responses. However, when I run my other main function to call onto my_conv I am getting these errors:
Undefined function or variable 'nx'.**
Error in my_conv (line 6)
Error in main_stereo (line 66)
leftchannel = my_conv(leftimp, mono); % convolution of left ear impulse response and mono
This is my function my_conv:
function [y]=my_conv(x,h)
for i =1:nh
What changes should I make to fix these errors and get this code running?
I am trying to immplement the function into this code:
input_filename = 'speech.wav';
stereo_filename = 'stereo2.wav';
imp_filename = 'H0e090a.dat';
len_imp = 128;
fp = fopen(imp_filename, 'r', 'ieee-be');
data = fread(fp, 2*len_imp, 'short');
[mono,Fs] = audioread(input_filename);
if (Fs~=44100)
len_mono = length(mono);
leftimp = data(1:2:2*len_imp);
rightimp = data(2:2:2*len_imp);
leftchannel = my_conv(leftimp, mono);
rightchannel = my_conv(rightimp, mono);
leftchannel = reshape(leftchannel , length(leftchannel ), 1);
rightchannel = reshape(rightchannel, length(rightchannel), 1);
norml = max(abs([leftchannel; rightchannel]))*1.05;
audiowrite(stereo_filename, [leftchannel rightchannel]/norml, Fs);
As pointed out by #SardarUsama in comments, the error
Undefined function or variable 'nx'.
Error in my_conv (line 6) ly=nx+nh-1;
tells you that the variable nx has not been defined before before its usage on the line ly=nx+nh-1. Given the naming of the variables and their usage, it looks like what you intended to do was:
nx = length(x);
nh = length(h);
ny = nx+nh-1;
After making these modifications and solving the first error, you are likely going to get another error telling you that
error: my_conv: operator *: nonconformant arguments
This error is due to an inversion in the specified size of the Y matrix. This can be fixed by initializing Y with Y = zeros(ny, nh);. The resulting my_conv function follows:
function [y]=my_conv(x,h)
for i =1:nh
Note that storing every possible shifts of one of the input vectors in the matrix Y to compute the convolution as a matrix multiplication is not very memory efficient (requiring O(NM) storage). A more memory efficient implementation would compute each element of the output vector directly:
function [y]=my_conv(x,h)
if (nx < nh)
y = my_conv(h,x);
y = zeros(1,ny);
for i =1:ny
idh = [max(i-(ny-nh),1):min(i,nh)]
idx = [min(i,nx):-1:max(nx-(ny-i),1)]
y(i) = sum(x(idx).*h(idh));
An alternate implementation which can be more computationally efficient for large arrays would make use of the convolution theorem and use the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT):
function [y]=my_conv2(x,h)
if (size(x,1)>size(x,2))
x = transpose(x);
if (size(h,1)>size(h,2))
h = transpose(h);
Xf = fft([x zeros(size(x,1),ny-nx)]);
Hf = fft([h zeros(size(h,1),ny-nh)]);
y = ifft(Xf .* Hf);

Two functions in Matlab to approximate integral - not enough input arguments?

I want to write a function that approximates integrals with the trapezoidal rule.
I first defined a function in one file:
function[y] = integrand(x)
y = x*exp(-x^2); %This will be integrand I want to approximate
Then I wrote my function that approximates definite integrals with lower bound a and upper bound b (also in another file):
function [result] = trapez(integrand,a,b,k)
sum = 0;
h = (b-a)/k; %split up the interval in equidistant spaces
for j = 1:k
x_j = a + j*h; %this are the points in the interval
sum = sum + ((x_j - x_(j-1))/2) * (integrand(x_(j-1)) + integrand(x_j));
result = sum
But when I want to call this function from the command window, using result = trapez(integrand,0,1,10) for example, I always get an error 'not enough input arguments'. I don't know what I'm doing wrong?
There are numerous issues with your code:
x_(j-1) is not defined, and is not really a valid Matlab syntax (assuming you want that to be a variable).
By calling trapez(integrand,0,1,10) you're actually calling integrand function with no input arguments. If you want to pass a handle, use #integrand instead. But in this case there's no need to pass it at all.
You should avoid variable names that coincide with Matlab functions, such as sum. This can easily lead to issues which are difficult to debug, if you also try to use sum as a function.
Here's a working version (note also a better code style):
function res = trapez(a, b, k)
res = 0;
h = (b-a)/k; % split up the interval in equidistant spaces
for j = 1:k
x_j1 = a + (j-1)*h;
x_j = a + j*h; % this are the points in the interval
res = res+ ((x_j - x_j1)/2) * (integrand(x_j1) + integrand(x_j));
function y = integrand(x)
y = x*exp(-x^2); % This will be integrand I want to approximate
And the way to call it is: result = trapez(0, 1, 10);
Your integrandfunction requires an input argument x, which you are not supplying in your command line function call

Why can't I pass a function handle to fsolve, but I can write an equivalent anonymous function in fsolve?

I find this somewhat odd. I am currently writing a simple function to solve a system of equations using fsolve. Here is what I have:
%Variable Declarations
I0 = 10e-12;
n = 1;
Vt = 0.0259;
R = 10e3;
Vs = 3;
%Function 1 (Some may recognize that this is the Shockley Diode Equation, if anyone cares...)
i1 = #(v1)(I0) * (exp((v1)/(n*Vt))-1);
%Function 2
i2 = #(v1) ((Vs-v1)/R);
%This is what I originally tried
h = #(v1) i1(v1)-i2(v1);
fsolve(h(v1), 1)
%After running this, I receive "Undefined function or variable 'v1.'"
% However, if I write
%The function works. With the result, I plugged that value into h(v1), and it produces the expected result (very close to 0)
That said, why doesn't matlab allow me to pass a function handle to fsolve?
You want to pass a function handle, which is h, not h(v1). h(v1) itself can't be evaluated because v1 is not defined.
Try fsolve(h, 1)

correct function handle for integral2 in matlab

I created a function in matlab that returns a vector like
function w = W_1D(x,pos,h)
if (h~=0)
xmpos = x-pos;
inds1 = (-h <= xmpos) & (xmpos < 0);
w(inds1) = xmpos(inds1)./h + 1;
inds2 = (0 <= xmpos) & (xmpos <= h);
w(inds2) = -xmpos(inds2)./h + 1;
error('h shouldn't be 0')
Thus, in the end, there is a vector w of size length(x).
Now i created a second function like
function f = W_2D(x,y,pos_1,pos_2,h)
w_x = W_1D(x,pos_1,h);
w_y = W_1D(y,pos_2,h);
f = w_x'*w_y;
where length(x)=length(y). Thus, the function W_2D obviously returns a matrix.
But when I now try to evaluate the integral over a rectangular domain like e.g.
V = integral2(#(x,y) W_2D(x,y,2,3,h),0,10,0,10);
matlab returns some errors:
Error using integral2Calc>integral2t/tensor (line 242)
Integrand output size does not match the input size.
Error in integral2Calc>integral2t (line 56)
[Qsub,esub] = tensor(thetaL,thetaR,phiB,phiT);
Error in integral2Calc (line 10)
[q,errbnd] = integral2t(fun,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,optionstruct);
Error in integral2 (line 107)
Q = integral2Calc(fun,xmin,xmax,yminfun,ymaxfun,opstruct);
I also tried to vary something in the W_2D-function: instead of f = w_x'*w_y;
I tried f = w_x.'*w_y;
or w_y = transpose(w_y); f = kron(w_x,w_y);, but there is always this error with the Integrand output size-stuff.
Can anyone explain, where my fault is?
EDIT: After Werner's hint with the keyboard debugging method, I can tell you the following.
The first step returns w_x of type <1x154 double>, w_y is <1x192 double>, x and y are both <14x14 double>. In the next step, f appears with a value of <154x192 double>. Then everything disappears, except x and y and the matlab-function integral2Calc.m appears in the editor and it jumps to the Function Call Stack integral2t/tensor and after some more steps, the error occurs here
Z = FUN(X,Y); NFE = NFE + 1;
if ~isfloat(Z)
% Check that FUN is properly vectorized. This is important here
% because we (otherwise) always pass in square matrices, which
% reduces the probability of the user generating an error by
% using matrix functions instead of elementwise functions.
if ~isequal(size(Z),size(X)) || ~isequal(size(Z1),size(VTSTIDX))
% Example:
% integral2(#(x,y)1,0,1,0,1)
Hope that information is detailed enough...I have no idea what happenes, because my example is exact as it is given on the mathworks site about integral2, isn't it?
Maybe I should precise a bit more, what I wanna do: since W_2D gives me a surface w(x,y) of a compactly supported 2-dimensional hat-function, stored in a matrix w, I want to calculate the volume between the (x,y)-plane and the surface z=w(x,y)...
EDIT2: I still do not understand how to handle the problem, that integral2 creates matrices as inputs for my W_1D-functions, which are called in W_2D and intended to have a <1xn double>-valued input and return a <1xn double> output, but at least I can simply use the following to solve the integration over the tensor product by using two one-dimensional integral-calls, that is
V = integral(#(x)integral(#(y)W_1D(y,3,h),0,10).*W_1D(x,2,h),0,10);
This first function is quite wrong. You are not indexing the array positions while you are doing w = x inside for.
Besides, if that would work, you are returning a line vector, that is, size 1xlength(x) and when you do w_x'*w_y you are doing length(x)x1 times 1xlength(y), which would give you a matrix length(x)*length(y).
Consider correcting your function:
function w = W_1D(x,pos)
w = zeros(length(x),1); % Allocate w as column vector, so that the product gives a scalar (as I suppose that it is what you want.
for ii=1:length(x) % Here, so that is indexes w and x elements as you need
w(ii)=x(ii) - pos; % I changed your code to something that makes sense, but I don't know if that is what you want to do, you have to adapt it to work correctly.
You may also want to debug your functions, consider adding keyboard before your operations and check what they are returning using dbstep. I.e:
function f = W_2D(x,y,pos_1,pos_2)
w_x = W_1D(x,pos_1);
w_y = W_1D(y,pos_2);
f = w_x'*w_y;
Execution will stop at keyboard, then you can check w_x size, w_y size, and do dbstep to go after f = w_x'*w_y and see what it returned. After you finish debug, you can do dbcont so that it will continue execution.
This answer is a draft as it is quite difficult to help you with the information you have provided. But I think you can start working the things out with this. If you have more doubts feel free to ask.

MATLAB Function (Solving an Error)

I have one file with the following code:
function fx=ff(x)
I have another file with the following code:
function g = LaplaceTransform(s,N)
g = ff(x)*exp(-s*x);
for i=1:(N-1)
Whenever I run the second file, I get the following error:
Undefined function or variable 'x'.
What I am trying to do is integrate the function g between 0 and 1 using trapezoidal approximations. However, I am unsure how to deal with x and that is clearly causing problems as can be seen with the error.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
Looks like what you're trying to do is create a function in the variable g. That is, you want the first line to mean,
"Let g(x) be a function that is calculated like this: ff(x)*exp(-s*x)",
rather than
"calculate the value of ff(x)*exp(-s*x) and put the result in g".
You can create a subfunction for this
function result = g(x)
result = ff(x) * exp(-s * x);
Or you can create an anonymous function
g = #(x) ff(x) * exp(-s * x);
Then you can use g(a), g(b), etc to calculate what you want.
You can also use the TRAPZ function to perform trapezoidal numerical integration. Here is an example:
%# parameters
a = 0; b = 1;
N = 100; s = 1;
f = #(x) x;
%# integration
X = linspace(a,b,N);
Y = f(X).*exp(-s*X);
If = trapz(X,Y) %# value returned: 0.26423
%# plot
area(X,Y, 'FaceColor',[.5 .8 .9], 'EdgeColor','b', 'LineWidth',2)
grid on, set(gca, 'Layer','top', 'XLim',[a-0.5 b+0.5])
title('$\int_0^1 f(x) e^{-sx} \,dx$', 'Interpreter','latex', 'FontSize',14)
The error message here is about as self-explanatory as it gets. You aren't defining a variable called x, so when you reference it on the first line of your function, MATLAB doesn't know what to use. You need to either define it in the function before referencing it, pass it into the function, or define it somewhere further up the stack so that it will be accessible when you call LaplaceTransform.
Since you're trying to numerically integrate with respect to x, I'm guessing you want x to take on values evenly spaced on your domain [0,1]. You could accomplish this using e.g.
x = linspace(a,b,N);
EDIT: There are a couple of other problems here: first, when you define g, you need to use .* instead of * to multiply the elements in the arrays (by default MATLAB interprets multiplication as matrix multiplication). Second, your calls g(a) and g(b) are treating g as a function instead of as an array of function values. This is something that takes some getting used to in MATLAB; instead of g(a), you really want the first element of the vector g, which is given by g(1). Similarly, instead of g(b), you want the last element of g, which is given by g(length(g)) or g(end). If this doesn't make sense, I'd suggest looking at a basic MATLAB tutorial to get a handle on how vectors and functions are used.